YOU CAN TOTALLY MAKE BREAD;) Here is an easy, accessible bread recipe.
-3 c. warm water
-1 1/2 Tbs. active dry yeast
-1 1/2 Tbs. salt
-6 1/2 c. all purpose flour
Makes 4 loaves
*intro song written, performed and recorded by Josh and Leslie Collins*
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi guys thanks for watching this was myfirst video in my quarantine cookingsessions video series today we’re gonnamake some bread so we’re just gonna goahead and get started here so all youneed for this recipe is water yeast saltand flour it’s best to use unbleachedjust all-purpose flour so you’re gonnaneed three cups of water and you’regonna just put that in your bowl andthen we’re just gonna mix the yeast inthere this is a tablespoon and a half ofyeast just kind of sprinkle it in andwe’re make sure you wash your hands butwe’re gonna just kind of swish it aroundhere and it’ll kind of start to getbubbly that means that yeast is activeand then this is a tablespoon and a halfof just a sea salt mediterranean seasalt so we’re gonna sprinkle that in andthen in most recipes you would kind ofwait for this to activate and get allbubbly but with this one you don’t haveto do that we’re just gonna go ahead andput our flour in I’m gonna sift it inbut you don’t have to you don’t have aseat that’s fine it just kind of helpsit incorporate easier and at this pointtoo if you wanted to if you have somelike fresh rosemary on hand or somethyme you could totally add that intoflavored a little bit you could also addsome cheese if you want to uh there’s norules you can do whatever you wantwalnuts would be really good in there sonow we’re just we’re just gonna mix ituntil it’s incorporated we don’t reallyneed to knead it just kind of gonna mixit around until it’s consistentyou guys can see what I’m doing here I’mjust kind of scraping the sides of theball and kind of pushing it down it isgonna stick to your hands that’s part ofthe fun okay we’ve kind of got this likecohesive shaggy kind of together ballsgo right here and that’s that’s about asincorporated as it needs to be right nowwe’re gonna let this rest for theflowers and it’ll rise and during thattime it’ll kind of just kind of hydrateitself um kind of do some of the workfor us so that’s it for now we’re justgonna leave this we’re gonna cover thisbowl with plastic wrap or you could alsouse just kind of a damp cloth towel andwe’re gonna check on it in a couplehourshi guys welcome back this is actuallythe next morning I decided to prove mydough overnight in the fridge because Istarted it a little bit late so that’salso totally an option as you can see itis hugeit has definitely trouble doubled insize and we have tons of like airbubbles in there those are gonna beawesome it’s gonna create a great spreadso what we’re gonna do right now is justwe’re gonna divide up this loaf intofour pieces this makes four loaves ofbread so we’re gonna just our surfacehere and these loaves can sit in thefridge for up to a week so if you justneed one loaf right now you can justbake off one of these and then save therest in the fridge she’s kind of wrappedup in some plastic wrap and you can justbake them off later so we’re gonnacarefully kind of just get this out ofhere oh man look at all that glutenaction there it’s amazingand we definitely don’t want to overworkthis we want to try to preserve as muchof that as much of those gluten strandsas we can so we’re just kind of going toget it into somewhat even mound and thenjust kind ofso I’m just gonna bake off one today soI’m just gonna show you kind of how toquickly shape it without overworking itwe kind of have this like square hereI’m just gonna flip it over fold it intoitself both ways and then just kind oflike use my hands to try to get it tightand smooth on the surface into a niceball without needing it or overworkingit too much there we go I’m happy withthatno there’s a couple different optionsfor how to bake this off you candefinitely use a Dutch oven that’sprobably the best tastiest way to go butso a lot of people don’t have a Dutchoven so I’m gonna demonstrate just inthe loaf pan so I just put someparchment paper in there you can alsoput a little bit of cornmeal on thebottom to kind of help with the crustbut I’m just gonna plop this in here andlet it kind of rise and take the shapeof this loaf pan for about 40 minutesand I’ve actually already turned my ovenon to 450 um it works a little better ifit’s really really hot and preheated forquite a while so I just went ahead anddid thatbut yeah so we’re just gonna let thischill we’ll be back in about 30-40minuteshi we’re back I think it C it’s it’sbeen about 40 minutes and our loaf islooking great its riffing its turning tofill out the bread pan it’s lookingbeautiful it’s nice and smooth you canalso see that there’s some air bubblesin there it’s great it’s gonna be agreat loaf of bread so the first step isto boil about a cup of water I’vealready done that but while that water’sboiling we’re gonna go ahead and cutsome slits into the loaf here so you canjust use a really sharp knife and Iusually just do just one kind of onelittle cut on each side this is just tokind of help the bread expand thepattern is is up to you you can getcreative you can do it everyone so thenext thinggoing to do – gonna call Ari Ari comehere buddythe next thing we’re gonna do is I’vealready placed a sheet tray in there andI’m just gonna pour my hot water intothe pan this is just gonna help thebread get a nice crust on the top and ingoes our bread we’re gonna check on thisin about 25 minutes I’ll see you thenlet me think already going okay allright so I take all my bread at about 25minutes and it had a little bit longerto go and now it’s been about 30 32minutes and I think it’s ready to gocheck this outso the cute little okay it’s nice andbrown it sounds hollow when you when youclick it that’s a good indication thatit’s done and I’m very happy with thatnow I’m just gonna let that cool forprobably about an hour before we caninto it and we are good to go thanks forwatching guys enjoy your bread and sofeel free to send me a message if youhave any questions okay