2 cups of All Purpose Flour
2 cups of Whole Wheat Flour
⅓ cups of brown Sugar
¼ cups of granulated sugar
1 tsp of salt
4 tsp of baking powder
½ tsp of baking soda
¼ tsp of ground cinnamon
6 TBS of Butter
1 cup of raisins
1-½ cups of buttermilk more or less
All purpose flour for dusting
1 egg
1 tbs Orange zest
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi you’re watching food looms and whimsyand I’m Carmindy Pasquale and today I’mgonna show you how to make Irish sodabread today I’ll be using two flourswhole wheat and all-purpose I’ll beusing brown sugar and also granulatedsugar an egg the or the zest of anorange some baking soda baking powderand salt some unsalted Irish butterbuttermilk and some raisins so the firstthing you want to do is pre-heat youroven to 375 and you also want to boilsome hot water because what we’re gonnado first is we’re gonna plump up theraisins steep them for about fiveminutes in this hot water so whilethat’s sitting I’m gonna go ahead andstart with theso now that the raisins are plumped upI’m gonna go ahead and start adding myingredients to the so this is I’m gonnabe using two cups of whole wheat flourand two cups of all-purpose flourI’ll do the dry ingredients first andnow it’s just basically just puttingeverything in at the same time so wehave the baking soda the baking powderand salt I’m also going to be throwingin the sugars brown sugar and granulatedsugar and also the zest of an orangewell this is a big one so I’m just gonnado about a tablespoon nowIrish soda bread is very similar toscone or a quick bread so you can reallyseason it any way you like but to staytraditional you kind of just want to addkind of basic ingredients I think orangewould be good and so with the zest inI’m just gonna give all theseingredients a good mix togetheronce that’s all mixed together I’m gonnahave the cold butter so once the butteris the size of piece I’m gonna go aheadand add the wet ingredients tobuttermilk in the egg just get the eggwhite in each buttermilkyou’re a good mix okay that looks goodI’m just gonna go ahead and start mixingright in there so setting it’s a littleeasier when you pour in the wetingredients cause it’s subtly neater butalso it really mixes much betterthat was coming togetherand you want like a soft wet dough it’spretty perfect I’m just gonna go aheadand take it off here I’m also gonna giveit a good neat on the counter I’m usinga cup of raisins so I plumped them byadding hot water to them I dried them Ilet them sit for five minutes I driedthem and I flour them so that they don’tsink to the bottom of the bread so I’mgonna go ahead and add them in now I’llactually throw them right here on thecounter you just want to counter alittle bitso once it’s formed make a nice littlemound and then it you just cut acrossinto it just like that and then throw iton a cookie sheet with parchment paperand cook this for 35 to 40 minutes on375 degrees so the Irish soda bread hasbeen baking for about 40 minutes now soI’m gonna go ahead and take it out soit’s golden brown and it’s pumped up alot so it’s ready feels really good sowe’re gonna before we split the sliceinto it we’re gonna let it rest forabout 15 minutes so here we have it it’sbeen resting for about 15 minutes andI’m gonna go ahead and slice into itso here we have it our soda bread don’tforget to serve it with some Irishbutter and a cup of tea if you likedthis video please like comment andsubscribe to my channel follow me onInstagram let me know what you thinkthank you for watching I’m farmingDiPasquale and you’re watching food onceagain see