Easy recipe for adultos and kids.
Vanilla – Chocolate chip cookies
3 1/4 Cups flour
1 tsp. Baking soda
3/4 tsp. Salt
1 1/3 cups granulated sugar
1 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs
4 tsp. Vanilla extract
1 pkg. (12 oz) semi-sweet chocolate chips
MIX flour, baking soda and salt in medium bowl.
Beat butter and sugars in large bowl with a d electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy.
Add eggs and vanilla, mix well.
Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until well mixed. Stir in chocolate chips.
DROP by rounded tablespoons about 2 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheets.
BAKE in preheated 375 F oven 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned.
Cool on baking sheets 1 minute, remove to wire racks, cool completely.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys it’s Tomas again and I willmeet be making cookie vanilla cookiesvanilla chocolate chip cookies so wehave 1 cup of brown sugar which is righthere 12 ounces of chocolate chip 1 and a1/4 cup a cup of sugar 2 eggs court 8teaspoons of vanilla 3/4 teaspoons ofsalt 1 teaspoon of baking soda 3 3 cups1/4 flour and then we have 3 and 3/4 ofbutter right here so let’s get startedokay so first we need to add I thinkit’s the baking soda into herecloser to me hey guys I will put mybutter bit too bit in the electric mixerso that’s good and then you add both ofthe sugars so let’s get startedlike that[Music][Music]Wowwhen I love Caesar not flowershigher okay guys now we’re three cups offlour and the twelve ounces of chocolatechip[Music][Music]our cookie dough is ready you canpreheat your oven at 375 degrees and Ihave a cookie cookie sheet ready to bakemy cookies I thought I was special guestmy dadhey guys is how my cookies look likewhen they’re done baked and I could bakethem about 20 to 30 minutes and and I’meating one right now you can eat themwith milk or fasting if you want