Bread Recipes


This is a video on how to make vegetable and cheese bake. Enjoy.

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[Music]so not is the way yeah you know sopleased to have just Godso now you see my license is really goodyeah it’s ready yesmy dream hi I’m about to continue myokay I’ve already finished my whitesauce some way to continue to build itup just chop my bench and then you knowbig mine you tearing this time going todo today you know now Londonsomething is really here if you don’t goshop any and he get anything every whenyou go any notice to get what you wantso this is what I have today fromvegetable star house so I’m going to useit put it together and make somethinggood happen yeah so this is mymismatched rocket ship have alreadyfinished my white sauce some a tree youknow bears my onion I’m using onion 1onion 3 and then sweep it perhaps in amushroom that’s my garlic and 1 tin oftomatoes if you don’t shop see morevegetable buying in it you can find themso this is what I’m going to do okay I’mgonna make something very big to happenin my kitchenalright thanks for myhe’s still not beat you guys moving thisis yellow one here this is mushroommushroom is you it’s now fully so madesound in economy to become just drop itlike this is not so so big see thebutton must should be it’s a 4-1 this ismy spinach I’m going to steam thespinach and I use it for their food umpeople todayokay I guess my to a garlic2news have one whole onion so I’m losingtoo much moneynice enough tiny bit nice when you cookyou tidy up inherit you know you cookyou clear on the same time verybeautiful a young once ok try and dothat so now I’m going to slice up mypotato yeah I’ve washed the potentialI’m going to peel it some just you knowjust dice itbut this key can do that so this is -finish I’m going to wash it here andthen steam it I always wash my Spanishwhether it’s in a bag of not trying todown also because when you bite is verygood for you – ocean vegetable eventhough they say dice was trying to washall right[Music][Applause][Music]give it to me so now I finish chop offmy bridge herethat’s my onion dice dice my potato yeahnice my purpose as you can see theyellow one so when you start my saucethat’s a hundred and Donna here doesthis is my mushroom Mozza machine okayso now wait to start my salsa verde okayso now my spinach is done which case youcan see a nice and steam very beautifulthis is oil to fry[Music][Music]this is cooking at one time for on therun[Applause]oh yes Monday the absolute earlier oneneutral which is this little problemso please noticethen you come up and a couple choiceswhen I have some ID in my hand see thisis where we going hereOh Felicia for youoh my you know then it’s almost like avegetable spit happen well so people arejust rushing like what is thisso this is a potential[Music][Music][Music]let’s see 10 minutes all my potential tocook a bit and then I’ll use it for mostof my universe[Music][Music]pop cheese instead of lasagna yeahif I’m going to use mine up okay so whento slicing like that I’ll go to shop wecan’t get any pasta you know as a chefyou stand outside the box[Music]you know why so slow okaythis is minemy Spanishthis one is a must Ranma mozzarellalaughs yeah I did that with my spinningthe world is cheesy we’re very pleasedfood offerings and adequate of mymessage and this is median and in matureChina hereokay and then my wife saw a little whitetee here nice packageand some of my goes go on the top ofthatfirst money doesn’t matter I’m just downthere okay very nice routine when I’mgoing to pay rations on top of my sugar[Music]see the see the cheese okay I so notgoing to bake it how they say 25 to 30minutes until dice Lyons Gooden andrecording brother cause everything iscook so who is you live in 25 minutesthey see ya when is finish our shrimpall right this is more yeah I’m going tomake bread garlic bread is the betterstop it by myself okay so I’m going toslice on me they use it for my leg righthere so I have garlic here is a fourthdose of knowledge which is my son[Music]and our slicin yeah about seven slicesof bread here see so wait you make minegarlic grape okayyeah it’s so not wait to go make myvolume right here yeah so this ismuttering yeah so add my parsley this isthe garlic the first round I just if youdon’t have fresh food you can just use amuseum it’s nothing my fresh garlicsometimes depending the chicken is youknow just might use every time I use apattern but I’m using the fresh fruitfrom freshmen just take oneI didn’t know just like I told you andthen reach it it’s a big oh and theyshould come on okay yeah so now this isthe bread yeah I’m going to bake it theonly bad news you can see future babieshere and then the air food is ready andmy little break is ready so tindergarlic bread in the oven they let thisone rest you see is really a winternight to sit and rest and then I toldmyself to my beautiful calibrate allright cue the garlic bread is ready asyou can see here and my big is ready aswell so I’m going to set before you seehow to yes and I’m going to to someonemight make hereso deliciousI wish the wish see me it’s trueso this is what I’m perpetuallynot that is crying for food you arerushing for food as to make you happy sothis is my vegetable bake with spinachin my gummy fried we’ll make garlicbread so thanks for watching my channelplease when you watch my channel pleasesubscribe share commenting like awesomeyeah this is mamas tonight beautifulpeace day thank

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