Bread Recipes

Stuck at home? Make bread! Navajo bread recipe.

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hey welcome back to joy a healthy lifeI’m looking for things to keep me busyat home due to the coronavirus I don’thave the virus I feel fine but um Ialready work from home full-time and noyou know no social life so staying homeI do like to bake and I like to find newthings to make I did find this recipeonlineit’s called Navajo bread it’s a it’sjust a flatbread that you can make it’ssuper easy super simple this is thefirst time I’m making this I didn’t prepfor thisI’m Amanda before so this could be adisaster but whatever it’s something todo so all you need for this bread is andI have my recipe here on my phone in thecabinet you need two cups of flour so Ihave a brand new flour here and I thinkwhat’s great about this recipe you don’tneed it’s a flatbreadyou don’t need yeast and and all thatstuff is literally flour salt bakingpowder and water do you need to 2 cupsof all-purpose flour 2 cups of flour I’ma messy Baker too little flour so 2 cupsof flour 1 tablespoon of baking powderso it’s got to be powder and not and notsoda so here we goand actually I this is on my list ofsupplies to get I am gonna leave thehouse later today and stop by a localstore so I need 1 tablespoon of this andthis is pretty old if you’ve got youknow older things in your cabinets youhave news for a while give them a goodmix so that’s a tablespoon of that1 teaspoon of salt this does kosher saltI’m just gonna use a regular table saltso 1 teaspoon of thatI’ll post the recipe link in in thecomments – so I’m gonna find a whisk I’mgonna just whisk my dry together liketwo teaspoons I’m just gonna check thedirections real quick so I’m gonna goahead and add my oil to this okay sothis is two teaspoons of oil so there’smy teaspoon I just used it for the saltand this is the the order that therecipe says to go dry ingredients oilthen water I don’t know why but there’snot a whole lot of oil to mix in withthe flour so so I need one and a quartercups of lukewarm water so I’m trying toget it looped in warm looking for myquarter cup that’s it I’m gonna warm itup just a little there we go it’s a oneand a quarternow with bread it’s always funny howmuch water so I’m gonna fill up thisquarter cup but I’m only gonna put halfof it in there cause you never knowsometimes depending on the air qualitywhere you are all that kind of stuffyou might need more or less water so I’musing a spatula to get this all mixedtogether so the directions say let’s seehere I did it it uh mixed together in amixing bowl and had most of the watercontinue mixing and adding water untilit consistency of tacky pizza dough Iwould say we need a little bit morewater it’s still a little dry so we’regonna work that little extra water inthere make sure it’s good and mixed thisis definitely tacky and sticky it’ssticking to you know the spatula it’syou know sticking to itself I would saythat’s a pretty good-looking pizza doughright there sticky tackyokay so combined mixing consistency atechy need for a few minutes so this hasalready been washed and cleaned a littlebit of flour here I’m gonna roll thisout oh yeah that’s definitely tackyknead it a couple times you want to pullit fold it over on itself and press itmake sure you do the corners too justgive it a good a good smooshing just toget everything worked together[Music]but god I haven’t made this before we’llsee it could be a disaster so I’m justgonna need thisnow we’re gonna delete let it rest in agreased Bowl for 30 to 60 minutes sothat came together pretty well actuallyum I’m gonna use the same bowl but I’mgonna use a spray olive oil spray theballs slapping the dough back in thereI’m gonna put a towel over that just aregular dish towel over that I’m gonnalet this sit down on the counter it’sjust 30 to 60 minutes I’ll probably dolike 45 to be safe and then I’m gonnastart the video back up stay tunedhey welcome back the bread has I’ve beensitting for about 40 minutesit’s definitely it’s increased in volumebut not by a whole lot so it says to usea griddle pan or a cast-iron skillet Idon’t have either of those so I’m usinga regular old skillet so hopefully thatworks we’ll see so directions aredivided into six pieces what I’m gonnado is I’m gonna and I’m flowering thatin it um I was gonna say bowling pinyou need a rolling pin but if you don’tyou can always take the wrapper off of acanned good clean it you know reallygood and then use that to rule it out soI’m gonna bring out my dough there it isI’m just gonna turn it over in the flournow I’m gonna divide it into six so I’mgonna take it in half and then dividethat into thirdsmaybe okay so I have two halves and thenI’m gonna do thirds here just trying toget it evenI’m pretty excited about this I thinkyou know with all those Wow we can usethis for pizza or you know pitasandwiches or something I’m gonna makesome TVP burgers later one two three sowe have six so it ends up with a ball ofdough about this big it’s still prettysmushy so the directions are divided sixroll out very thin think tortillathickness so I’m taking my rolling pansome flour on it so it’s tortillathickness so pretty thin trying to makeit round sort of I’m gonna flip it overone more time I’ve got a couple of sixspots I love to cook I love to bake butI’ve never been much of a bread makerso um so that’s pretty thinit says heat cast iron skillet orgriddle to 350 well so I’m gonna leavethis medium-high add 1 tablespoon ofcanola oilI have canola oil heat oil till it’s hotbut not smoking so I’m just gonna add alittle bit of oil here maybe about atablespoon it’s a big skillet maybe alittle bit more I’m just gonna mushsquish this around again first timemaking this I don’t know but my bread ispretty pretty thin heat till hot but notsmoking cook bread until golden brownspots appear on one side then flip cookuntil the other side is done I don’tknow this is pretty hot I’m gonna startI’m gonna put this one in here and seehow it goesI’m pretty excited I’m gonna get a platehere ready so you can see it kind ofbubbling the oil is bubbling around theedges it doesn’t get the time hook untilgolden brown spots appear on one sidewell I’m gonna get my spatula ready I’mgonna see what this looks like you cansee the bread start to like puff up alittle bit like naan bread or like afocaccia or something yeah I got this onoh hi actually you can see it ohdefinitely bubbling umhere maybe I can show you see thatbubbly bubbly okay I’m just gonna checkthis side it smells wonderfulI love bread so there are no brown spotsleft yet so it’s just gonna let it go umso some things you can do stuck at homeif you have a laptop or a smartphone youcan do a virtual happy hour with yourfriends I did one last night with mygirlfriendswe used Skype we did it for about anhour we each had a drink in our hand wecaught up on on stuff I’m gonna go aheadand flip this you know we caught up onlife it was just nice to see their facesbecause I haven’t seen some of them inin a while so that’s something you cando some folks were saying that zoom isreally good for that you know you cancertainly FaceTime but that’s more ofthe one-on-one thing but you know we hadfive of usSkype for an hour as long as you have adecent um you know data plan or wirelessconnection that’s a great idea that’ssomething I really recommend I did Skypewith a friend yesterday afternoonmy best friend really hadn’t seen herit’s only been a couple of weeks but itfeels like it’s forever and I almost gota little teary-eyed seeing her face onmy screen I just miss her so much butwe’ve been you know certainly texting alot and you know sending a lot of giftsand you know gif s not gifts through themail okay so I’ve got some brown spotson this side can you see that that lookspretty good so I just flipped it overagain just testing the doneness it looksreally good super excited I am going toa paper towel down to soak up some stuffwell I’m actually gonna put a towelunderneath it you know trying toconserve paper towels as well stilltrying to be good to the environmentwhile importing stuff quarantine youknow you’re not supporting socialdistancing I don’t have it I’ve beentaking my temperature every day um weboth have just to see I mean I’m workingfrom home but Mike is still going intothe office on occasion because he’s anHR manager so so I think this isprobably pretty good both sides havesome dark spots I’m gonna put that outthere there’s still some oil there ohI’m gonna roll out the next one I shouldprobably have these rolled out already Iwasn’t really thinking that’s too busytalking and throwing it in therethey can shred that some oil I couldprobably get two in there actually I’mgonna go ahead and one of these is alittle bit smaller and again uh you knowyou don’t need yeast there’s no there’sno stand mixing you know you don’t needa lot of stuff I’m you know certainlythe yeast thing and having to developthat that’s a pain in the butt um sojust using the baking powder that’s yourkey oh this is starting to smoke alittle bit I’m going to turn this down Iswitched um I went to a ceramic skilletwhat’s that really nice all right putsome of our Gnostic stuff was kind ofgross but I find that uh sometimes turnsthe oil dark okay weird I don’t know Idon’t know if it’s ass or what so I haveone halfway done I’m adding another sothis is the finished one one side andthe other just soaking that up theresome Earlthis second one I did is kind of puffyso we’ll see I don’t know first timesort of like 17 minutes kind of a longvideo um just making sure things aredone there go check this other one ohthis one looks fantastic look at thosegiant bubbles that looks like some nanbread you get at Indian restaurant ornaan bread so I’m taking this one outgonna let that sit on the paper towel ohmy goodness that looks so awesome so I’mjust gonna go ahead and roll the rest ofthese out easy-peasyand some recipes that I found onlinecalled for like frying the oil you knowthey mean like with a layer of oilputting it in there letting it bubble upand fry it uh you know I don’t like touse a lot of oil and I only used atablespoon here and we’re still goingstrong like why I guess I added toanother tablespoon but here’s the firstone torn apart looks pretty good I’mimpressedthis one turned out to be kind of bigbut look at the brown look at the colorI’m gonna pull that one out as well seeall those brown spots it’s good justmaking sure it’s got some oil there soit doesn’t stick the ceramic skilletcertainly it gets a little brown on theedge when it’s up at high heat I usuallyuse an olive oil grapeseed or oil orcanola um but you definitely have tokeep this at a high heat it needs tobrown and really get going so I’m gonnado these last couple pieces here so umso after the bread is done starting toopen up the thing again um you knowthey’re all cooked you can um keep uhyou can make it ahead keep it under a[Music]flour sack paddle up to two days you canfreeze it in a ziplock bag for later useso yeah you can keep it out um looselycontained for a couple of days or freezeit so which I’m gonna do I’m you knowmaking the six gear there’s only two ofus I’ll probably keep a couple of out Imight use one for maybe pizza tonight umbut I didn’t since there’s no I wouldn’tconsider this savory I mean there issalt in there but that’s more for thescience experiment of it but I think youcould do peanut butter jelly roll upswith these um peanut butter with fruitroll it up or just have it you know likea kind of a pizza um I made pancakes forbreakfast and I made extra I madeblueberry and then I made pineapplecoconut but then the extra pancakes Ileft plain because again we can usethose as we can reheatagain with the peanut butter peanutbutter with granola just as a rollup ora sweet kind of snack so using thepancakes you know it’s kind of thedelivery system you know of whatever wowthis one’s got some nice some nicebubbles so I’m gonna roll out this lastone hey guys this was super super dupereasy if you had flour salt baking powderand some oil you’re in business for somebread I think this would be great youknow throw some greens like a healthyveggie rum lap where this isn’t muchshape you know anything anything getcreative if you try it let me know yeahso I don’t think you have to watch mecook these last two but this is you knowthis is what you end up with um veryvery very cool super excited and takecare of yourselves be healthy be smartokay and post some ideas on my youtubesign of new recipes I’ll try anythingI’ll see you guys soon bye

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