Bread Recipes


Hi and welcome to my humble channel. Hopefully you are enjoying my content as i am making them. I’m trying my best to give you good tips and advise. This is a simple recipe for you guys to follow and create the best naan bread!

250 gr Self Raising Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp salt (2 pinch)
1/2 tsp Kalonji – Nigella Seed (2 pinch)
100 ml Milk
1 Medium Egg
1 & 1/2 tbs Caster Suger
1 tbs Oil

Water needed to put on the bottom of naan.
Oil needed to put on top of naan.

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welcome everybody to another episode ofthe tips inspired today I’m going to beshowing you how to make naan breads athome I’ve had so many requests for thison mine atif since pipe Instagram pageas well as my Facebook page so getconnected with me through Instagramright this is a very simple recipe andthat anybody can follow and hopefullyyou can do at home when we in therestaurant we make big massive batchesobviously the naan breads gonna fly nowbut I’ve simplified it for 2 to 4 peoplethat you can do at home so hopefully onhigh demand of got this recipeeverything that we have in therestaurant but I’m gonna do it andsimplified it for you that you can do athome so hopefully if you follow thisrecipe you’re gonna have a beautifulnaan breads with your meal any time athome so know I’m really is today guysright I’ve got my measuring scale put anice mixing bowl on turn it on and thesetting for grams I need about 250 gramsgood old self raising flour238 it’s exactly bang-on 250 but justover two of these measurements of thesecups American measurements when you usemy mum’s baking powder want the naanbreads to have a nice fluffy texture andhelp it rise the self raising flour andthe baking powder should definitely dothe business you want to have some tasteso I’m going to just use a little bit ofsalt one two pinches of salt just lessthan half a teaspoon measurement this isthe nigella seed the Cullen G somepeople put it all on top of the naanbread but I feel this is the best way sogot two pinches this is very traditionalwhen you bite into the naan bread you’llhave that savory sort of flavor it’sbeautiful and it’s very traditional inIndian cooking so there you go that’sthe dry mixture gonna give this a nicelittle mix enough and measuring scaleoffso now this is mixed I’m going to leaveit aside right so I have a hundredmilliliters of milk there you go so whatI’m going to do when i crack an egg andput it in what the egg tends to do ismix it fluffy and helps it rise so it’sessential but you can leave that outit’s no problem whatsoever I’m not goingto use any yeast or anything that’sgoing to be here and this is justgeneral vegetable oil one goodtablespoon no I’ve got my mom’s sugarpot he’s so cute there you go so youwant the naan breads to be sweet one anda halfso now let’s give all the lips make sureto mix this guys very well once you mixthat because we’ve got the the sugar thecaster sugar and it’s got this it’s gotthe little crystals so leave it hereabout 5-10 minutes and then come back toit and then we’ll mix it so you want thesugar to dissolve basically this isexactly the same process as I doing therestaurant but massive big batchesnormally I’d put the hollandaiseeverything in here mix this up and thenmix it to the flour but I’m showing youhopefully this is simple and easy foryou to do this is extremely simple andit’s all if you get the technique andthe methodology right hopefully you’llhave a fun fantastic fluffy naan breadat home so this is not the custard mixthis is the and you might be wonderingbloody oh is he doing the naan bread oris he doing a cake I’m not I’m gonna doa nice long breath but this is beautifulsweet fluffy and when it cooks in atandoor it’s absolutely gorgeous with adrizzle of ghee well now I’ve mixed itthoroughly and now what I’m gonna doleave it to rest and come back to it inabout 10 minutes right it’s been about10 minutes guys so now what I’m gonna dothat’s the flour mixture now add thislovely they go add all the wetingredients so the sugar has dissolvedas well it doesn’t have to crystal formgot this to a nice mix now I wash myhandsthere you gothe surface is nice and clean don’tworry about make sure you clean yourstoo longer you do this better than ah isgoing to be basically just oil in myphone I don’t want the butter to stickhere basically and just oil this upso it’s been mix I’m gonna kill him thisup and leave this to rest it goes beingclear filmed up I’m gonna leave this fora good few hours let it rest and thenI’ll make it into a portion out someround balls exactly the same process asI would doing the restaurant we wouldprobably make this the stove one nightbefore and cook on the following day butfor you guys at home it’s going to benice and easy for you so naan breaddough is done leave it to rest for a fewhours and a bit later portion out twoballs and a bit later we’re gonna be thenaan breads there you go alright thedough has been resting comfortably goodnice and squidgy basically I’ll bounceknow what I’m gonna do coz I’ve orderedthe bottom that it was really stick hereso no so that’s perfectly for naan breadso now all I do is just make it into around ballokay sunflower does my platethere you go now I’m going to let thisrest for another hour or two when I’mready to eat and I’ll rolled out andI’ll show you the next process so justget some clean film wrap your top youcan make this the following day or theday after it’s no problem but if youwant to make it on the day then just doit after a couple of hours or you can doit straight away but do it after acouple hours will be nice and fluff upbeautifully so there you go I’m gonnastick this in the fridge for a couple ofhours before ready to eat right thedoors been resting a lifter in thefridge for a few hours after portioningit out no that’s the surface area pressit downstart rolling it this is my mom’s cuterolling pin brought from it was a giftthat was these are only made inBangladeshI’m sorry bun of this they normally makethe rice rotis so having the lines overhere helps it not to sort of stick sonow roll this out there you go quitethin I’ve got this tower heat this upand I’ll show you the next process rightafter Roma and anon out because I’m notgonna stick it in the tandoor I’m gonnabe cooking it in the tower what I needto do is put some water at the bottom soit sticks to the cast iron tower andalso to keep the moisture locked in andto keep it nice and like an egg wash getsome oil and drizzle that on top andjust give it a nice wipe over it butwhat I’m gonna do the first one I’mgoing to show you without putting theoil in which is perfectly fine it justmakes it easier for you to do thenumbers at home and the second one I’llshow you with putting the oil like anegg wash so what I do so this is somewaterthere you go I’m going to put the tablaon the gas and then I’m gonna startmaking the lines they smell a lot Ithought my tower cast iron on the gasand I’m gonna heat this up until it’sreally hot normally takes should takeabout three to five minutes right I canfeel the heatthe cast iron tower is extremely hot nownow I’m gonna get them all what I tendto do is hold the two ends over here andthen plate this is extremely hot so dobe careful when you’re doing there whenyou see the little bubbles puff up likethis and I’ll show you the next processthey go beautiful absolutely gorgeousthis is what I wanted those littlebubbles air bubbles fantastic no thebottom I know is really hot and heatedup what I’m gonna do now because I putthe water it’s stuck on to the cast ironnow about five or six inches above thegas just put this on like this be verypatient and you should get for somefantastic arm breads you can go on acircular motion like this beautiful lookit up beautifulwonderful beautiful absolutely gorgeousnines there you go you can have somefantastic nombres at home and you don’tneed to visit me up a restaurant thereyou go guysabsolutely wonderful naan breads so allthe tandoori chefs out there I hopeyou’re not going to lose jobs don’tworrypeople still would want your beautifulnaan breads from the tandoor look howabsolutely gorgeous now that’s ready youcan see the little there you go thattoasted bits and I’ll show you how totake off so use one of these that arethere you go it’s not burnt wonderfulnaan breads our lovely ghee kannanBrandt bets key in the whole wide worldso all you do now if you don’t have abrush just drizzle some butter pure gheesorry there you go now if you can seethe dust over here sort of dries out thenon-top so on the second on I’m going toput some oil on one side and water onthe other side to help it stick and youwon’t get this you get a lovely luck ategg wash on an arm bread fantasticI hope the tandoori chefs happy with memama hope you up not ashamed of me doingthis naan bread at home beautifulabsolutely gorgeous on to the next allright so I’ve got the naan bread rolledout to a nice circular disc now just puta bit of oil like I said this is like anegg wash helps it lock in the moisturesort off and doesn’t let that dust Eveso pops up beautifully basically ohthere you go now what I’m gonna do putit on my hand dump some water the wateris essential because you want thatNombre to stick on the tower there yougo now the tower is nice and hot andI’ll show you the next process rightsmoking away so this is the watered sideand the other side is with the oil sowhat I’m gonna do the same process againhold the two ends like this so normallythe number is is a bit pointy so justtry to make it being like that so thereyou goso remember this is the oil side up andthat was the other side was the waternow it’s bubbling up beautifully makesure to wipe your hands now look at thispuffing up beautifully there you goI’m going to ask my mom to help me so Ican actually show you the other side soonce you see it raised out this thenjust get out of that and about there yougo about five six inches on topI’m Mogador I’m asking my mom to holdthis for me try to show you the otherside there you go if you can see overherewithout me hey-ho is toasting upbeautifully puff it up now when youstick it in the tandoor oven about 350degrees this is what happens and it justnormally takes about three minutes fornombres just to pop out both sides getdone quickly there you go because up theoil as you can see beautiful now I’mgonna tell my mom to turn it aroundwhat up okay Bob’s your uncle done thereyou gowonderful now this was some meturn the gas off some numbers here readythis one onvoila lovely fresh norm breads at homefresh naan breads at home puffed upbeautifully this is cooked on the tavanot in the clay oven so takeaway andrestaurant style norm breads if notbetter at home beautiful if you’veenjoyed this don’t forget to like shareand subscribe for more fantastic tipsadvice and videos and Latif’s inspiredbeautiful naan breads

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