Learn how to make bread with Ms. Grace. Science is baking!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey boys and girls so today I’m gonna bemaking some bread with you guys I’mpretty excited about it I haven’t reallyhad a chance to do much baking thiswinter so I’m excited to start springoff with a little bit of extra pastrymaking cookies we made pretzel bagelsjust like good times all around butbefore we get started on making just aregular plain old loaf of bread we’regonna go over a little bit about whatmakes bread and bread and we’re gonna doa little experiment with yeast so thatwe can see why bread gets so light andfluffy and airy and kind of understandthat a little bit of the science behindthat so just a sec oh right for thislittle experiment we’re gonna be usingtwo water bottles and we are gonna fillthem with a wheat yeast and sugarsolution and compare the results betweenyeast that we gave sugar in use that wedid not give sugar what’s reallyimportant here if you guys noticed I amchecking the temperature of the wateryeast prefers to live in water between ahundred degrees and 110 degrees anythingmore than that and will hurt the Eastanything less than that and they’ll betoo cold and sleepy to get anything doneso we are gonna be taking our yeast gearand mixing about a teaspoon of it intoone cup here and one cup here of warmwater and we are gonna feed one of thesetablespoon of sugar and we are gonnacompare in our water bottles and see howmuch of the carbon dioxide that theyproduce so we can see which will be moreeffective when we make our bread lateron so we are just gonna start with ateaspoon you notice I got my nice littlemeasure here leveled out approximatelyflat into one cup and then we are goingto take a teaspoon of these and levelthat out into one cup and then level itout into also the cup that we did notput sugar into so this cup here on theright hair and this cup does not andthat will be the two that we compare andI’ve poured the water into the firststep and now we’re going to get itunderway with[Music]you guys notice we’re gonna take just asecond to stir these boys up make sureeverything is all mixed together verywell and then we are gonna take our leftcup and pour it into our bottle on theleft-hand side I am just gonna put youguys down for a second so I can get agood handle on both cups bleh look atthat water does look very appetizing huhyeah imagine putting that into our breadand then we’re gonna take the right Cupmake sure you guys can see what I’mdoing hereand pour it into the right bottle youguys notice it’s starting to get alittle bit bubbly at the bottom it’sfrothing up cuz the yeast is soaking inand we are gonna take our yellow balloonand keep keeping careful to make surethat we’re not sealing off the rest ofballoon we’re gonna spread it right overthe top of the bottle make a nice littleseal so it saves on nice and tight youguys see thatand then we’re gonna do the same thingto other guy and we’ll let these bottlessit for I want to say 30 minutes and seeif we notice anything differentyouall right you guys so that experimentwent very well as you guys can see thebottle that we use sugar in with theyeast went very well and so the reasonwe took time to stop into thisexperiment is because I want you guys toremember three very important things thethree most important things for you guysto remember about yeast today is thatit’s alive if we don’t give it the righttemperatures if we don’t keep it niceand warm and we don’t keep it fromgetting too cold it’s not gonna doanything it won’t do what we need it todo because it won’t be happy in thoseconditions the second thing to rememberis that it takes sugar which as you guyscan see we put sugar in this bottle hereand not in this bottle here it takessugar and it turns it into carbondioxide which you guys probably knowmost about as a gas or maybe as thecarbonation in your sodas but it’s alsovery important when you make breadbecause it keeps the dough light andfluffy so like when you guys write intobread you’re not breaking your teethbecause the yeast took the sugar thatwas in there and turned it into air andmade it nice and fluffy for us the setof the third most important thing for usto remember that we just learned duringour time lapse video and that yeasttakes time to work while we’re doingthis recipe that we’re about to do we’regonna have a lot of times where we justneed to stop and wait for the yeast todo what it needs to do it’s gonna becalling we’re gonna stop to let thebread rise in the bowltwo or three times because it gives theyeast lots of time to take all the sugarthat we put into the bread and turn itinto carbon dioxide all right you guysnow we’re gonna get to making bread I’mjust gonna stop for a second and takeanother look at the balloon because it’sfilled up even more from where it wasbefore it’s actually made little poppingnoise noises a couple of times as itlets out the co2 and if you look at thewater level here you guys rememberedfrom before the one with the sugar in itwas down much lower than the one withoutsugar this one is starting to fill upwith a kind of foaming frothing solutionas the yeast really gets into thefermentation process and starts crankingout the co2 so I can expect to maybecheck in on this a couple more timesduring the video but it’s really fullyou guys it’s doing a very good job andsoon that note actually we are gonna stopand check in and make sure that ourwater is a good temperature and we aregonna add two cups of water and twotablespoons of dry yeast into our bigbowl and we are gonna let them proof andnow proofing is just a fancy word forletting the yeast sit for 10 minutes andtake the time that it needs to getstarted because if you guys remember forthe first part of the whole video nottoo much what’s happening in regards tothe bottles and then all of a sudden itreally started to fill up at the end sowe’re gonna let our yeast proof and sothis this water is coming in about 101degrees a little bit more than that nottoo bad if I do say so myselfso I’ve measured out two cups of waterI’m gonna put you guys down for a hotsecond my apologiestwo cups of water and we were gonna takestraight from our little so we are gonnabe taking two full tablespoons and I’msaying tablespoons not teaspoons of theyeast to mix into our warm water it’simportant to go nice and slow I usuallypour over a nice dry Bowl so if I missany I can scoop that back up and use itagain so one full tablespoon inand another full tablespoon in we guyswant to just take a second and take alook we’re gonna mix all of thistogetheryou guys already kind of getting plumbto these big bubbles popping up here inthere nice is really starting to smelllike right if you guys are doing this athome with on with meyou guys will notice that it’s clumpingup a little bit starting to dissolve andit immediately starts to smell likebread it’s very very delicious and we’realso just gonna take two full bigheaping tablespoons of sugarthat’s not quite full we want to makesure our guys getting a good food therewe go one sorry guys I’m gonna put youdownand to and I’m just gonna set a timerfor 10 minutes and let the yeast getstarted so that by the time that westart adding in the flourit’ll be underway okay so you guys I’velet the yeast sit in the bowl if youwant to take a closer look in here forabout 10 minutes you guys notice there’sa nice thick foam across the top you cansee the yeast is really gotten a chanceto get started we are gonna add the fulltablespoon of salt now and mix it inI see how foamy it is it almost lookskind of like soda like it’s foamingright across the top like root beer andso I have measured out five cups offlour over here for you guys I did takethe time to make sure I wasn’t packingit in since I’ve already measured it outI’m gonna show what happens if you guyspack in your flour you’re gonna get ifyou look I just push down and tamped itdown and I can pack the flour down andget way more than I need in the bowl soit’s important when you are scooping outand measuring your flour that you keepthings light and you don’t pack it inyou will get a lot more flour than youneed and want you’ll wind up with muchdenser bread if that makes sense nowthat I’ve gone and stuck my hands in theflour we’re gonna stop and remember thatit’s very important for you to removeyour bracelets and your rings beforethis portion of it I’ve already washedmy hands several times during thisentire setup but if you have anything onyour wrist or your hands they’re gonnaget very messy and make things a littlebit dirtier so let’s just make sure takea second to make sure our wrists and ourhands are free of any ornamentsall right so we are just gonna add theflour in a little bit at a time I’musing a big tablespoon scoop andstirring it myself with a big old spoonit’s not gonna seem like you’re doingtoo much information it’s gonna seemlike you’re maybe taking things a littlebit too slow but I assure you when weget later into the stirring process youguys are gonna appreciate the fact thatwe’re taking things a little bit sloweryou guys hear the foaming we do have alot more yeast in this recipe and it’stypical the reason we’re using a recipewith such a high in the volume of yeastis because instead of having to let itrest for an hour or two and wait for thedough to rise you’re only gonna have tolet this bread sit for about 15 minutes[Music]you guys see it’s starting to thicken upthe foaming is stopped and we’restarting to get something kind of soupyalmost like what you’d find with slangyou guys notice the bra the dough isstarting to pull away from the edges ofthe bowl and get a lot harder to workwith so I’m gonna pour in the rest ofthe flour and finish following up thedough looks like we’re just about therepause alright so we are gonna knead thedough we’re gonna knead it for about 8minutes I’ve set a little piggy timerover here so I’m not gonna have to usemy phone kneading is the process offolding over the red pushing it downfolding it over again pushing it backout folding it back over it’s somethingthat takes a little bit more muscle thanyou guys might think but it’s actuallypretty soothing it’s very enjoyable sowe’re doing this so that all the doughmix it together with the yeast and thesugar and it gets a lot of time for allthe strands of gluten inside of it toline up so that when we bake our breadit’s nice and cohesive so you’re I’mjust gonna sit here and do this foreight minutes you guys can take turnsdoing this at hometrade off with a sibling or maybe aparent I’ll make things a little biteasier for you guys I did just lay out alittle bit of parchment tape paper on mytable so that I wouldn’t have to worryabout cleaning up afterwards does makethings a lot easier and keep things fromgetting a little out of handalright so I’ve worked the dough forhere about eight minutes now and now I’mgonna take the bread bowl that we wereusing earlier and rub some olive oil onthe inside so the bread doesn’t stickwe’re gonna take our freshly kneadeddough place it in the bowl we’re gonnatake a dish rag which I just ran somewarm water over and we’re gonna make alittle roof for it over here and we’regonna take it and we’re gonna let it sitfor 15 minutes somewhere warm in thiscaseoff of the stove which I have preheatedpreheating to 400 degrees so it’ll beready in about 15 minutesafter we’re done letting it rise stopmake a little timer get her a littlepiggy boy going and we’ll be right backJoey all right guys we’ve let our flourdough sit for about 20 minutes now it’snot quite doubled in size but we aregonna get underway first thing you gotto do is the fun part we’re gonna placeit and you guys see all the ears kind ofgums seeping out and the dough is a lotlighter and airier across the board thanit was before when we put it in we arejust gonna take a second and separate itout into about two equal halves gonnashape it up a little bit we’re gonna dotwo nice round lobes I think and we’regonna put it on our tray which I’vealready sprinkled with a little bit ofcorn flour so that it’s not gonna stickto anything they’re a lot lighter andfluffier than they were when we startedand we are actually just gonna take asecond and turn over here and look at Imade a little boy about 1/4 the entirerecipe I didn’t add any yeast at allthis guy if you guys want to think whatmight me be happy what happened withthis guy look at how much smaller thanhe is I used 1/4 of the flour overalland he is much smaller than half thesize of the other two boys which areeach half of the total recipe so it’llbe a little bit interesting we are gonnatake a knife and we’re gonna make scoresacross the top at about 1/2 inch depthwhat do you guys think this is gonna dodo you think it’s gonna help let the airout so that we don’t maybe get anyaccidental explosions with ease I thinkthat might be nice so we’re gonna scoreright across the top and let a littlebit of the extra air out so we don’thave any problems later on we’re gonnatake our cold water and just kind ofwipe it across the topand you guys don’t have to do this partat home but I really like everythingseasoning so I’m gonna take sesame seedspoppy seeds garlic and a couple otherthings and just kind of sprinkle thatacross the top because I enjoy it ah doyou guys think we should put someseasoning on this guy down here see howhe goes yeah might as well see all rightdo you guys want to take a moment andthink about what do you guys think isgonna happen with this guy that’s notgonna happen with these two over hereokay we are gonna take a little bit ofhot water and pour it into this pan downhere before we put our our bread in theoven we want to make sure we have a nicepan of hot water that we’re gonna put inon the bottom shelfthat’ll go underneath where we’recooking you guys see I’ve got my traysmy rep my rack set up so I’ve one downlow for the steaming water and one up alittle bit higher for the dough andwe’re gonna let these guys cook forabout 40 to 15 minutes I’m gonna takethe smallest one out early because it’sabout half the size so at about 25 to 30minutes I’m gonna go in and check on itand make sure that he’s doing okay butotherwise we’re gonna take a couple ofstill photos at different parts in thecooking process so you guys can get achance to see what’s happening bye guysyouall rightjust a little bit once these guys havecooled off a little bit more we’ll pullthem apart and really compare they’re alittle bit too hot to really do anythingwith right now but these guys expand itout you guys see how along the cut marksI did a better job on this one thebright expanded out it kept it fromtearing like it did on this side overhere so I was pretty useful stuff seenjust a little bit all right so I’m aboutto cut into our two different types ofbread this is the one that we didn’t addany ease to at all I wound up cooking itthe entire time just because it doesn’tseem to really finished up what it needsto do even leaving it in a little bitlonger didn’t quite do it and this isthe slightly less pretty of our too lowso I’m just going to cut into here so wecan get a good idea what it looks likeon the insideand so a quick peek we can see all thelittle air bubbles where the yeast didits good job and made a lot of carbondioxide for us and kept the bread niceand light and fluffy it’s got a lot ofsquish to it I’m very excited to beeating that today oh that’s not thebread knife and then here is our otherlittle which if you guys can notice it’snot cooked all the way through it isessentially a solid mass of flour it’snot going to be very good to eat I’mprobably not gonna wind up eating thisnew to see if some birds will eat it butas you guys can see yeast is a veryimportant part of the bread makingprocess if it wasn’t inside here makingall the little air bubbles we wouldn’thave a big chunk of yummy deliciousbread we’d have a big chunk of sadsquishy dough so appreciate your yeast