Simple Bread Making | Family activity | You can Make Bread.
I will show you how I make my bread and how I get it to come out fluffy and soft each and every time. Follow my simple step by simple step and you too will be able to make bread may be much better than I could.
My Grandmother taught me how to make bread since I was a teen, and that skill has served me well. Now I am showing the world the skill my grandmother taught me. I know that there are tons of videos on this topic, but if you follow mine I bet you will learn something that other videos will never teach you.
After you look at my videos and you made your own bread, please comment below and let me know, this way I would be happy that my effort was not in vain.
This video was made during the coronavirus season, I wish us all health, my God Have Mercy on us all, stay well.
homemade bread recipe,
learn how to make,
learn how to make bread,
do it yourself projects,
family activities,
fun things to do at home,
fun things to do with your friends,
fun things to do with your family,
fun things to do with your family when you’re bored
activities for kids at home,
activities to do as a couple,
activities to do as a family,
bread making made simple,
You can make Bread,
sourdough bread,
anyone can make
family survival activity,
kids can make,
how to make your own bread,
do it yourself project,
family activities at home,
family survival,
bread making made easy,
do it yourself bread baking,
staying alive,
kids can make bread too,
learn how to bake,
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
all right so now then the rest as wellas I wanted to do this[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music]and the concept of unit of meters tomake the flower like flexible you knowblacks ticklish right there[Music]see this is a great family activity andwe’re gonna get a piece of the doughneed[Music][Music][Music]nice piece to me hey you can use yourhand and your fingers like this this[Music][Music]now I have this I know not everybody howI use this as my bread pan I have fourof them so this is what I use so becomesI’m teaching people you don’t have to goout and buy these if you can’t find themyou could use something like this so nowI’m going to grease the I’ll show youexactly how my grandmother taught me getthe call everyone[Music][Music]but I have you ever use this for bakingmy but I know most people have this intheir kitchen so we grease it now we goto small this is my grandmother’s[Music][Music]the street[Music][Music][Music]all right so it’s ready I’m so readythat’s it until I come to make these off[Music]