Bread Recipes

The Authentic Way to Make Bread – take 2

Sometimes you don;t get it right on the first take…especially if you are using old yeast.

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Video Transcription

so I decide I’m going to make some breadI head out to Nebraska purchase the weedbring it back to my small butdelightfully quaint apartment and grindit because that’s what it’s all aboutthen I make the water myself through acombination of hydrogen and oxygen againbecause that’s what it’s all about I’mmaking hippie bread here you know I goout and purchase a convection oven againbecause that’s the only real way to makebread I mix up the dough knead it withmy little claws for quite some time bymy dad put it in the oven it bakes forquite some time when I open the ovento my surprise I find well you know whatI find don’t you I find a lump of dryhard cooked dough and why is it likethat because I used old yeast to toes -toes – toes to me for using the oldyeast

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