Cookies Recipes

#Easy #cookies #especial. How to bake especial cookies

Easy to follow the steps in this recipe. 15 minutes preparation and 15 to 20 minutes in the oven.

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Video Transcription

cup chugging again let’s imagine ah manI might owe her so go up Sochi I willshow you the 250 grams of butter tillspoons of flour 5 spoons of powderedsugar 1 pack of baking soda bakingpowder 1 pack of anemia and 3 spoons ofwet wet flour wet wet starch so firstspoon of the doughy nothing is you’regonna delegate not in your wet starch 3spoon of red starchhello into nothing shall fight spoon ofpowder sugarand we make it so you know meetingPanetta and you become a nothing justcomfortably as long as we will wash ourhands for me hello efficient mind deeperthen they get another personnext delegate not in your butterso but now I’m an economist both in herethen become taken to nothing another guyam floorsit on a pole I have like a canolaflower so how do not sit on a push I’mgonna hide oh come on you they learnabout nothing Vanitas coming up our messup is Nene’s para Puma Hanuman Iggy soafter Puna table you morena morgan inthe big one is an akuna pure youngvanilla vanillaHollythey learn that the top is putting onvanilla baking powder decay up withsample charm I think half Segura to anarticle charater everything which areI might end up a little you need to comewith mass is a personeterna push-up pug meet you my ticketpapa when you pour nothing de ganarcontain holding harina para english amedic it’s a man sector Nicosiaso before cocoa beetle below is banana abanana come on I am open for fiveminutes but upon the top of script is asilent middle siddhappa to my granulatedsugar pitaya para Panetta postponed atiny window he did not in Italy Baba[Music]who shares as I don’t know for nothingguys this is the finished product of mycookiesyouhello guys thank you for watching I hopeyou liked this video or this receiptpleaseyou mean deeper poonam a pug subscribebut a subscriber cool do it like commentand share your info button a puppysubscribethen the special thanks popular Parisfor this Jersey today anonymous personthank you so much for this deliciouscookie and to my special thanks also tomy employer for allowing to cook sincethe quarantine danila youtube gazanabunzel indeed on balloon upload sothey allow me to cool and of course forthe for providing the ingredients thankyou so much see you pull for the nextvideo bye[Music]

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