Cookies Recipes

Cake Mix COOKIES?!! | Does It Even Work?

Thanks for watching this week’s video! I hope you liked it. This week I wanted to bring you guys along while I bake some cookies using a boxed cake mix. I will see you all next week with another video!
Recipe used:
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Cartoon – On & On (feat. Daniel Levi)

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Video Transcription

hey what’s up today I’m gonna be makingcake mix cookies which is one of myfavorite kinds of cookies I make I haveBetty Crocker favorites super moistyellow cake mix this recipe uses cakemix that is 15 point 25 ounces which -is at the bottom on the recipe calls for2 eggsand lastly 1/2 a cup of vegetable oiland I’m gonna mix it in this large bowlwith a fork and then I covered my panand then this is how my pant looks withthe parchment paper so I’m going topreheat my oven to 350 degrees all rightso I am going to make sure it’s all intheregreat so it should all be in there thenand going to pour 1/2 cup of vegetableoil into the ball which I still have tomeasure out I’m just gonna make sureit’s all mixed togetherand it should be getting a pretty thickwhen you’re mixing it so I’m gonna showyou how it looks right now which I’m notwholly done next thing I don’t thinklooks like that all right so I don’t seea whole bunch of powder on the sides ofthe bowl anymore I think I’ve actuallygot it so this is how it looks I thinkit looks pretty good I’m gonna go andsee if I have any sprinkles so I can addit see them in all right so I have somesprinkles here I don’t have a wholebunch but I don’t see what else I use itfor so I’m gonna pour the whole thing ohyeah that has a lot of sprinkles justgonna mix it up in there okay so we’regonna make sure it’s all mixed togetherif you add up the sprinkles or chocolatechips or whatever eat shoes if you don’tadd anything that’s fine toookay so this is how oh look that’s a lotof sprinkles yeah I am very happy aboutthatnice I’m gonna use a 1 tablespoon I’mgonna set it here so that I can bringthe pan over and we can form a littlebow okay so I’m gonna use a 1 tablespoonof Matt Creek cookie I’m just gonna takeit out it’s not exactly a tablespoon butit works and yes I did wash my hands soso and it’s surprisingly not that stickyI know whenever I use cookie dough mixesit’s typically just a little sticky butthis is just pretty nice to me I’m justgonna set it on there place little ballshape I’m pretty sure the recipe is thatI looked up online which I will linkbelow for you guys and I’m pretty surethat it said it makes about 12 cookiesper batchwhich is really awesome to me havingthat’s a really good amount so I amgenuinely curious by the comments belowwhat your favorite kind of cookie isokay so I still have some dough in herebut I just made 13 dough balls so yeahI’m gonna wash my hands I’m gonna putthis okay so I just put it into the ovenso now the box obviously doesn’t say howlong you cook it for and I forget howlong so I’m just gonna be checking on itprobably after like pretty so I set thetimer for like eight minutes I honestlydon’t know how long these are supposedto cook for there’s literally that muchleft so I’m probably gonna do anotherpiano this okay so what I’m going totest out is I’m going to be putting alittle under those same amounts and itcupcake temp yeah I know see how itworks out it’s my challenge is he use alittle cupcake trays little cupcake tinsand I’m going to be sticking these inthere I’m just gonna plop them in andsee how it works out this is probablythe kind of gonna use I don’t know howmany I’m just gonna drop them in thereso what have you guys been up to today Iknow you’re probably quarantined in yourhouse so that’s interesting to be honestlike how are you guys dealing with thatso I think I can be able to get a fourthoneso I hadn’t used all backup and this iswhat it looks like looks pretty nice Ithink it’s gonna work it should we willsee when the rat runs outokay so let’s timer just went off so I’mgonna poke it with a toothpick and seeif they look so pretty look at that nowI’m gonna stick the other batch okayEmily might not fit up so that I cantake them out when they’re done okay solet’s the sprinkles honestly oh the lookmakes it look so much betterpretty sure would already look reallygood if I didn’t have sprinkleschocolate chips or anything in them lookso good so yeah now I’m gonna let thesecool and I’m gonna wait for the oneslike button cupcakes in the ovenokay so toothpick came out clean for thelast ones so I am going to pull them outyou know kind of have to show you guyshow good it looks so happy with how itturned out and it’s arisen that much youknow which is fantastic so I’m gonna letthis settle take them out but in themeantime these cookies that have beenhere for 15 minutes they don’t feel toowarm anymoreso they’ve cooled down enough so here’show this looks it looks so good so onecookie has thisbeard in the making don’t know man openso pretty sure there were 13 on thisplate post 4 so this means 17 cookieswhich isn’t bad at allI’m gonna just pull these out just gonnaset them down through this is how itlooks still a little warm feel like theSooners have gone down a little like thestutters have gone down a little bitit’s not that bad it’s still a cookieright so I’m gonna take this one out ofthe wrapperreminds me of cheesecake right you knowwhat I’m saying okay so I’m gonna do ataste testthese are literally so good they’re theperfect size as well I’m was in thecupcake 10 and the other ones I’m sohappy with how it turned out this is a10 out of 10fantastic thank you for watching thisweek’s video post every Saturday prettysimply is subscribe down below and hitthe little notification bowl next tothis you’ll get notified whenever I postand you know give me a little[Music]

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