hey girlies
happy quarantine day 27? 28?
todays vlog is a little more relaxed but i made banana bread and attempted to workout lol but i hope you enjoy!
stay inside + wash your hands!
Velvet by Peyruis- https://soundcloud.com/peyruis
Creative Commons- Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream- https://bit.ly/peyruis-velvet
Music promoted by Audio Library- https://youtu.be/r-rU0pZdtTA
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey girlies what’s up it’s quarantineday 28 I believe I am currently in mycar I actually have to go to thedoctor’s I have to go get my birthcontrol shot so I have to leave thehouse I have some hand sanitizer herewith me so I’m going to be sanitizing assoon as I get out and everything and Ihave wipes so I can wipe down all mystuff as well don’t have a mask but I’mgonna be in and out and hope for thebestso I’m sure everything’s gonna be finelike whatever but you know there’s likethis just saying in the back of my headwhere like if you go outside then you’regonna get Corona that’s fun love thatbut yeah it’s 9:30 right now like I saidI’m about to head off to the doctors Idon’t really have anything planned fortoday because you know quarantine but Imight make banana bread I’ve seen a tonof people making banana bread and itjust looks really good and I know I havebananas so that’s good I just have tofigure out if I have all the otheringredients for that so we’ll figurethat out when we get home and if so thenI’m gonna make some banana breadother than that I’m I really don’t knowwhat I’m gonna do oh yeah I’m gonna goahead and head out I have my appointmentat 10:00 it’s about like 30 25 30minutes away so I should be just on timeum yeah let’s go to the doctors[Music]Christ sorry alright girlies so as yousaw I just left the doctor well nothat’s a lie I’m sitting in the parkinglot as you just saw I was at thedoctor’s it was real quick in and out Iwas pretty nervous to go but I thinklike I’m okay they were on top of itthey were cleaning like everything theyhad their chairs in the waiting room sixfeet apart every single worker had on amask unfortunately I don’t have a maskbut I didn’t touch anything only thing Itouched was the elevator button and Ionly used by one finger and like I saidI got some hand sanitizer I was in andout it took maybe not even any longerthan 10 minutes so I feel okay this manon a lawnmower is interrupting me I hopeyou can still hear me okay so I thinkI’m good but I’m gonna go home I’m gonnathrow my clothes in the washing machineand everything because the if they’reinfected like I should clean them and Ialso just have a lot of laundry that Ineed to do so it works out perfectly Idon’t know what else we’re gonna dotodaywe’ll see catch on the flippety-flip allright well guess I’ll cut I’ll see youin a second[Music][Music]Riley’s been doing this like two-weekworkout thing from this girl named I gota berry on my lip from this girl namedwhat’s-her-nameChloe tang and I tried doing the workoutRiley is still doing it right now um Igave up I did do did I do a good amountI’d say I did a good amount for me atleast okay well you know what I thinkI’m getting sunburned I can’t tell ifit’s sunburned or if I’m just like redfrom working out but I made a smoothie Idon’t know why I’m crouched down likethis okay well I made a smoothie she’sgreat[Music]