Bread Recipes

How to make Juicy Keto Gyros & Keto Bread

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[Music]welcome to Betty’s Cooking Channel todayI’m gonna prepare for you some gear roseand a sour cream sauce it’s not going toZekey sauce and the enema also makessome breadthis is all Kido okay so bear with mestay with me out here picking somecement but the gear rolls guy rose somepeople call it gyros that is heroesgyros my euros will be made out ofground turkey it’s 93 and 93 percentlean and 7% fat so I’m gonna get startedon that you’re gonna use submit it’sgoing in this recipe black pepper seasalt a half of onion some paprika thymecoriander some bezaparsley just a little parsley and I’mgonna give you the measurements when Istart adding it also we have a garlictwo garlic cloves that I may use in thisrecipe and I have one lime I’m not gonnause the whole thing but I usually eat alemon but I don’t have one today someoneuse this line okay let me get started Iforgot one ingredients the oregano okayyou added a half of white onion animalat the in there everything in the foodprocessor one teaspoon of paprika 1/2 ateaspoon of thyme 3/4 teaspoon ofcoriander 1/2 a teaspoon of basil 1/2 ateaspoon of parsley this is a pound ofTurkey me some add in 1 teaspoon ofblack pepper and 1 teaspoon a saltI might use a half a line just squeezingit in thereI’m gonna add the ground turkey mostpeople use lamb and pork what I just youuse lamb meat but I prefer to use groundturkeythat’s my meat of choice the the mintI’m gonna place about a teaspoon a mintin here and I’m gonna chop it up finallylisten it smells so good I just love thesmell of mintokay there is the ground meat so now I’mgonna take it and place it on a pan andplace it in the oven okay I have placeda meat on a baking sheet this is mygarrow’s Eros summer place them in theoven at 350 no 400 degrees for aboutseven to eight minutes so this will bevery quick okay and I added 1/2 teaspoonof oregano in the meat but I forgot tovideo it but that’s what I did okay thisis for the keto rolls this is not myrecipeit’s a recipe that I found I believeit’s my doctor diet doctor and alsoMaria Emmerich’s so what I’m gonna do Ihave broken this down to probably make 4small rolls so I have in this bowl hereI have one and a half teaspoon ofpsyllium husk powder I have 1 tablespoonof coconut flour which there’s do notcall for coconut flour but I added it Ithink it brings a little something tothe table I have 1/3 cup of almond flourplus 1 tablespoon of almond flour I havea half a teaspoon of baking powder inthis bowl and one teaspoon of sea saltso I’m gonna go ahead and add the otheringredients I have to add water andapple cider vinegar or cider vinegar andone egg and I always add a little sugarto my breadat a half a pack of Stevie or 1/8teaspoon musty B so let me get thatstuff okay and Stevie in there now Imust separate this egg does I only needone one egg white in this recipe eventhough I cut it down to a smaller recipeI still wanted to add to one egg and itcame out really good just add one egg Imixed it up really well and I added theStevie I’m gonna heat the waterI might at the water I’m gonna add about4 tbsp of water and let’s see how thatlooksI’m just eyeballing it okay let me mixthat first McGuiness a small restauranta small recipe just for us because wedon’t really eat that much bread itdepends on what we have in can I add alittle more of the water 5 take a sip ofwater okay I let that cool off a littlebit because I don’t want to add the eggsin there a half a teaspoon of vinegar myadd to thisnow let’s set a time up up five minutesokay I’m gonna go ahead it at the eggwhite in here this is one egg white okaylet me sit up well with my hands okaythere’s my dough imma let it rest for 20minutesI let the giro meat stay in the oven for15 minutes so it will be cooked again sothat’s why I didn’t leave it in theretoo long okay I’m gonna cut it up andmake it the size for my sandwich breakhere are my bones my rolls I’m gonnaplace them in a 350 degree oven for 55to 60 here at the buns right out of theoven here and I’m gonna let him rest forabout 10 minutes and then I will cookthe giro again and some butter and thenimma Adam to the sandwiches okaydo you know me to school downokay I know that I will probably wantsome mail online I don’t really like tosee these sauce that much on mine let’ssee how to boil it come out this is somereally great done and Burbage whateveryou want to put on it see and I justmake small batches but you can make moreyou know just double triple the recipe[Music]okay crap the bread no for some mayo andmustard and this is mine over here withthe mayo mustard okay here’s the meat inthe pan here and that’s add to thesandwiches this with the hero sandwichjust look like down to my plate here andit looks the flesh this sandwich is sojuicy and it’s seasoned all the waythrough the bun is excellent I mean thisGiro gyro sandwich is awesome hmm youhave to try my recipeso if you like this video like commentsubscribe and share this video with yourfriends and family have a wonderful dayis this a nice manly sandwich here

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