Cookies Recipes

🍪Making cookies🍪

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they go into the other crazy twin and wewere trying to make this up so far thisis the first one but I like then secondsaying like I said sit for an hourwhat for my skin but we don’t followdirectionsyou’re gonna put tan on a rainbow I see[Music]like this facing that much so look at mypatronwe got homemade like crazy decoratingicing he pushes a spoon they said to usetoothpicks to smearanimal sounds straight people whateverstreet everyday horsehairyep the name meshe makes me me I mean when you have tomake which really has had time to dryuse your favorite colors to anime youwant to make it look like spaghetti orbrown chocolate and white brown and pinkyellow and white pink but she[Music][Music][Music]yes we need to exploreand smell a creepy grandma do you wantany kind of sprinkles[Music]yup small yellow skater yeah no no wehave stupid names fun fact if you don’talready know about us we hate dark pinkor black Pete if it’s baby pink whatwe’ll play with it but if it’s light andreally hard and then if it’s like thisthis is a baby penis and you want a lotof sprinkles[Music][Music]together and yeah having a visionnothing[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]now I can start making one my studentsowners well we kind of know we can putthat on a map yeah we gotta eat thesefirst I don’t move that way because Ieat sprinkles as much as I’m in my mindwe have to eat these first you gottamake a boat before you stop you’re quickokay cookie I got to draw just goodicing now start out with yo I’m putting[Music]missed or thickestand then you gotta go whoo purple yeahyou don’t get a couple more wood I got awheat go at me pink after pink and cuz Ihave no other colors net so spacedreally watery yeah it’s really wateryand it takes like every other one mythis is so watery we’re gonna set it upa recipe time free you up oh that’s meyeah that’s like blue okay let’s see himthat’s so watery that’s just likemessing the thing up exactlythat’s not what I’m doing nowwe should only put the city probablyshould take some of the colors and mixthem we’ll come back

18 Replies to “🍪Making cookies🍪

  1. የኔ ቆንጆዋች አዶትዬ እግዛብሄር ያሳድግልሽ ደስ ይላሉ ጣፋጭ ቀላል በቤት ውስጥ የተሰራ ብስኩት በጣም ጎበዞች

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  3. እንዴት ጎበዞች ናቸው ፣በጌታ ሞገስ እደጉ!! እናመሰግናለን አዶት

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  6. የኔ ቆንጆ ልጆችን በጣም ነው የሚያምሩት ፈጣሪ ያሳድጋቸው ስማቸው ማን ነበር ያለሽው በደንብ አይሰማም ?

  7. ምን እንደወደድኩልሽ ታውቂያለሽ ልጆችሽን ታሳትፊያለሽ እና በቃ እና ደግሞ ከፉርኖ ዱቄት በተጨማሪ በጤፍ በስንዴ የምትሰሪይው በርቺ ። እጅግ ይባረክ❤️❤️

  8. They are absolutely right your kids when they say you are the best mom!! May the Almighty God bless this family in Jesus Name!!

  9. ይህ እንግሊዘኛ አላርጂክ ሆኖ ቀረብኝ በርቺ በጣ ቆንጆ ነው

  10. በጣም ቆንጆ ነው ግን ያሣየሽን ዱቄት ካልሆነሰ መስራት አይቻልም

  11. የኔ ጣፋጮች እግዛብሔር ያሳድግልሽ በጣም ቀላልና ቆጆ ነዉ እኔም ለልጆቸ እሰራላቸዋለዉ ❤️

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