Cookies Recipes

Attempting To Make Cookies || Reybell Days

Hey Guys! Today I made cookies!! I was very tired but your girl was craving some cookies. I hope you guys like the video and go try to make the cookies.

Cookie Recipe Link:

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Video Transcription

hi guys so it’s currently 9:39 p.m. so Idecided to make chocolate chip cookies Isearched up an easy recipe I don’t knowif it’s gonna work so yeah I wantcookies okay okay so I’m I just tell youguys like what I use I’m currentlyediting right now and I just noticedthat my energy was low I mean right nowI’m it’s like Louis though cuz it’spretty late and I’m just really tiredand that day I was just really tired soyou know sorry about thatI got a 1/2 cup of all-purpose flouraway of worth teaspoon of baking sodaand and salt 1/4 cup of granulated shirtI have 1/4 cup of softened butter I gotone egg yolk vanilla extract and I don’thave chocolate chips wait did I saychocolate chip cookies I meant I meanthen peanut okay as you can see I havethe recipe ok as you can see if therecipe right thereit makes 8 cookies I’m hoping I get 8 ohok let’s do this ok so I saw that youneeded like a handheld mixer and I don’thave that or a regular mixer or a whiskhow this is gonna turn downI’m using it as you can see it’s it’sboom I’m in fourth oh my godthat was embarrassing I don’t think I’mdoing this right or the butter doughsays that I do are you yeah and thisvanilla oh my gosh oh I thought it wasexpired that would have been badgo big or go home wish me luck I’m aboutthis big bowl that I don’t even know whyso put the flour in Oh Dan that’s noteven a lot told me oh oh do you have aspatula spatula I have this big spatulaso it says mix the dry ingredients nexttimeimagine if I wasn’t recording havethingies so I’m mixing I forgot to sayit told me to preheat the oven I did dothat i preheated the oven at 350 so Igot that mixed up now I’m just out thistastes good so doing this what time isit I think it took me 40 minutes to dothat I think I’m supposed to be bakingby nowso that’s how it looks should I comeMaureen but there’s a lot oh yeah Idon’t have any like parchment paper so Idon’t have parchment paper or anythingso I’m gonna just use some extra butter- butter the pan so I scoop the batterin the panI put butter on the pan since yeah sothat’s what it looks like I think I madenine total oh okay so I just need tobake them for 10 to 12 minutes so Ithink I would do 11 so it’s in themiddle so in minutes I’ll wash thedishes while that’s in the oven and oneweightings I’ll check in with you guysagain when I’m done with washing dishesor when de’keither cookies are done sooh I just finished um washing dishes andthere’s 40 more seconds to the cookiesI’ve decided I want my cookies so I’mgonna get milk so I pour milk okay I’mgonna happen something happen in theoven and the cookies are gone okay okaythese are done I think twice likescookies when you’re warm so I don’t knowokay I would just do it I decided Ithink these were all success so thoseare done oh don’t forget to turn offyour oven guys okay they’re still prettywarm I’ll have a cooling rack know whatokay so I guess I baked them for alittle bit longer than in love inminutes I picked it for like 12 minutesand 30 seconds just husband they were 11minutes I thought they were like Rostowso I just added like another minute anda halfand yeah I’m hoping it cools soon soyeah it’s 10:30 I think I started at9:20 its how is it taking me like anhour and something to make 9 friggincookies[Music]hey so my camera’s dying and I’m gonnatry and make this quick so I have tokick use it right next to me and I’mgonna just try a little tiny piece of itso I can give you guys my opinion thisis it okay okaybad they’re really not bad I really likethem actually but yeah if you guys wantto try making a small batch of cookieson your own I’ll put the link down inthe description below and yeahI hope you guys liked this video don’tforget to Like share comment andsubscribe to my channel yeah just givethis video a thumbs up if you think Ishould make more videos up late nightokay yeah but yeah thank you guys forwatching yeah bye thank you[Music]

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