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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hello everyone welcome to our dope triptoday we’re gonna make cookie biscuit meand my mom and brother what do you needfour ingredients so as you can see weneed half a cup of milk 1 cup of butterhalf a cup of white powdered sugar and 1tablespoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoonof baking powder and I said I’m gonna goyet to be Miss America children’schannel bissalameh’ tattoo sorry Vinniecredit now check out who did anotherMcDonald Mauresmo when Yaga want tomoose we’re definitely cannabis Ensenadaso let me cut your chicken and an exileis be recovered on video chillin Starlinmark Madeline soledades unlucky Montanoyeah Pookie biscuits Wyndham oh yeahmiss cooter Manila yoga pitha mmDamansara estimate Armani no but um butum canal you know you love energy whichare no I mean this aluminium laylamondone without a gorilla but I’m kindabounnam on yet we have to move supermessage intifada granita bernasconiVirginia worker because humans are gonnabe lots of vanillaaction verbs of its lilulu parachutescountry church in Dharamsala is asubunit which is naturally ChatawayOreo nom and every part comes up whenyou weigh the language knuckle sukemasathey ain’t even have to shut up then youjust assume that I was to him JamunaWatson better I haven’t met the companyto another merit no and the spiral kindof going when it’s not sunny is Rigayeah yes indeed to keep momentum outthis is getting kick so you know in nomullet you know where a man Rita a tubewhen I meet a girl via swallowed wholewheat flour mother no again and thatcommon land if you know decay time whoknows let’s see even in Nome at thecommand of our two-month now huzzah Zikawhatever confusion no attack Catalina’sin dimension or arch has a got old andstarted it better when the mooch alreadyLoki beyond ajust académie de casa furniture but Iwon’t be once a great loan this is thekind of more customer scopolamine thatcome out bigger much to Nagar soChristian in mahalo Mossad You Meechumridiculous kuba yeah so far which I’mgood so there’s in Yahoo much goodbye Iremember I will have to indeed many highbecause choose nagarjuna Khurana seemeda minute chip well as I asked to be youknow you know so scooped by on a Mossadlet’s go by Asuka Rita kamalu then yeahcome wash goodbye yeah kazuma-samasolitude and I emerge as to matters nowis because cinnamon our lives in amanager Maryland and this over my cap hecan Chamberlain I’m disorientedago baking powder and now the mashCooper yeah cos cassava that then chopan onion Malik noKBO button because what does a moron thebest way of costly to no time of war aredone with me tomorrowyou Cora recruited Metallica indimension no okay Miracourse customer support Chilean jammerand that became another chance but thatcholo is bigger can do chicken andanswer the correct method ChancellorCharlaoh no Mina used to me already huhonce male is mean estimate smooth sweatit smells like it smells like somethingyummy the cinema hmmokay but I’m kind of rolling out animage another pair now our question JohnMiranda has that like if you’ve gotreligion Maria I mean calico matters notwhether to go hardI’m Irish a leg like give me you can’twear them how I had no one and open toknow each other when a gradual a give mea Mateo so which are not true yoga but Igive women been no bloodshed achieve somuch but there you go you can attack tobe mad at youcome on merely no minimum Maliki tookback to miss a warhey come on message on the matter petsthis will give me a mother’s know inyour governance altered better tableauIzzy anyone know but America Charlieload nacho & ojb unless the kimono muchowe didn’t know give me no so that’s itabout hockey maybe it’s a Julio come onMarion low-key be a mother literallyunit in a row and you all are comingbetween designs then yeah this is gonnabe the best one he has the purpose oftenoram Berra hidden it but I’m gonna dochisel or dad wasn’t can heal an anthemthem more he that much to unhappy evermust seven off did you under my SWATeven different ok and Azula two buttonsprefer not lifting the bus so this wasendeavour Soviet with Teri Garr whereUmberto had one welcome to kick himnight Camille lesbian Lipkin diseaseyour what is actually Castiel in whichI’m rod and band eczema charmerindependent Cassie yeah yeah yeah no Inever much passion in cotton underMadisonit’s a nacho shouldn’t touch it on onemeal a okaynow go wash your hand press a dot onthat road I will it’s gonna stay kindaso yeah but then that’s your know theirblood shows up with a big homo how canthis get the kid but I’m gonna be honestwith ya play a billion other than thatand that’s gonna put a moderate under myshower gift the McClendon steak Akashareal accordion elemental chef again youcan give me on national dome we got morethan J good homages job you know madeyou smile at it let the gin have aherniayes I have to make it black not too muchmeat off me now don’t go up on the floor[Music]here let’s see bed unwashed an all- nimpastata is that the mushroom in therethen bring down the stillness afterthere was little moved a little bit soplastic mega shift article is cordlessfootage semester born and I showed wannaa large internal Deacon does your moneyon the bed and I Farakka possibleinterns in the loss and a metal clip canresume one on the bed my little darlinthere is no no I use a banana method Imight have backup in this in diameterlooking no gravity no civil will bemarriage behind Solano in Magog therelative color you got you come on underto mohammad reza channel metal searchinglook cool and do one in there the coolerRicky Romero are down siga in Moraga aCarlin snow brother kundan see so far togo see Jimmy kill mark now searchingwithout nice apartment is there a gapwhere a multi-layer with some smashcharacter out but Kylie are not as manywonder to me slap you little chain andrecord to them here that you are now[Music]because is the malaga redneck a stubbornobstinate receiver and the turtle has akinda but gesture perfect moon I turnthe compass on Yahoo I made you one andI got put them never perfect attendancelet’s see the professional don’t comeback[Music][Music][Music]but I’m metallography nepeta ManilaYouTubeBertram be Ithaca been on the Kindersleyour our children desi Messiah Chacon andas the moon AnnabethMira is around Gerard is a dragonbounnam bögöcs Angelus an actual curseout an electron vienen de Sade carversus motto hamsa dig real eye-openerto Stannis Kabbalaheven the death look at Luke Walton ChaelSonnen you brush in the mood I saw herewhich I’m not knowing the mornings youknow when tomorrow order SWAT commandera saddle on this Ericaand they cuz I cuz woman entered wasChandan Malik now he is coming as acapella Jacaranda moong Khurana[Music]underneath medical school rememberso Justin the average Arsenal used tobehave and dimensions that I’m going toanonymous element solution ladies ourstove being a parallel Tanaka nakavalues and English what about to getyour lemon so unless it was a ratherbushes so mothers know cuz angry theGanesha I got Chad love shy both aspresentable but kind of hard because Ican to share link little children movedid you children move what it haseventually gonna do chosen for thatchannel go ahead- I buy juice for son let Monica let’stake a tabula rasa yeah what the shapeis reachable by Calafat we can so thatchannel on a girl Karen goody enjoyMadrid now you know chain to be mythought after you milady one-on-onehands-on I dunno whosoever loom atantrum so that’s out I’m not gonnanow just take one only one whatever you[Music]do to me summit Ramona we took down athousand corner unit soon we push theRomans step number ever after Magnum andend of bubucaca be able a lot yeah I’mtoo soon in every shadow some pacifieris headed Kalamata go and ask motherI’m gonna dive in them I wanna let meout okay now what is the thumb a thumbsup with an ETA a moon also Yoganathan enuna gran – Archana super Elizabethalumnus of become perfect tuna I’m Nedlow but the first of my tons of tomatounit is a button just so what I say[Music][Music]avatar Jesus you must estimate the mandaily enjoy pinion and it has movementyou are the best mom in the worldwhen yamaguchi-san understood we tellyou tonight nigger sis Allah won’t be somany domestic do not their child in acar who knew but um but I wanted ourunits at NASAdon’t move ok but understand means I’m alow so far manager for to be Elvis Iunderstand we have to use energy thatcan value relative to the origin ofUniversal and the service our functionand a nomadic now the student kind ofkind of kind of but now second aliensthe misnomer when I say but a venomousarcane undead[Music]my mom we will make you will mix um yeahyeah okay so the costumes areaccompaniment in Harlan but I lack is itis more by distract myself cannotaddresstena koe you then[Music]