Cooking Arabic Bread with 3 simple ingredients
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Video Transcription
[Music]hello guys good morning we’re here againI will tell you what is the secret timesimple ingredients only is number one ornumber two flour and then an abutiflower this phonya salt water and flourwhile preparing these guys once whilepreparing this add up up vermin I tookone minute travel to being what oneminute to prepare this one okaymagnetic when you talk guys I’m also aforeign Queen crisis are ya mean for youmake Ravi and I wanna make repairs onepollen on the time when your body’smoving oil well now I don’t know how tomake that but I was trying to make thatsoy sauce we stop moving when I’m happymoving when I’m adding[Music][Music]and then prepare our means foreverI’m investing in a Cubayou did nothing again focus our time oncan I get a taxino one is umbrella term program forengine going to over last evening[Music]in very machine when you cook this soyou have to prepare yourself in themovie so let’s eat so have thecooperation after during a piranha and Iforget to pair a versa last extra beansoup of the top in a we need a loop athome you’re like in Cebu yes so Marty Ifeel elegant MusaI don’t give myself like by only notgoing up in in yummy yummy yummyI smell again a total again at all nowthankfully we need to be in McGovern inNepal I personally know many femininesauce national opinion again at alltomato things[Music][Music]