Cookies Recipes

COME BAKE WITH US | lockdown means make cookies!! Who doesn’t love food?! #baking #cookies

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hey guys and welcome back to my channelso in today’s video I’m joined the wayof Jamie and Ollie and we’re gonna dolike a come bake with me[Music]we’re just gonna make some cookies we’rejust gonna take you along with usyes baby’s gonna grab the recipe oh I’mmakingcopycat chocolate chip minis cookiescopycat chocolate chip cookies Lily’scookies I’ve made these before and theywere really nice so a step previous 200°Archbold cream together the butter andsugar until pale and fluffy and then theegg then if you’re going to add vanillaadd vanilla but mix together well weneed 125 we using the bacon 125 grams doyou remember when we will make him theValentine’s Day meal last that’s twoyears ago and no not the dessert when weare making the cheese balls for thestarter you told me to great I wonder 25but I could feel offer them attract agreat tip I don’t burn the fruits youtook too long Sturridge remember cheesebut you told me togreat hundred twenty-five so instead ofjust great in it until it hit 125 I quitinto chunks until it was 125 they triedto grate itI plucked the tiniest bits and I wasgreat and it was it didn’t work heshouted[Music][Music]as the Sugar Bowl ah this is what I haveto live with peoplestill pretty too much Oh shall I be oftrying yeah reason the Billington’sbrown sugar I actually really like Ithink I like yep next yeah what’s in theshowbiz until pale and fluffy helloI ain’t gonna edit make sure thingsplease I’ve been told to do it like thisso you can see but it’s not the easiestto mix I kind of do so we’re just gonnamix that mixture see while everyone isquarantine isolating you can follow thisrecipe and make cookies with your kidsyour mom your dad just don’t go out theway to go out there yeah but you canbrush up on your baking skillsand then we are free to try any if youwish to send it yes the headless man ohyeah linked my eyeball you mix it alittle bit more actually yep and if youare add in the vanilla add the vanillanow it is half one teaspoon of vanillaif you are add in the vanillaI personally[Music][Music]mixing away next flower some usingParsons self-raising you need 220 gramsalright law and you have to sieve itwhen you put it into the thing yeahwith this you’re also adding half ateaspoon of salt but I’m just gonna adda pinchso now I’m just gonnad Jamie shouted at me for making messand then he’s gone that’s making orderwhere these are nuts just dropped allthe flour on the floor I think you seewhen you watch his backeverybody saw you doing the flour whenyou were just staring it you just made areally big mess with on that freshlyStreet floor where oh god do you socksnow what you’re doing here is you’remixing it until it’s soft dough formsit’s a bit like cookie dough and whenyou get to that stage you’re gonna add200 grams of chocolate chips I don’tknow why that’s some white chocolate andsome milk chocolate just gonna you areready to melt these warm it’s meltedchocolate but staining wise this is[Music]this greaseproof bacon trying to holdthe trash what does this dowalnut-sized fingers fingers I’ve washedmy hands by the way walnut sized meatinto a ball roll one two three four fivesix seven eight nine ten eleven twelvethirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seveneightso we’ve managed to make a quarry theresince i I’ve caught you so it managed tomake 20 cookies Jamie’s gonna show youtwo trays you could get 24 out of them Ithink I just made me feel a bit too bignow we’re gonna out pop them in the ovenfor seven to ten minutes and we willkeep you updated[Music][Music]keys are down cookies it down so herethey are fresh out of the oven and theyactually really good they’ve got a lotbigger than I thought they would lookgood don’t theyso we’ve just put the over batch in andwe’re waiting for those to cook here isOllie no well is it hi quoting himred-handed trying to touch them hey whenI explained to them what you’re doing ohsay hihe’s been eating biscuits that’s whyhe’s got mess on his face yeah it’s justcookies coincidentally caught on camerared-handed why did say user now I wouldrecommend to get him off of a knife thatshamila think she’s better than myinformationor is this in team um take it off with aknifeoh I was going to straight through Idon’t they were enoughI just stayed there I’m very gooey I’mgoing off to help so the cookies arebehind us over here we’re just gonna letthem cool and then we’re gonna eat themI mean there’s still quite gooey some ofthem had a bit too much chocolate yeahbut the one that accidentally fellthrough and ended up in my mouthaccidentally tasted really goodso yeah we’re gonna let them coolJamie’s currently doing dinner and ourburgers and chips tonight potato wedgesoh sorry we’re gonna have burgers andpotato wedges little mate we’re gonnahave burgers and homemade potato wedgestonight dropping but I’ll update youonce the cookies have cord what they’relikewhat you want to say USA hi hey yeah thecookies the gone yeah they were there aminute ago empanada Conant Lee you saybye then say bye everyonehey bye right so we’ve just had dinnerand now look at have some cookies[Music]they’re really gooey[Music]there’s too much chakra a little bit toomuch chocolate chips because someonedecided to fill up two whole pot it said200 grams of chocolate chip yeah yeahtoo much chocolateyeah maybe 100 150 unless you like itreally chocolatey then let’s don’t knowit’s good for that even though they’renot even no good yeah so I’ll pop therecipe in the description in case youwant to check it out but I was sad soit’s gonna be it for this video we’regonna make an Oreo cake next how do Imake an Oreo cake MEK so stay tuned forepisode 2 of come back with us we’ve gotthree weeks I hope you enjoyed thatrandom video hey I wanna say bye anyonecopy them for them yeah we hope youenjoyed this video and if you did don’tforget to smash that thumbs up buttonand subscribe to my channel as well andmake sure you’ve got your postnotification bell turned on so post newvideos every Monday and Friday at 11o’clock and yeah so byebut I hope you enjoyed that video and Iwill see you guys in my next videoyou

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