Learn how to make sourdough bread from start to finish with Chef Rebecca Regnart.
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hi my name is Rebecca Ragnar I am a chefin the San Francisco Bay Area I’m asavory chef but I do like to bakesometimes and one of the things I reallylike to bake is sourdough breads fromscratch right now with the pandemicgoing on it’s been a little bit hard forpeople to buy breads in the store a lotof people are not even wanting to go tothe store at all to avoid any contactwith that with anybody carrying thevirus so a lot of people are staying athome making breads from scratch and Ijust wanted to share the way that I doit and maybe you can pick up some tipsmaybe you do it better than meI don’t know but here we goso the night before we have this is myold starter and before you make breadyou have to feed the starter and youhave to let it feed for about eighthours before you mix your sourdough sowhat we’re gonna do right now is beforeI go to bed I’m going to feed mysourdough starter and what we’re gonnafeed it with is water organic breadflour and whole wheat flour so it’sgoing to be one part water one partflour so we’re gonna lay it out so nowwe’re going to zero on our scale so wehave it in grams here there’s a unitbutton on the skills they have which isan ounce s as well so we want notmilliliters not ounces or mountains butgrams so we’re on grams here which isgood we’re going to make sure it’s zerowith the bowl on so we’re going tomeasure out 150 grams ofroom-temperature water[Music]right now and then I’m gonna zero it outagain and I’m gonna go ahead and 75grams of unbleached organic bread flour[Music]Plus enough we’re going to add 75 gramsof organic bread flour and 75 grams ofwhole wheat flour we just want to get to150 total so it’s 150 grams of water and150 grams of flour total[Music]we have all our flour and we’re going toadd a good spoonful of our old sourdoughstarter and we’re going to mix it alltogether you can use a larger bowl ifyou wantI always just use this tiny bowl and tryand keep it all in the bowl as I stirand what you’re trying to do here reallyis just incorporate all the dryingredients into the wet so that youdon’t have any masses of dry ingredientslike that and once you have all of theflour mixed in with the water you don’tsee any lumps of flour then you’re goodand then when that happens you are goodyou can just speak all of the sides andwhat I do is I just use my finger tospeak when it’s on the spoon offand at this point what you want to do isto take a clean kitchen towel and coverit like this and just stick it in aplace that’s draft-freeI usually just put mine on my stoveovernight and so in the morning it’sready to go[Music]good morning so I am here this morningto show you what to do next after youhave your sourdough starter fed we fedthe starter last night and this morningwe’re gonna be mixing the bread andeventually later baking the red I’mgonna make it too much the bread todaythe book that I learned how to makebread with is called Tartine bread x-14is a pretty well-known bakery in SanCisco and they’ve kind of the past fewyears expand it to open a restaurant usand now I am just go and therap right isamazing so if you ever have a chance togo there and pick up a loaf it’s worththe waitso we’re going to be measuring outenough ingredients today to make twoloops of thread as I said and we’regoing to be working out of the turkeyright well to do that the recipe for thestarted right in the turn team red bookis enough for four loaves of bread sowe’re basically going to be cutting therecipe in half which is what I usuallydo so we’re going to measure out 350grams of water[Music]this water is about 80 degrees which isa little bit warmer and every teacherwhether then and we’re going to take ahundred grams of our leg that we fed isit up the scale we’re gonna add it tothe water and as you can see the lemonis floating around in there and it isn’tseeking to the bottom which is what youwant if they’re lemon seats that thebottom is not ready to mix yet and youneed to let it sit for a little bitlonger this is perfect sir[Music][Music]any clothes looks pretty good so nowwe’re gonna go ahead and zero out ourscale again and measure the flour I’musing organic bread flour I really likethe King Arthur brand bread flour youreally just want to look for a breadflour that has a high protein content init because it will allow you for a nicechewy year style bread and there’ssomething called the hydrationpercentage with bread and the hydrationpercentage is basically the amount ofwater relative to the flour so the moreflour you have in your bread it lowersthe hydration percentage so you can goahead and buy random fat once you getcomfortable but the bread we’re going tomake today is basically a semi highpercent hydration level we are going touse 450 grams of white bread flour and50 grams of whole wheat flour so that’sas plain we’re ready to stir my firstentities this spoon is sort ofincorporating the dryer that the breadand eventually I’m just going to shiftto sticking my hand in there and fixingit to make sure I have all makes reallywell I’m going to wet my hand for waterso that it doesn’t stick too much let’snot go in there and what I like to dosort of squeeze my hand and then turnthe dough[Applause][Music]I’m sweeper your screen people and we’regonna go do something else for about 20minutes and then come back and add thesalt and the rest of the water it’s beenabout 20 to 30 minutes I was able tofinish my cup of coffee and now we’regoing to be adding the rest of the flourand adding some salts to the doughso you ever steal here just gonna dothat again so you me adding 25 grams ofwater and we’re gonna be adding 10 gramsof kosher saltswirl it around to mix it up and we’regoing to go ahead and take it and dumpit into our dough and I wet my hand realquick I always like to use more waterwhen I’m doing this I’m just gonnaincorporate that just salt and waterinto the rest of our doughyou don’t have to be too gentle whenyou’re doing this you can’t get yourhands can I squeeze it in there and justjust to reiterate we’re doing a 75percentage actionso our total water is the 350 grams weoriginally had Plus those 25 grams andour total flour is 500 grams of flour sowe did 450 grams of organic bread flourand 50 grams of wheat flour so the threehundred and fifty plus seventy plus 25is 375 divided by five hundred is a 75percentage hydration level so at thispoint our dough is going to be Itransferred it into plastic cambro andyou can just keep it in the bowl if youdon’t have one of these that will befine but I like to transfer my doughinto this kind of container to allow itto do the whole fermentation so what I’mgonna do is put the stove into on backonto the stove where it’s at overnightand it’s gonna it’s gonna do the rest ofit there so our bread is are even mixedand we’re waiting to do the first turn Ijust cleaned off the counter and we havethe rest of this sourdough starter and Ijust wanted to kind of talk about it alittle bit a lot of people are afraid todo sourdough breads because they thinkthey’re sort of starter that you’regonna have to feed it every single daywhich is not true you only have to feedyour startup starter where you’re goingto be baking right so unless you’remaking bread every single day you don’tneed to feed it every single day whatwe’re going to do is put it into a teajar for our future loaves and this canjust go in the refrigerator and just sitin the refrigerator for two or threeweeks you don’t really have to feed itin between that time there’s times whereI’ve just goneand come back and said it and it’s 29 soas long as you feed it I would say onceevery two to three weeks you should begood to goso we’re back now it’s about 30 minutessince we mixed our dough added the saltand water and with it go into bulkfermentation the total time of bulkfermentation is three to four hours thefirst two hours every 30 minutes we’regoing to do what’s called a turn of thedough so we’re going to start now it’sbeen about 30 minutes like I said sincewe put the dough into both fermentationso it’s time for its first turnI have some warm water here it’s about80 degrees just gonna dip my hand in thewatershake my hand off kind of try and thenwe’re gonna dip my hand in the doughpull up and then push down turn itpull up push down turn it do this aboutthree times and this is my first termthe first term you can be a little bitmore aggressive with the dough butsubsequent turns you want to be littleand like I said we’re just going toleave our dough at room temperaturebecause it’s pretty warm today and if itwas a cooler winter day we wouldprobably want to find a warmerenvironment like perhaps inside thestove but because it’s warm today we canjust leave it at room temperature so weare two hours into the bulk fermentationwe’ve done four turns of the dough andas you can see the dough’s volume hasincreased significantly I would sayprobably thirty percent to this morningwhen we first mixed it so what I’m gonnado I have some bench flour here we’rejust a spread flour Internet so youcould go out what did I do it is dividedinto two as evenly as I can you can usescale to do this if you want or you canjust do it by eye i usually just do itby eye right in halfand then what I’m going to do is sort ofform it into two round shapes malls andI’m going to try and make the dough alittle bit tight by it as a conforminginto the ball I’m sort of pulling infolding in under so that is nice cottonthat’s my first one make sure they’resmaller below it’s a business tip I’mgoing to do the second one[Music]so just like pulling the dough andpulling it on top I think some flour isa bit sticky as you can tell forming itinto example at this point we need tolet it do its bed rest for about 30minutes so we’ll come back and about 30minutes and we’ll show you how to formitthe final shape being ready basket forthe final threeokay so we’re back and we have thebaikonur bone – and they sort offlattened out a little bit us they’vebeen resting for about thirty minuteshere and the next step is to shape thebread loaves and do the second rise andthe breast bread baskets before we bakethem which is going to be two hoursadditional so I have a bread basket herewhich unfortunately my buddy – a littlebit but the source is fine if you don’thave a bread basket you could also use around bowl we’re just fine I’ll show youcan do that so what I’m going to do istake the dough flip it over and stretchit both ways and hold it one minute oneand then take it other way stretch itone in one and then at this point whatI’m going to do is just fold it to shapeit into sort of an oval so that it willfit into the basket yeah the basket whatI like to use it’s rice for aligning itwith those her to my god says to usebread flour and whole wheat flour tokeep it deep but I like to just use riceflour because they feel like it it doesa great jobbut it’s difficult to have to blend supI had a burger I saw her back so we haveone and then the second one that I’mgoing to do is kind of somethingdifferent I’d like to show you how touse squash seeds I just have some myBannockburn flax seeds heredid you an itch press on the outside Iput some in the hole here I’m going todo the same thing what you want to donow is not incorporate too much moreflour when you’re shaping the loaves itshould have enough flour I do this sowhat I’m doing is just this is going tobe a round shape[Music]and I’m gonna cook it and roll it in thebread back seats[Music]and so lines us that this makeshiftbasket here noise also use rice flourand they will challenge here discuss itwith the rice flour so it doesn’t stickand seeing sign is always going to be upbecause when you make it you’re going toflip it over and you don’t want to seethe see siteso the presentations like this littlenice to be bouncing just goodtranscripts and we’re gonna put them ina nice warm place coveredwe’re gonna dirty Trumbull and we’ll beback in two hours to do the baking[Music]so as you can see the breads gonna roseon that a little bit it’s nice and loosethere’s bubbles here it’s really activewhich is a good sign and it’s been acouple hours so I’m gonna go ahead andjust put in the oven I have my touchoven in here the lake who stay and theystick the oven in here that’s beenheating up for about 30 minutes at 500Fahrenheit[Music]I’m going to take my razor blade andjust store the top you can buyspecifically for bread latesonline culture called sparring lanes I’mjust using a regular cited in its gonnastate covered baits for about 30 minutesI wish when we’re going to take the lidoff drop this in between 450 and thenfinish it off here we go we’re gonnatake the lid off it spend about 30minutes in so everybody can beat peopleup and see how it goes it’s a veryexciting art so it looks greatwe’re gonna lower the temperature to 450Fahrenheit and we’re going to continuebaking it a little bit longer[Music]so let’s face again and we’ll check itagain we want it to be a nice dark browncolor we’ll check a little bit gettingup to two minutes and see its ratingspot okay so it’s been about fifteenmovie point minutes since we’ve takenthe lid off makes colder Browns pressedon the braintake a looklook spit really hot and that’s it we’rejust gonna let it cool in the Dutch ovenfor about an hour before me sticks intoit hope you liked this video and see youlater[Music][Music][Applause][Music]