This video is from a week ago but I decided to finish editing this video today!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]but I have no idea how many we’re goingto be making I really don’t know muchabout it but I’m gonna go ahead andthrow pairs of stuff I’m gonna wash myhands with powder by race in this clipof the video I was watching me into myscissors putting four foil on the panI also wanna tell you guys that thisvideo was filmed and edited a little bityesterday streams are from yesterdaylike the clip that you hear me and heseconds but back to the video[Music]okay okay back in my room and I’m justgonna sit here on my phone watch YouTubeand wait okay guys so these are stunningthey’re currently cooling things aredone and they’re cooling I’ll see youguys we’re gonna cool you have to coolto like two to five minutes we asked youguys when they’re done click go my room122