Welcome! This video is all about my weekly meal prep and this week I’m making zucchini and corn fritters, mexican mince, savoury muffins and peanut butter protein cookies
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Zucchini and Corn Fritters
Peanut Butter Protein Cookies
Savoury Muffins
2 cups wholemeal SR flour
approx. 1/4 cup seed mix
1/2 cup grated tasty cheese
150g feta ( crumbled)
1/2 stick chorizo finely diced
1 teaspoon garlic
1 packet frozen spinach ( defrosted)
5 eggs
Salt, pepper and cayenne to taste
Combine all ingredients in bowl. If cooking as 6 big muffins cook for
35 minutes on 200 degrees celcius. If doing 12 normal sized muffin cook until approx 25 minutes or until knife comes out clean when testing it
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back those of you that are newmy name’s Jess I’m very excited to do ameal prep video for you guys so everyMonday blake’s at daycare before I headto worksorry it’s a perfect time to get botlanemeal prep done so on the agenda todaywe’re gonna boil some eggs as a snackwe’re gonna do some corners or kinifritters some mexican mints some savorymuffins I’m also gonna do some peanutbutter protein cookies so I’ve got myhair up I’ve got my comfy clothes onlet’s and do this I’m gonna do is boilsome water for the eggs and also preheatthe oven and get the savory muffinsgoing okay so we start off with two cupsof wholemeal self-raising flour for thisrecipe it just kind of makes a littlebit more healthysorry I don’t sift it you probablyshould attempt to you what I’m doingsweet baking but for these muffins Iguess you know you’re not needing somuch of that fluffy texture they arequite dense muffins yeah so it works outfine without sifting so this is like alittle seed mix that we make up sobasically it’s got sunflower seedsit’s got Peters I got it’s got pine nutsit’s got almond meal so basically I justadd like a kind of pinch of that again Idon’t really measure a lot of stuff guysso it always works out fine then we’vegot the five eggs sorrysounds like quite a lot but works reallywell for this recipe sorry crackingthose away[Music]now while hunting for something whoknows I don’t think I’ll ever be thatperson that has everything all ready togo in the one spotokay garlic so yeah I think I add abouta teaspoon but again I don’t reallymeasure seasonings a little bit more alittle bit less would be fine so thesemuffins are really good base recipe soyou could definitely add whatever spicesand herbs you wanted whatever veggies orI can be really good with some finelychopped up broccoli would be deliciousof course you could do grated zucchinilike I add in everything oh okay so nowI’m gonna do some cherry sorry sorry ifyou are in a budget guys probably cutthis out you’ve probably add baconinstead or of course make it just like avegetarian muffin Sam really enjoys thechorizo but it’s literally about threedollars fifty I guess shuri’s I stickyou’d say so it definitely does increasethe cost of the muffins so yeah ifyou’re on a budget skip it he’s stillafter that kind of smoky flavor add somepaprikathat’s a bacon but it’s definitely notnecessary[Music][Music][Music][Music]okay so now adding in a block of fed uswe do about 150 grams I just say a blockusually the ones at the deli of thatsize once you find a packet of 200 gramssorry I’ll just leave a little bit lessfor me and you know crumble it on top ofeggs or on a salad so we use it alow-fat Australian feta it just has agood kind of hard texture but feels likecreamy Danish ever before and it’s fineso whatever you guys can get whateveryou guys can get on sale as I mentionedas well if you’re on a budget maybe skipout this one you could do your a cheapersort of cheddar cheese or reallywhatever sort of cheese you can getspecial[Music][Music]okay so we also do you add in somecheddar cheese so I just do one and ahalf handfuls bit of a randommeasurement when Sam used to make themhe’s do one handful so my hands are abit smaller and it’s just what we doyes I added that in as well so thenadding in a packet of frozen spinach soI usually will just leave it out for afew hours or I’ll chuck it out of thepacket into a bowl and defrost in themicrowave I do add some water eitherinto the packet or into the bowl justbecause the muffins do need a little bitof water last look at the last bit ofspinach out and lastly the seasoning sofor this particular one we do have oursalt and cayenne Sam absolutely loves abalance so we put pepper in it and thenon top as well[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]okay here are the muffins all ready togo so Sam likes to cook them a 200degrees for about 35 minutes so we likethem well cooked and brown so I like tohave my handy little tablet when I’mcooking yeah basically all my recipesfrom Pinterest so just makes it easierto bring it all up and follow theinstructions so this particular recipe Ihaven’t tried so bear with me so thefirst thing you saw was my handy littlekitchen scales sorry I got them came outfor about 15 bucksI find them sorry handy to do you guys alot of recipes especially baking youneed to do grams so super cheap goodinvestmentI find when I am dieting I do do a formof counting calories called countingmacros so scales are very important forthat so I just like to have them aroundand they still do weigh some of my mealsnow like my roots in the morning justkind of stay consistent with some stuffI eat anywho this particular recipe isbased off gram measurements but you cansee I’ve tried to put it into like a cupof measurement for you guys so I cankind of keep you a rough idea if youdon’t have scales so yeah we’ll startoff with the grated zucchini sorry Iabsolutely love credit zucchini ineverything like really likes it as wellI guess because it doesn’t have much forflavor sorry yeah basically getting allof that grating done now you can use afree processdo you have one but honestly for thelittle amount of grading at two for thisrecipe it was easier than cleaning allthe blades and and all that sort of jazzso yeah okay so basically it was aboutone full cup worth of zucchini for thisrecipe now you can see I’m grating morezucchini so basically I had to lose theKeeney’s so this is gonna be the restgonna be for my Mexican mince it I’mgonna make next so you know miles willget the prep for it done while I’vegotten everything out so yeah that’swhat I’m getting sorted down[Music][Music][Music]okay so we’ve also had two eggs againfor the core and I’ve just kind of basedit off weight at the recipe Curry’s butyet basically with the corn I found youcan just have a play around with thetexture you can kind of wing it a littlebit with that pot[Music][Music][Music][Music]okay so this particular recipe calls forcumin which I actually really liked it Ihaven’t added that before I found addeda good flavorsometimes this stuff can be bland for meI like I like some real spice to itI reckon paprika would be amazing aswell I do like paprika and all my veggiedishes but yeah whatever works for youguys now I’m just gonna use my trustyice cream cookies scraper thing for thecorner zucchini muffins basically Iwould make them as mini muffins as asnack for me and like so let’s see howthey turn out[Music][Music][Music][Music]those critters are cooking I’m going tobe making some peanut butter proteincookies so it’s really important whenyou meal prep to multitask otherwiseit’s literally going to take you all dayso for this recipe I’ve done naturalpeanut butter so the type where itdoesn’t have anything added and the oilkind of separates from the actual peanutbutter so I found it worked out finejakub morong it’s definitely moredelicious with the Kraft sort of peanutbutter but it’s good because this onedoesn’t have any added salt sugar or oilyou could definitely sub out with youknow almond butter or other types ofbutter as well so that measurement thereis a cup measurement[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]okay for sugar I’m basically just usingup what I’ve got so I got this fromdiscount grocery store ages ago sobasically because it’s got the steviait’s a lot sweeter than normal sugar soyou only need half of the standardmeasurement for a recipe I did find thatthe cookies weren’t as golden as I wouldlike so maybe next time I’ll add kind ofhalf brown sugar half the sugar but I’mreally does all that using what you’vegot guys I find with baking as long asthe measurements are pretty good aboutthe same you could kind of sub thingsout look it may not turn out perfect butI’d much prefer that than buyingsomething brand new and having a bunchof it for the stuff in my cupboard thatI’m not going to use up so the proteinthat I’m going to use is for bulknutrients it’s just a whey protein soI’ve done vanilla for this one but willalso be delicious with salted caramel Ijust find it’s a really good way for meto get some protein and I haven’t beencraving much meat this pregnancy sosomething like this is a really goodtreat and also yeah just get some someessential nutrients I desperately needs[Music]okay quick cookie break to go check onour fritters okay I think they’re readyto flip[Music][Music][Music][Music]so here’s our complete cookie badass asyou can see it’s quite thick yeah Ican’t even stir it with one hand and themuffins are almost done so we’ll takethose out a second put these on a trayand get these baking so using all thebenches you can hear two eggs stillboiling in the background so these arethe savory muffins all done I’m gettinggood shot with them late a few guys butthey look great so they’re out of theoven so let’s get these cookies in alittle update so the muffins are out ofthe oven the cookies are in the oven nowwith the eggs of oiled sorry I’ve justgot them in some cold water the frittersare halfway done sorry once those friesare done all we’ve got as Mexican Mintswe are an hour into it so consideringI’m doing filming I’m pretty stoked withthat so let’s see we’ll be able to smashthat in two hours including cleaning aswell so doesn’t take long guys it’sworth itbatch is cooking now I think it’s a bitof a coffee break for me when I put mycoffee on some random bench sorry if youguys want to see the disaster there’s mykitchen sofa let’s do it sorry[Music]yeah I got a bit to clean upI should probably just clean up it’slike our bad I don’t sorry yeah we’vegot a bit of a waiting time now whetherthe rest of the fritters cook thecookies are cooking there’s nothing Ican really prep before I start to makethe Mexican mint so let’s do somecleaning[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]all the bikini comforters are done solet’s get on to our mix and mints sothankfully it had already prepped up themints and I named yesterday so for lastnight we had a stuffed capsicumcasserole which called for mince cookedwith onion as well as as well as cookedrice which will serve with the Mexibowls sorry that was already done sothat saves me a bit of time I’m usingthis seasoning mix because I got it fromthe discount store for 70 cents so butusually I’d use just Mexican spicesmaybe a taco seasoning mix and sometinned tomatoes I’ve got some frozencorn that we’ll add for veg the rest ofthat grated zucchini and some blackbeans so let’s do itokay so here I’m just whacking basicallyall of the ingredients into the pan soyou can see I’ve got some gratedzucchini some black beans to be honesttheory if this is just my whatever I’vegot recipes so it’s so good for using upthose last little bits of veggies inyour fridge so don’t forget guys you canuse stuff like broccoli stalks you canuse the woody bits of the asparagus justmake sure you chop them up all reallyfine and cook them for a deist amount oftime in the saucealso you could use whatever can’t goodyou’ve got so you can definitely adddifferent types of beans you can seehere I’m using a seasoning sauce packetsimply because I got it super cheap atthe discount grocery store you candefinitely use tin tomatoes and sometaco seasoning pack or of course you canmake your own seasonings so there’s tonsof recipes online for that guys that’sdefinitely going to be the mostbudget-friendly option if you don’t haveany discount grocery stores in you sothis recipe I like to make quesadillasout of you can do burritos you candefinitely do a burrito bowl which is myfavorite things so you have it over ricesalad if I’m dieting then I’ll use alittle bit of rice and a lot of kind oflettuce to bulk it out if I’m not thenyou know who knows I might put onburrito with rice that carb lifewhatever I’m in bulking season right nowyeah so it’s really so versatile and youcan top it with whatever you’ve got aswell use up that last bit of cottagecheese that last bit of sour creamwhatever veg amazing recipe for that heyso here’s my meal prep complete so endup taking an hour and 35 minutes so yeahthat’s including washing up all thedishes are done we’re clean so it reallydoesn’t take that long so we’ve got somesavory muffins that he takes to work asa snack they are quite solid guys so ifit was me it would be a lunchhe likes to heat them up and just addlike tomato relish on them so yeahdefinitely give them a go very goodoption for luncheswe’ve got caught in zucchini fritters sothat was my first time trying thatrecipe it had a cumin in it which was abit fun so they’re gonna be really yummythat actually made a ton of them so thiswas one batch of a recipe so I think Imight actually take some over to mom anddad or of course you could freeze themso that’ll be a perfect snack for Blakeand I this weekthen we’ve got Mexican Mintsso Blake and I will have that forlunches this week served over rice sowe’ve got that peanut butter proteincookies so I went a bit road with therecipe and did basically this steviasort of sugar instead of coconut sugarand I think I used the not the kind ofseparated healthy peanut butter I’vemade this recipe before with kind of theKraft peanut butter and it definitelyturns out really good they’re a bit paleso I think I’ll use brown sugar nexttime and I think that’ll get them a bitmore golden but look still deliciousnice kind of healthy option when I’mcraving something really sweetobviously these have protein powder inthem so they won’t be cup like they’lldiscrete for Sam and I and I’m borned acouple of eggs so again another snackoption I’d have lots of options forplate just letting her make somedecisions she seems to be a lot lessfussy if she can choose what she wantsso I just make sure I have healthyoptions that I’m happy with and then shecan kind of pick what she wants out ofthose yeah so that’s my meal prep forthe week all done thanks so much forjoining me I hope you enjoyed the videodon’t forget to Like and subscribe andI’ll see y’all next week bye