How can you make beef Wellington like Gordon Ramsay, or perhaps better?? It’s actually surprisingly simple and easy and it doesn’t require prior experience. It just takes some effort and a little bit of patience, and you’ll have a beautifully latticed crispy on the outside melt in your mouth on the inside Beef Wellington.
Homemade Puff pastry:
Dufour Puff Pastry:
Lattice Cutter:
Ingredients you’ll need:
1.5 pound (650g) beef tenderloin (ideally thick center cut)
2 tablespoons (24ml) high heat oil like canola
salt and pepper to taste
good dijon mustard for brushing
1.5 sheets of puff pastry (or just one if you want to skip the lattice)
6-8 slices prosciutto
1 pound (468g) mushrooms (can be a mix or just be all cremini)
2 shallots
3 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons (24ml) olive oil
3 tablespoons (44ml) whiskey *optional*
leaves from 2 sprigs of fresh thyme *also optional)
salt and pepper to taste
3.5 tablespoons (51g) all purpose flour
140ml whole milk
1 egg
salt to taste
Egg wash:
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoons (14ml) water
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
if you’ve ever wondered what pure luxurytastes like you’ve come to the rightvideo and Gordon Ramsay if you’rewatching this is for you[Music][Music]I’m sure many of us are familiar with itit’s one my favorite things of all timeit’s basically a tenderloin that’swrapped in many beautiful things likeprosciutto and a de sel a Duke cell andthe ever so famous puff pastry you canseem you know kind of well incrediblydaunting for a first-timerbut look me in my eyes I promise youthat once you watch this video andunderstand how this works it becomesincredibly easy to pull off and when Isay that this is worthwhile I mean itnow enough teasing and let’s do thisshall we so the first thing you need tostart with is a tenderloin obviously nownobody really talks about this which ishonestly quite a shame but you need theright kind of tenderloin and by that Imean you need to get a center cut partof the tenderloin also referred to asthe Chateaubriand fancy-sounding rightthat’s always good basically you needsomething that’s even in thickness fromone end to the other this is aChateaubriand piece that I decided totake the ends off and you know make it alittle more even because I just be extralike that and you want that bad boy toweigh in at 1 and 1/2 pounds or 650grams at two and a half to three inchesthick now just let that come up to roomtemperature I don’t care what KenjiLopez says trust me let it come to roomtemperature now all the tenderloinscoming up we’re gonna make our dip sellstart off by finely chopping one poundor 468 grams of mushrooms with a knifeor a food processor it can be a mix orit could just be all cremini or buttonmushrooms here I have a mix of creminimaitake and hedgehog mushrooms also forthe record I’m not calling out kenji JayLopez this just needs to be at roomtemperature because you need to sear itvery very quickly anyway so you’re gonnachop that until you get something justslightly smaller than pea-sized bits youessentially wanted to make a pace whenit’s cooked next fill a pan with 2finely chopped shallots 3 finely choppedcloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons or 30milliliters of olive oil that’s right ina cold pin then place that bad boy onmedium heat and sweat those vegetablesuntil they begin to turn translucent nowI do it in a cold pan because I want itto be a gentle start that way we don’trisk any color at all then add all ofyour mushrooms and season generouslywith salt and continue cooking on mediumheat stirring often until they’vereleased and simmered off the majorityof their liquid about 5 to 8 minutes andonce you’ve done that you’re gonna addtwo shots of vodka that’s a joke by thewayyou’re actually gonna add 3 tablespoonsor 44 milliliters of whiskey a goodwhiskey along with the leaves of twofresh sprigs of thymethen just let that simmer for a minuteor two to cook off the alcohol and toreduce it until there’s almost nothingleft then just let your dick sell cooloff on the side okay so now it’s time tosear the beef heat a pan that’llaccommodate the size of the roast overmedium-high heat with three tablespoonsor forty-four milliliters of some sortof high heat cooking we’re lookin OhI’ll cut your room-temperature beef drywith a paper towel and seasoned verygenerously with salt and pepper and makesure to coat all sides and what’s yourpian is rip-roaring hot and almostsmoking add your beef to the pan andsear on each side for about one and ahalf to two minutes no longer just tryand get a little bit of caramelizationyou’re really you really want to keepthat inside almost raw because it’sgonna be going back in the oven youdon’t want it to get overcooked whenit’s baking and don’t forget to sear offthose end but pieces – I need some color- oh look and there’s my butt – allright and once that’s seared on allsides you’re gonna place it on a plateand then brush it immediately with agood Dijon mustard by the way that was ahair from the brush not my hair I don’twant to hear about it in the commentsnow make sure that you’re brushing thiswhile it’s still hot so it reallyabsorbs that nice mustard flavor coatevery side then just let that cool downto room temperature now we’re almostready but we need to pre wrap the beefin something so we’re gonna make crepesthat’s right I know it sounds weird buttrust me it’s essential I’ll explainlateryou can make your own or you can buypremade but first you’re gonna startwith three and a half tablespoons r51grams of all-purpose flour a hundred andforty milliliters of whole milk and oneegg whisk those together add a tinylittle pinch of salt and that’s it thenjust preheat a nonstick medium sized panover medium heat add just enough butterto coat the bottom of the pan you don’twant a pool of butter and then pour injust enough for your batter to swirlaround and coat the entire bottomsurface of the pan then just let thatcook for about one to two minutes flipand let it cook for another 45 secondsto a full minute then just repeat thatwith the rest of your batter you’re onlygonna need about two or three crepesdepending on the size of your pan okayso it’s Willington burrito time firstline up two to three crepes so that theyoverlap to create some length you needit to be long enough for to wrap thebeef all the way around now just layeron some nice thin slices of prosciuttoat the base about 6 to 7 slices go aheadto edge with that goodness thencarefully spread all of your dicks Lstarting at the base to coat everythingevenly now if you want an even ring ofdicks L around yourten like in mine then unfortunately youkind of just have to have the spatialanalytical skills to sort of decipherhow far to spread it so it coats it allthe way around the beef no more no lessit should essentially connected the basewhen rolling then gently place your beefat the base of this layer beauty andbegin gently and slowly rolling itforward with the layered crepe on top ofthe beef until you it has been totallywrapped in it then gently roll your rapbeef in evil plastic wrap I know I’msorrywith enough excess wrap on the sides tothen tighten the wrap around the beef byholding the end shut and simultaneouslyrolling this should sort of create somenice tension but not too muchgive your Wellington baby a littlesmiley face and then place it in therefrigerator to chill and firm up forabout thirty minutes to an hour now oncethat’s been chilled you’re then going toroll a sheet of puff pastry to an eighthof an inch or a third of a centimeterthick then brush the surface of yourpastry with egg wash consisting of twoegg yolks and 1 tbsp of 14 millilitersof water it’s been whisked together thenplace your Willington burrito at thebase of your pastry not at all the waythe bottom you want a little bit of alip to grab on to while rolling thenjust grab your puff pastry and slowlyroll it around your entire Wellingtontell the edges meet you can cut off anyexcess keep the excess though then pinchthose edges together so that it’scompletely and totally closed and encasepinch off the edges cut off any excesson the edges and really make sure thatit is totally encased with no holes thenbrush the entire surface of yourWellington with the same egg wash now atthis point you didn’t go ahead and addthe flaky salt and toss it in the ovennow but I like to add a little latticepattern on top they don’t have to if youdon’t want to but I’m gonna show you howto do it really quickly all you need issomething called a lattice roller therewill be a link in the description forthe one that I have and then you’re justgonna run that across another sheet ofpuff pastry or some of that excess ifthere’s enough excess leftover andthat’s really it sometimes if thelattice roller doesn’t go all the waythrough or you can just use a knife tohelp it open up a little more thencarefully drape your lattice pastry overyour egg wash brushed Wellington that’skind of a mouthful connect them at thebase and then cut off any excess andthen just you know wrap it aroundconnect it at the base brush that oncemore very lightly with egg washotherwise they kind of pool in thoselittle divots it’s not so good and thensprinkle super generously withnone other than flaky salt don’t beafraid to go hard with the flaky salt itcreates such a nice crunchy salt crust abeautiful thing then just place that badboy in an oven that’s been preheated to400 degrees Fahrenheit on convection or425 degrees Fahrenheit in a regular ovenfor all you metric people that’s 204degrees Celsius on convection or 218degrees Celsius in a regular oven andjust bake until you get that nice goldenbrown crust mind you this recipe is formedium rare so if you want to cook morejust leave it in longer that’s prettymuch it once it’s done cool it for 10minutes slice it and serve now whenyou’re serving it you can absolutelymake a delicious sauce simply by takingchicken stock and reducing it by about75% taking it off the heat and thenadding a couple tablespoons of unsaltedbutter stirring it until it emulsifiesand you’ve got a delicious sort of pansauce then just serve your Wellingtonwith mashed potatoes vegetables you knowthe goods now beef wellington startswith a B but do you know what elsestarts with a B be real[Music]alright guys and we did it the mostbeautiful beef wellington cooked atender perfection each bite moreluxurious than the last sounds enticingright now I hope you guys enjoyed thisas much as I enjoyed making it because Ihad a blast and it turned out supergreat I was very very happy with it alsojust really quick a huge shout out toall of you guys who are so supportiveand always make me laugh I mean I reallydo I’m so so gratefulreally yesterday I tweeted this out toGordon Ramsay just mostly has a jokewith my beef wellington and I was reallysurprised with the reaction of watchpeople were trying to get his attentionso thank you guys but Gordon Ramsay likeI said if you’re watching hit me up andhit me up I truly feel like this is aWellington the Gordon Ramsay would beproud of so that makes me feel good butanyway thank you guys again for all thesupport don’t forget to follow me onInstagram and Twitter and all that goodstuff the links are below in mydescription but anyway if you enjoyedthis video or you learned somethingleave a like subscribe and I will seeyou next week[Music]