making cookies for a calculus project — Watch live at
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
actually I need a recipe oh this is whatwe’re doing todaythere we go okayright here is that we’re hereI’ll make some cookiesokay cool I check my phone now we’rehearing cookies I please for a Calproject no but I have to do this for aproject so I was like a new really funnyof extreme that so making cookies canyou please upload the vada YouTube whenyou’re done yes again wait uncle there’sa new account oh my godso let me see if I can actually pulldesktop share so I can show what’shappening here do i display Ordway towin on his window right chrome um thisis what we’re doing today oh my godthat’s not work no okay so I can’treally explain itit’s Irish soda bread cookies because Idon’t like chocolate chip and I wantedto try so I wanted to try it but hear meout right hear me outoh no now now it’s normalhey it’s like the same thing that Inormally do cuz there’s a timer I don’tlike chocolate chip because chocolatelike too potent for me so like I needlike milk when I do that kind of stuffso yeah make that a little bit smallerand probably okay the eye on the recipehere I guess let’s run throughingredients for us rightgonna do this in order any minute I gotsome flour sugar baking soda and butterreasons because I couldn’t find theseother things kind like raisinsbuttermilk caraway salt and Nick that’swhat we’re working withI’m pretty sure what’s up froggy prettysure person you’d actually preheat theoven so I can’t really do anything rightnowfury and my cookie powers is that reallyokay 350 let’s go okay instead of timeum I don’t know I don’t know I don’tknow start timer button is on this heregive me a minuteI’ll figure it outI don’t know I don’t know fuck he isI can’t reset it still a numpad 1 how doI there’s no number on thisokay we’re setting it to f9 it’s a homeMichael I’m started let’s go I did prerun setup don’t worry about itmy dry ingredients in a mixing bowl withpastry blender cut in butter untilmixture is represents course meal Idon’t know but this sort do dryingredients so I guess we start withflour right cup this is your originalaccount why did you change it from 1 5or 1 1 3 to 2where did it get that money shop thereyou go oh yes mark seconds fine this isfor a project I was just kind of funny 1cup flour I already got it all over ohwait I just actually not get all these 1cup flour it was takenFalcon gaming 86 I mean 56 what howpretty so stupid I’m just gonna I’mgonna put this on a paper towel I don’tknow if I need this top thing yeah itreally doesn’t matter if it getscross-contaminated right doneflowers done split split finish thesplit we’re done I actually don’t knowwhat it okay wait okay wait huh I can’tread 3/4 cup white sugar I’m wastingtiming I’m losing losing so much timeright now 3/4 I’ve use 1/2 and 1/4 it’sgonna be out of sight screw you guysclass is good I’m out here because therewas one stream where I unwanted sugarpurple is a jokeand during that stream I was like I needa replacement mod and Chris was likeokay and then I made crystal replacementmod and then I thought about it rightand Chris is the mod of the people so Ican’t really unmod Chris because thenthe mod of the people oh wait shit okthose were cups 1/2 teaspoon baking sodawhere’s its teaspoon so teaspoon there’sa fourth of a teaspoon so I’m gettingsomewhere1/2 teaspoon I found it I’m gonna takeout the fourth in case I need itthis is my making cookies as I don’tcount as a functioning member of societybutters not dry web clipper in thecurrent sort ofStern currents okay so this counts whaI know I’m seeing if I have to put inthe caraway yet or not dude are you suredude I’m reading the directions rightnow I’m reading the directions right nowand it just says combine dry ingredientsin the mixing bowl how is it not drythis is mom why do you hate caraway allhe wanted to do mom was moved to NewYork become stock stockbroker he wantedto make it big in the 20s like all of usdid get you hate him he was news friendsthe biggest man on the block but it wasthe biggest man without a directionNick Carroll tried his hardest to saltkind of the dry ingredients shirt hopeit does fourth teaspoon teaspoon this ischeese this is big salt okay we needkosher salt I should have I should havedone this that’s something your contextand tore our wrongs I it’s not dry it’sso dryyou need to me that’s what you tell uswhat oh wow oh hey mom they put carawayseed on bagels okay that’s kind of whatsmells like your grandmas really goodcaraway cookies that’s awesome mygrandma makes really good corned beefactually makes good brownies I can docookie she’s made the mom would youconsider salt dry that’s a yes okay coolme to go out on the same page er noticeall the dry ingredients they’re combinedbut they’re not like okay so apparentlya pastry blender is like this weirdthing that she was like into I don’tpastry blender what I do have that’skind of like a pastry blender is thewhisk head of a blender and that’s whatwe’re gonna do we’re gonna use this godhelp me caught in butter until it okaythere’s butter ready to cool down alittle bit actually I haven’t I haven’tdone anything with the butter it’s stillin the packagedo you think I did it no no maybe I’mgonna I’m gonna get the butter no nookay so next step is actually to washthe thingI have essentially undone the fact thatit fell on the ground for 10.2 secondsso his putter so what it looked likethey did it looked like they cut it intolittle like pieces and put it in thereand then did the thing oh no no no waitthis is supposed to do that wait okaygive me a minute I have an idea okay Istill have an idea it’s not a good ideaso this is gonna be our our pastryblender todaycorn bread I baked you cookies some bycookie mix right now III literally don’thave a way to give you guys a good viewthis we’re gonna that it weighs the fullstick oh my god literally did not readit’s a half cup okay that’s half sticktastic no half cup all the way okay nothis is a half cup of butter okay okayso a full circle okay I’ll full staygood okay we’re good how many cookiesdoes it make I need us to make 18 justmakes 36 I don’t like that idea becausethat means I have to actually do this soplease work oh my god this is not thisis not gonna work oh my gosh I’m gonnawork um you know mocha we’re gonna heatup the butter actually butter butter howdo you feed upour stickokay so not the holland evidence creepyand just 350 this might be warm enoughnow oh my golly that was actuallystarting to work i’m putting the butterbackthat’s my work president you can’t watchme cook I can’t even cook okay I can doall missile-like like a mic HomerSimpson d’oh please laughs we’re gonnatry this we’re gonna go for this it’sgonna be a little weird oh dear this ishow we’re doing this we’re gonna getinto pieces like yeah I don’t even knowthis looks for you guys there you gosometimes reality kicks you in the bowlthen that’s beautiful okay now now we’regonna go in with the big kahuna I thinkI dropped you want to mash it okay soMike oh wait this might actually workokay wait I probably should have oiledthis up beforehand so the butter doesn’tget stuck in it but this might work thisis working this is not working thismight work it’s not working right nowbut it will work in the futurewe need to get all the stuff on the sideas well get back in there butter thisisn’t work yeah okay walk away doesn’tmean a knife but my dad doesn’t doanything wrong just doesn’t command thatI mean like 2016 or 2017 I guess Iwasn’t even alive in 2017 I think you’resure I was born in 2019 that’s not sureI was old Lee I was at least 11 2018that was one Obama became president Iwas a life for that does this work howdo you make cookies I think I give upgood give up alreadyum second IDN blunder I don’t know Idon’t know you guys under here we’regonna go I don’t know guys a mashup funyou’re not gonna workthis is gonna workmonka it makes sense if you havefrankerfacez e after which I’ve told youlike three times now and you’re likeboom boom gah I hate you and I was likeokay well it’s kind of mean okay thisisn’t gonna work this isn’t work I needsomething similar though sookay okay um this is similar it’s notit’s my workoh my got the Bulls I’m gonna I’m I’m IjustI’m bigger bowl okay this our doing thisthis is working maybe you guys just hadthese Apple cutters when you wereyounger and you didn’t know how to use aknife think I’m dulling the blade rightnow I’ll show you guys my calc classends up liking news they do I’ll be verysurprised I don’t there’s a there’s abig piece of butter over hereokay do you guys know how cookies workI’ve never made cookies skips and middlerun oh that’s right have a timer goingyeah so what I do for the our wall cooksdo I just like end stream but I think Imight I might not a paper towel space toput miscellaneous show their matchesdown wish I did this I wish I if youguys want to give me anything forChristmas getting me a pastry mixerwould be greatuse my hands I think I’m gonna get aflower on my hands okay alright this isflour and salt and stuff but you knowsame differencethis is just having with the hands nowthis is how wide I am I was browned andnow I’m not world record attempt wellhas anyone ever doesn’t bake a cookieperson I think it’s the first time everactuallythis is so bad this right I don’t thinkthis is right this is right okayyeah this is Gordon Ramsay baking Iagree this is so fun this is so fuckedokay so this could work in theory butthis isn’t theory this is really thisisn’t TAS this is our TAI just dropped stuff on the ground I’mdropping more stuff okay that angle thatangle there we go good angle good Ithink it’s a ball tails it’s not MikeyMikey long story short right we have acalc project where we have to makecookies and make the recipe into calcproblems and what better way to make thecookies and uh like this this is this isgonna become oh my God my meeting oh noI’m not this guy her skin is shit outtamethis might be commentate over what’s upTilley so this one we got so farfor making I don’t remember what theycall Irish cookies okay next up splitroll like a paste stir in currants so Istarted the currants right now I need avacuumget ready for a real ASMR hey smart overthat’s not true pardon mecurrents I mean kinda look out thewindowthat’s not windowI only see a stunning gentleman I don’tknowso I think it’s important to tell youguys before I continue but I’m currentlyworking off of three hours of sleep andsome caffeine and I have been since 5:00a.m. so I don’t know if I’m awake rightnowso currents are smoking like raisins butI just got normal reasons cuz I don’tknow what currants are so I’m notputting a cup of these because I feellike we’re gonna put in a little extralease don’t look so welloh no one likes a reason right ye oldenor using cookies are myths favorcookies I just dropped a reasonthat reasons Wachtel good a book chefalways try their ingredientstir in oh I was supposed to start thesedown mm-hmm mm-hmm oh it’s going um soyou want to see this it’s kind of funnywhat do I need you know motherit means reason Asians you know theysaid oh that could’ve mean well I cantake out all the raisins I’m gonna takeout all the reasons don’t tell my momyeah I get raising mini-game right sickyeah fuck I’m taking out all the raisinsI don’t know this is karma for prettygood yes I will say this in the nextroad okay wait we’re gonna keeping thereasons we’re gonna hand mix it you knowgive it a little bit of a massagebecause I feel like it’s still optimalthat you know raising so you’re goingback in she massages in tg1 yeah puttingthis in a bigger bowl was definitely abrighter ideait loses time over a small bowl stratbut uh you knowI reset Ron I can’t reset that’simpossiblethere’s the best are gonna get it um myhands I’m just not gonna wash this pointactually I am your towels go on mix inbeaten egg pour in okay first off so weget to use this bowl for again I justyou know they say they uh the realgentlemen think this isn’t gonna workfuck okay wait wait wait there we goreal gentlemen they crack an egg withone hand hey what can I sayI’m a gentleman covering my entire handcan’t say much um mixes now right Icould beat it you have to beat the endwhore I’m a magician mix in beaten eggis this beating enough I don’t know itdoesn’t look like it 600 cookies in anhour that’s crazy yeah okay we’re gonnalook it up okaymix the egg in next thing I get how do imix all right next week or next month Igot pork pork you’re coming back in okaymix the egg in right mix in beaten eggokay we’re mixing the egg in I’m gettinga raw egg all over this fork which isn’tgreat yeahthis this pork cooking this work thisworks not mixing okay wait wait waitthis works not working but we what doyou mix with so I have a spatula okay Ihave a cheese grater or some oh mydaughter shoe cheese grated the freakinbutter oh that was the way to do it Ididn’t think of that eggs in I did letthe butter get soft I like I uh I I likeit saw I just can’t tell you how becauseI don’t want you to mad at memrs. sour mixing this I think okay okaythen I’ll tell you laterthis look like this is like egg whatmake looks like yes she’s the other sidethis little bit okay this is what itlooks like when a thing that’s where IgonnaI’d only thing crying how waseverybody’s how was everybody’s daytoday again I ran off a three hour orthree hours of sleeping caffeine and myday was not awful actually I make suremy phone they can see you throughnotifications because I my friend ishaving a shit day so I wants the otherdoing but yeah not responded to mehopefully means they’re doing wellbecause if you’re not then I don’t liketo assume the worst okay egg isspecifically an egg is in repeat yeahgazaam repeat egg is then pour in milkand mix with a fork to make a soft doughOh split by line ah1/4 cup dry measuring cup of thismeasuring cup away team okay so this isthis is actually how you how chefs do itcuz we don’t have time for other cops sowe just just do it like thatOh beautiful just beautiful that workedout surprisingly well I actually knowthe direction says pour in milk and mixwith a fork to make soft dough I have aforkI’m Fork I have another Fork but I can’tuse it I think I just I’m whatever I’mtaking shower tonight if I just gotsomething on my face or anotherOh Mike oh I see oh my god you guyswould not believe what’s happening hereright now I may need a little more milkmaybe I don’t know to make a soft doughha ha I don’t get itI think I’m doing this wrong but I thinkthat’s the beauty of it I don’t have toeat these cookies and nobody really hasto eat these cookies and I don’t thinkanyone hit this cuz nobody really likesoda bread but oh yeah I like sort ofugh oh I get itokay my problem we’re milking anexecutive chef decision by me chef Chowdefeat most professional get up athumbnail there you go that’s thumbnailboys you know I I uh house too close Ithink but now we’re good I think I mightstart using my hands to make sure thisis a sufficiently doughy this is thedough we’re working with now it actuallyworks uh maybe this might workwait I did never put in the yeah I neverI never put in the the caraway so Ithink this did count as a dry ingredientwatch kara we needone teaspoon what is a teaspoon this isa teaspoon 1 teaspoon world record paceboys how do you how do you do this oh mygod wait that’s right this cap opens sothat it has no cap thank you I’ll behere all weekexcept I won’t Thursday oh Michael waithow am I gonna mix I’ve been working onthe rail take it away kitty Alexa put onthe sea shanties – on Spotify oh my godAlexa put on I’ve been working on therailroad putting a little more in thisthis work[Music]an Alexis stop before we get copyrightedshe’s made a really weird sama afraid ofthat okay we’re done I’m good singerThanksfucking fuck how do i how do I do thishow do you make cookies I’m never eatingcookies okay okay I hope that worked momdid you know that I was working on therailroad in the hall I can do thatyeah I don’t know why they called me Bobthe Builder but I’d like to think it wasfor a good reasonyeah blackboard sometimes work anythingof Hatem validating the run ass on afloured surface oh my god do I have tofly oh my god I think it’s time for anangle change I think it’s time for anangle change I think I think we may needit okay you okay so looking out we’regonna relocate how you guys doing Idon’t know how this looks action I don’thave OBS open right now okay you’regonna be up here who’s I can beer beer Igotta cover CincoI gotta read the directions again on afloured surface that’s hot chef you knowI wish to include this is like therecipe count oh I should have oh yeahyou know what that’s fine don’t don’tworry about itdon’t worry about it wait what am idoingwait cutting board back in time heysmart I just broke down oh mystill bearing that’s fine oh are youguys ready for your new your new viewfor mr. Fisheroh sorry I already started dude we’rebecoming lbs okay you guys ready forthis are you guys ready for the new newkitchen setup okay how we gonna do thishow am I gonna do this how am I gonna dothis I’m not gonna do thishow am I gonna do this give me a minuteover over yes okay so this is what we’reworking withbut um there’s no realistic way toMeighan ink like that I’m sideways nowby the way okay okayokay okayyouthat’s a shame it’s really a shame Mikeyit’s a big shame fired surface okay ballfive six times rhabdookay so wait I have to okay so I do allthe dough I make all the dough into athing okay but you can see how I need mybeautiful my beautifulso happy thoughdoes this work can you see this doesthis work am i staying in the way I’mnotyou guys can barely see this but thisworksMikey if you come over right now I youcan come in and help I genuinely Mikeywhat am I doing with this I forgot aball and lately okayso Mikey yeah you want to you want tocome over you can do that now that I’mactually making this into a ball andnetting it wasn’t okay so it’s uh it’sbeen netted needed needed last time Imade something with flourI made it you borrowing so this isprobably the reason what do I done movieparty and it wasn’t Thursday I would ahdude 1/4 inch thickI don’t know how thick that is andcutting a square I don’t I have arolling pinthis is actuallywhat I canright outside of camera is actually seein my house you see my houseyou see papers on the wall can we therewe goit’s even I even any kind get to seethat all the better watch your handskids with my hands really disgusting cuzwhat are you doing a rolling pin observemom who’s that chef guy Gordon Ramsaynever mind observe Gordon Ramsay what weGor NZ died yeah who are you thinking ofare you thinking about oh I don’t know Idon’t know who that isI was gonna say guys me Eddie but I meanswagger yes what up this cut intosquares and triangles with a knifeapproximately two inches in diameterwell it’s squares and triangles okay sothese things we camera shape I walk soI need at least 18 so we’re gonna make aslice right here slice right here andthat gives us our initial slice it’sright here we can make this into atriangle this is cookie make these twoin the cookies okay I got three cookieswait I think it’s in the four well I’mgonna make this into three but make thisfeel a little biggerthere we go there we gomusic oh they’re from thank you thatemote in it very coolbut for this on a cookie sheet mom do Ineed to put this on a baking sheetbefore I put it in the other what whatdo you mean why I put the cookies on abaking sheet I’m gonna say it’s a yesyou know what that’s really goodargument yeahwe’re cooking right now we’re cookinglook I’m the r-word really you thanksokay I need baking sheets hey mom youknow what never mind actually actuallyis wax paper the same thing as a bakingsheet is wax paper what I want oh yeahyeah yeah yeah yeah this is what I wantall right a big house my first time[Music][Applause][Music]Thank You counsel okay so this is fiveper row right now we’ve time and intotal I need 18 so temp is actually apretty good numberso I don’t know about you but I thinkthat the guy who ate this recipe isactually in cahoots with big oven makeme preheat my oven and then take thislong and make the cookie because heknows you know what that I’m I’m not anexpert Chuck sorry I have to admit I’mnot I’m not an expert chef what’s upPyrus I’m making cookies I think all ofthese cook for 12 to 14 minutes oh mygod I actually got my catthey’re gonna love my cat what is thefourth of an inch is this true you knowwhat this is gonna work for a my name isFreddy Flintstoneguys a pretty Flintstone worked togetherwith fatty spins what he makesyabba-dabba-doo in your mom what thequestion is that philosophers just can’tanswer and I don’t believe me because Iwouldn’t want them to be answered so Imean some question as the world doesn’tknow the answerthat’s 18 that’s all we needyeah what’s upI don’t not pronounce your name each nKim say Kim basically anyone active docookies basically we learn we dideverything for Cal and so we’re waitingfor AP calc move in high school so weneed to take the AP test and one of theways one of the things we’re doing is wetook a cookie recipe converted it into acalc problems and then we’ve to make therecipe actually like not not from theconverted thing but we have to make therecipe bringing the cookies of classiccetera so I baked cookies is the Maldastory and so I’m making cookies foraccount and probably for science fiveten fifteen okay this is a b25 which I’msatisfied withI’m not really I’m not really a chef notreally a baker Harsha oh I gotta wash myhands one last time so I get them uhmoney shot and we’ll go back to ournormal set it’ll be awesomeI guess we can ponder her like yeah 14minutesConnor I know faster cook bake okay soyou guys down from there and my yeah ohmy goshfor an example of how awesome housecalculus Calchas it’s fine it’sbasically nothing like freak out freakhouse kind of always timeyouyouwhen out wants to fall forward thatworks that’s really scuffedbut yeah it’s fine those are way tooclose together okay I’ll make them lessclose together okay well I need to moveout my hands but for now here’s his mugshot I hope that’s on camera it’s notthen whatever you’re just gonna have tobelieve me then the cookies exist oh Isee it now tilt it more oh my god nevermindI can’t I can’t show my couch teacherbecause she is currently at homeprobably sleeping okay so I can’t putthe puppies as close or do you guysexpert chefs so put them farther awaywhich means we might have to make lessbut if we make less that means we canmake bigger ones but I need to make 20then because I can do like rows at 4 butthen I need 5 rows before because I needat least 18 I need at least 18 I’venever made cookies before do you thinkprecalc was harder than Cal um Ihonestly don’t remember a lot fromprecalc because midway throughprecalculus precalc and so my teacherwas like hey do you guys want to startlearning calc and we’re like ok thatworks and so we basically startedlearning cal class here in February andour final exam on pre calc is literallyjust on calc stuff that we were learningso I guess I’d say calc calc is thatlike harder than freaked out that’s whatI’ll say for my teacher specifically shelikes to be like meaner and harder onher pre calc class so she can weed outkids for calcbut yeah it’s fineall that would say I have having aharder time with Calculon freaked outtha without a doubt but also this is tokeep in mind that I basically had anon-existent algebra 2 education so thatcould be a factor you have good algebra2 education and maybe precalc is harderI don’t really know I didn’t have a goodeducation I am ok for cookies here wehave 20 on it no okay wait five can wefit five more I don’t know I don’t thinkwe can go oh whoabig big brain ideas one right here okaywhoa whoa whoa whoa who invited this guyinto the kitchen wouldn’t go to thiskind of the kitchenwell go to this kind of the kitchenseriously kick him out I don’t like himgood morning okay hold on hold on holdon hold on hold onyeah oh my oh my goodness oh my goodnessthat’s beautiful I don’t think it’sgonna work don’t try look decent for afirst time thank you it’s going to bethe only attempt unless I actually likethese whoa we need a little of space alittle less space screwed Mikey Mikey’snot baking professional and uh Mikeyit isn’t even his birthday today it’snot mine but it’s not is there for thecookies are gonna go a little closerthan like okaythis is this is okay this is this iswhat this is what fucking like oh dearbut yeah this is this is this workerbees are looking like not chocolate chipIrish soda bread so we even put this inthe oven for 12 to 14 minutes so we canget sub 1 if this cooks faster justslightly wheat 2 inches in diameter ohmy gosh the diameter these are only like1 inch let’s put it ingot comments up 1 minutes I’m gonna takethem out a little early yeah you knowactually calculus so we’re gonna raisethe temperature a little bit I don’thave an actual calculation on how much Ishould raise the temperature for I got acalldid anybody important call me it’s mydad okay we’ll call my dad that worksyeah what’s upyeah oh this your weekend okayOh word word word word word yeah yeahyeah what is that saturday or sundaysunday right okay yeah cuz i’m not gonnabe hard chocolate friends in saturday imight want to go to the card shopfriends on Saturday that completelydepends on what they’re doing okay I’mfeeling betterChris you know Chrishe doesn’t have world record that makesme sad yeah it’s all burn up okayonce I give all I’m talking with thatgood I can’t use that oh you can’t useever flower that’s a shame that’s areally big shame you know Chris oh mygoshpeople dad doesn’t know who Chris’sChris the factsokay we’re cleanI thought we have to clean all this upthis is the angle down I actually don’thave this looks until shriek reviewshows it so oh my godis this beautiful I’m looking like avlogger now but I’m gonna put it down alittle bit this is beautifulyeah the founder of Chris Chris skipokay we’re gonna put the stuff thatactually clean up my hands I’m soakedand the sink so I can do that because Ineed to clean that eventually all ofthis all of this is just oh my god wrongwith but it was sub optimal route but Ithink this might might still sub one Idon’t know we’re just going to see waitdo I have to clean up flour with like awet paper towel I don’t know I got amessage was probably my father oh yeahliterally precense it as I called thatcall was that call is irrelevant thanksto dad skip Fairly OddParents one eggsywaitI’m skeptical the warning call the legI’m upthat’s just tongue you got that time tocheck now a little trick put it backdown they call me speed and Sam becauseI don’t like the shower I’m gonna bakethese cookies in sub one hourAlexa play I’ve been working on therailroad[Music]oh my godthis is so wrongI’ll figure this out okay never mindnever mind I gotta put these on so thisis so I take them out what do I put themon I’ll be thinkin tickets I’ll goI’m routing okay this is gonna be arisky route we’re gonna put one righthere then we’re gonna grab it with onehand you know yeah this is is this agood camera angle how do you guys howyou guys feel about this I’m just somuch variety it’s justsecond work I have to actually readytake these out dude I can’t I can’t besuboptimal first off That’s not meI’m actual optimist second off I need soI need someone I needed this would be alandmark run if I got someone to run theautoscroller ocean burning holy shitthey’re actually they’re cookies orsomething they don’t look like they’regonna be done for minutes that’s whatthe week would make you think me on theother hand I’ve been working on therailroadAlexa open the word dictionary no Alexaopen the worked dictionary here’s agreat plot for today wait at the geniusfind a new setup for Lawrence’s Tiffanycontest 12th letter of the Englishalphabet boneless fear quick skin yesvas lumen I need a spooky wronginspiration yes pleasecool saver doesn’t pull with you likeanother thought one more pleaseman’s a murderer and banging kids livedup to this boyboys need a good role model aka ourlittle coldanother thought no thank youthat’s beautifuldo you know other than the skip is fakethe companies are okay okay I can showyou guys how they look in the oven rightnow let’s do thatit’s called a journey mean yeah Mikethis might worklook at that I don’t know if this isworking if it’s working right now ohit’s done we’re not working there we gosounds like cookies looking right nowgood oh wait I need to do you understandyouthere’s no but they don’t really look onthis what come on what a soda bread looklike he’s gonna stay no longeryouI would never kill you guys looking donefigure out no I miss plane no somebody’severy time that I’m retiring that thisis unacceptable after time that actuallytime it’s I’m clipping not give me aminutecould somebody clip that for me I inretailers that time we got cookies arethey like real cookies nowI don’t think either cooked all the waybut I mean we still have every time thatit still need to be retimed because Isaid soit’s definitely it was definitely someour love trust me you know just goingback in for the mean guys haha you knowretail on this stat I swear what subhour okay I know I know how to remedythis I don’t know how to end my splitthis actually settings maybe make thisreset okayyour set time let’s see what this enzymeIQ is it is it is it sub our squarepositive dumb Singh overdoneokay oh when do I press the button whenis one is my hand go all the way in a 5959.95 oh my gosh this is beautiful it’sbeautifulwe did it sub our how about can I tellyou sorry ladies and gentlemen I’d liketo give speech personally let me get mymic I guess sub our a bake a cookiepercent who would have thought hadhappenedwho and today twenty twenty twenty ofall all years Wowthis is this is the year of bakingcookies speedruns and I just I just liketo thank a couple of people first off myaunt my echo you can see over heresecondly I’d like to think that thatpuddle of flour on the ground that Ihave to clean up inspiration really Ineed to refresh my stream I’m quiteliterally minutes behind okay cool andlastly I’d like to thank you the peoplefor being here for this monumentaloccasion big cookie eighty percent in 5959.95 thank you all for being herebeautiful people i what are you supposedto look like when they’re done sodabread cookies how am I supposed to looklike when they’re done oh so these areprobably done okay in that case sorry Ithink you’re supposed to be able to tellif a cookies done if you can like pokeit and it bounces back right momis the cookie supposed to bounce back soI’m hearing is I should just eat one rawand see if see what happensyouso I put them on a rack why can’t theystay on this seventh up question on thisis the back I don’t know where westarted thank you thank you I’ll putthis I guess I should put this rightnext to it right is it oh that’s hostilethis is this is beautifulmom what are your thoughts on the subone our cookie Speedman hmm I know metooone hour huh sub one I know neverthought I’d happen either next thing Ithink I’m gonna do is try to get the 5759 and fast enough I know it’s amazingyoubeautiful just beautiful this is what Ijust wasted the last sub hour of my lifeon those are great I think that’s allwe’re gonna do I need to clean upI probably extreme cleaning up thanksMikeyhopefully they taste good I don’t knowhow hot they are did you guys want me totry one I guess I can try the small oneright here it’s taste test right butlook at the insides Oh beautiful justbeautiful this actually doesn’t look badat all oh hey in Oxford tastes like sodabread we need to do this wrongoh cool no Bruce go but good shit worldrecord let’s go host someoneI’m still enamored at the fact that Idid this as in general we don’t lime I’mdone like this is this was my streamtoday I uh I was out I had a class thisappointment this is what happened thisis this is the fruits of my laborwhat we do will be hosting we oftendon’t know successful run true Heysure so would you guys okay wait yeah myclothes proto he’s doing he’s doingbattle good manlet’s uh let’s actually raid protobecause raids are funny Christoph flyingscreen I could but I already startedreading proto are we good to go am igood to read all right peace out guyscookie gang see you guys tomorrow formodding probably