It’s quarantine kitchen time! Today we’re learning how to bake no-knead multigrain bread! I hope you try this homemade recipe and enjoy it!
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Dutch Oven No-knead Multigrain Bread In 4 Simple Steps
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Video Transcription
oh don’t mind me I’m just waiting for mybread to cool while I wait I might aswell tell you oh I made these no needmultigrain bread so step into my kitchenand let’s start baking let’s start with1 cup of all-purpose flour 1 cup ofwhole wheat flour 1/2 a cup of rye flourand 1/2 a cup of corn flour then 3/4 ofa teaspoon of salt 1 tablespoon of lightbrown sugar and 1 teaspoon of dry yeastmix everything togetherthis is incredibly easy you don’t evenneed the recipe but I will leave mine inthe description just in case now add oneand a half cups of hot water not boilingthough just hot to the touchmix until all the flour is incorporatedthen cover with cling film and let itrest for at least three hours you canmake some tea read a book or watch someof my videos bodyweight why not bowlwith some parchment paper and get yourDutch oven ready then place the dough ona well floured surface and roll it intoa ball you may use a spatula to help youplace the dough into the prepared bowlcover with cling film and set it asideto restplace the let-7 into the cold oven andset it to 220 degrees 30 minutes latercarefully remove the Dutch oven from theovenplace the dough inside it and cover itmake it for 30 minutes buy them if youfeel it needs a little bit more colorlet it bake for 5 more minutes withoutthe lid on then take it out of the ovenbeing extra careful not to burn yourselfokayback to waiting for it to cool let mejust show you what the bread sounds likewell the bread isn’t cool enough butwe’ve done our best right let’s cut it Idon’t know about you but I can’t havewarm bread without butter so here we goFlo says that she should click thisvideo and also click here to subscribeand as always thanks for watching andsee you next time