Watch Ted make homemade sourdough bread, beginning with making your starter to eating a hot, fresh slice of homemade sourdough! Inspired by the book “Wild Bread” by Mary Jane Butters and Michael Pollan’s Netflix series “Cooked.” No bread in the local store? No problem, make your own. It’s easy, healthy and delicious and all you need is flour, water and air. We encourage you to share our video as sharing this knowledge is our intention. Thank you, enjoy and take good care!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I’m Ted with gizmo cheese I’m going toshow you how to make your own sourdoughbreadknowing how to make your own bread isimportant in these troubled times makingbread with a fermented culture is theancient way dating back to the Sumeriansit’s much healthier and it’s easy welearned how to make bread using thisbook called wild bread by Mary Janebutters along with Michael Pollan andhis series cooked step 1 is to start theculture equal parts of water and flourand mix togethernow the bowl is set next to an openwindow or take it outside just for a fewminutes and then bring it back in andcover with a cotton kitchen towelI’m not going to moisten the toweland then tuck the towel and around thebowl after one or two days the cultureshould have bubbles it’s important tokeep the towel moistnow our culture has bubbles and we’reready to move on to the next step theculture needs to be fed to in themorning and in the evening and to dothis we had equal parts of flour andwater and mixed together it doesn’t needto be mixed thoroughly and then coverwith our moist towelthe culture will take about two weeks toproduce good bread the volume increasesevery day in the meantime use the extravolume to make pancakes or waffles thisculture has been active for about fourmonths and this is what it looks like onbake day on babe day be sure to take acup of your culture put it into anothermixing bowl to continue the process thisis baked days so I’m going to add atablespoon of salt and a tablespoon ofsugar and then mixnow that the salt and the sugar aremixed I’m going to start adding flour abowl this size usually requires abouttwo and a half cupsthis needs to be mixed thoroughlya good test of consistency is to seethat this spatula will stand up in themiddle of the bowl next is to coat thedishes with butternow our batter goes into our bakingdishes you can see that bubbles arealready starting to formnow the bread needs to rise we usesetting on our oven called proof it’saround a hundred degrees and it takesabout an hour and a half for the breadto rise the bread can also be risen onthe countertop or in a warm place and itusually takes about three and a halfhours our bread is now rising in theoven if your oven doesn’t have a prooffeature just a low setting will alsowork but you need to monitor that itdoesn’t get too hot here are someinteresting notes you cannot survive offof flour and water alonebut when you combine the two into breadyou can survive indefinitely in somecultures the word for bread is also theword for life the human body is designedto digest fermented sourdough breadwhich is why it has been a staple foodfor thousands of years carbon dioxide isthe byproduct of natural yeast andgluten is required to trap this gas inthe bread so that it will rise and whiteflour is non-perishable we’re at seventyone hundred feet elevation so the risingtime and the baking time may varydepending on your elevationour bread is now out of the oven andready for the best part time to try itit is so good and it smells so goodthis is the best part this bread is soamazing and your bread will be just asamazing