Director of Relocation, Catharine Pappas shares her secret ingredients she uses to make the best chocolate chip cookies with us today.
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Video Transcription
good afternoon everybody one thing thatis very necessary in this time ofshelter-in-placeit’s chocolate-chip cookie dough sotoday we are going to show you how tomake fabulous chocolate-chip cookiedough I make this for the office atdickens Michener all the time and theyabsolutely love it so the first thingwe’re going to do is you’re going toturn on your oven to preheat I do 325 Ihave convection bake ovens so I haveturned this on to convection bake at 325so that’s heating up while we’re gettingour cookie dough ready to go so firstthing you want to do is you want tomeasure out your sugar and want to justpoint out that you have to pack thebrown sugar it’s a very different amountif you just scoop brown sugar versuspacking it in so we want to do 3/4 cupof regular sugar white sugar which I’vealready dumped in here and 3/4 force cupof the brown sugar so put that in andthen the key to chocolate chip cookiedough is softened butter so you want tomake sure and either leave your butterout at room temperature or you can putit in the microwave for 10 seconds asyou were watching it and rotating itmaking sure that you don’t melt it sothe more melted the butter the crispyerr the chocolate chip cookies and theharder the butter the more cake likeyour chocolate chip cookies will be soyou can decide which one your familylikes so we’re gonna put the butter infirst and a stand mixer works best andis easiest so we’re going to put thatbutter in here and we’re justgive it a quick little blendand then we’re going to add in our sugarget that all in and we’re gonna creamthe butter in the sugarand you’ll notice that creaming butterand sugar takes about two to threeminutes and it changes color as itcreams and becomes lighter especiallywhen you’re using just white sugar whichI do with my cakes but in chocolate chipcookie you just want to make sure thatit’s well blended and that you scrapedown the sidesthen we’re gonna add in our two eggs andthose eggs need to be at roomtemperaturewhenever you’re baking anything so youmight want to take out your butter andeggs the night before that you’replanning on baking so they’re ready togo the next day add those inand let that blendand then we’re gonna turn it off andscrape the sides down to make sure thatit all gets well mixedand then are you all ready because herecomes the secret ingredient- my chocolate chip cookiesand I have two secret ingredients todayI’m going to use cream cheese sometimesI use peanut butter so sometimes I’lluse a tablespoon of peanut butter as asecret ingredient but today we’re goingto use a half a block of cream cheeseand this just adds a whole new dimensionto the chocolate chip cookie recipe soblend that in[Music]and get that all good and blendedand then we’re gonna add one teaspoon ofvanillainand we are almost done see how fast andeasy this is next we’re going to do theflower and this has teaspoon of bakingsoda and salt already added in and Ialways use to the white lily flower foralmond a heat with the black label whichis the all-purpose you don’t want to getthe green level because that has thatself rising so you want to look for thewhite lily with a black label and use asifter and sift the flour mix the muchlighter better product as we add in ourflourback up all our bowls wash those in aminuteand then last but not least thechocolate chipsand we’ve had a couple of requests todayfor a white chocolate and chocolate chipso we are gonna do half of our recipewe’re gonna do just chocolate chipcookies and then the other half we aregonna add white chocolate chips andwe’re gonna put the dough in theseminiature muffin tins and so we’ll havechocolate chip cookies here and thenwe’re gonna do the white chocolate andchocolate chip cookie muffinsover here give it a little bit differentand that is all there is to it ourchocolate chip cookie dough is ready andthis freezes beautifully so if you wantto make double the recipe and put halfin the freezer for later so you havethose in case of emergencies crankychildren or whatever might befall youyou can have chocolate chip cookie doughready to go at any moment so we’ll justclean this offthat right over here we don’t need togrease pans you’re fine just as they areand we’re gonna do the two spoon methodand put our doughjust a little bit apart like so and thenwe’re going to add some white chocolatechips to some additional batter andwe’ll show you how we’re gonna put thoseright in here and we’re just going toadd a few chocolate chips they’re justgoing to push them right in just likethat and we’ll get all these in the ovenshortly and then we’ll show you whateverything looks like when it comes out