Bread Recipes

How to Make Homemade Bread – Italian Bread #delicious #homemadebread

How to Make Homemade Bread – Italian Bread

There is not a better time to learn to #bake your own #yummy #homemade #bread and therefore become a little more #selfsufficient

#breadmaking is easy and fun and it yields so much yummy goodness! Follow along for great #bakingtips and the #howto that you need!

You will also be able to get the recipe for this Italian Bread on very shortly.

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okay so I am on an all-day bread makingbinge today and and while I have got solast video I did on my sweet bread andit is currently rising when its firstrise so I’m taking advantage of the hourthat I have in between there to getsomething else started and I’m going tomake now my Italian bread this is onethat I ever tell myself I mean everytime I bring it bring out a batch of itto farmers market or whatever and I sellout immediately these are really goodbreads they’re so they’re like Frenchbread but soft or softer and they’reterrific for lots of different uses oneof my favorites is making I’m using themfor panini but I’m going to go ahead andget this process started this obviouslystarts the same way as the other breadwith the water sugar and flour I meanwhat are sugar and yeast so that theyeast can start proofing and I’m makinga double I’m so I’m starting out with 2cups of just like the warmish water andthis one requires 2 teaspoons of sugarunlike the Amish sweet breadand then it is going to need atablespoon and a half of the yeast andthen once I get that in there I’m goingto give it a little bit of time to proveand then once it’s nice and bubbly Iwill be adding the rest of theingredients which will be I think fourtablespoons of olive oil in the end theflour and salt so and it says they’reactually a really easy one to makeyou just proof the yeast mix in the restof the ingredients and then um obviouslyyou need it and I’m just using myKitchen Aid to do so and then you getyou let it do its rise and then once itRises instead of using loaf pans like Ido with a lot of my other breads youactually just form it into a loaf andslice the top a little bit you’ve seenhow pretty they are in this store andand put them on a cookie sheet and thatand then it’ll do another quick rise andthen they’ll go into the oven it issuper easy and I’ll show you the wholeprocessokay so my yeast has proofed now andit’s ready for me to go ahead and addthe rest of the ingredients for theItalian bread now this isn’t a verydifficult when this is super simple I’mgoing to add in two teaspoons of saltand then I’m going to add and fourtablespoons of olive oil to this onethis is obviously this is Italian breadand the olive oil really am adds a lotto it so I’ve got a to taste of tutoringfour tablespoons I’ve got a twotablespoon measure hereso that’s my four tablespoons of oliveoil and now it is five cups of flour I’mgoing to throw the first couple inalready and then go ahead and turn onthe dough hook and get it to go in andthen I will slowly add the rest of it inwhile it’s mixing I’m also kind ofgetting ready on some of the otherbreads that I’m making the next breadI’m going to be doing is a rosemaryolive oil bread fantastic bread is sogood but I’m so I went out to thegreenhouse while ago and I trimmed upsome rosemary and I’ve been in herepicking it and getting it ready to cutup for the recipe so everything smellslike rosemary right now okay gettingthat going now we’ll put it in the thirdcupafter I get all of the flour in here andthen I’ll let it knead for about fiveminutes or so and once it’s fully donethen I will and I’ll pull it out put itinto a greased Bowl just like I did myAmish sweet bread and I will let it sitfor about an hour to rise it shoulddouble once it’s done with that I’llpunch it down and then form up theloaves and I will show you that processfor certain I mentioned before there maybe in my last one that are all mixingtogether today that a lot of peopledon’t know how easy it is to makehomemade bread but homemade bread is sogood I mean there’s no there’s nostore-bought bread that can compare tohomemade bread at all and it’s so simpleI know that I’m in the kitchen for awhile while I’m doing this but I can inthis process I can make up a whole bunchof stuff and then we can throw a fewloaves in the freezer for later so thatwe don’t have to you know do this everysingle day which I refuse to dopersonally okay I’m about to put in thelast cup of flour but I want to go aheadand push down the sides make sureeverything gets incorporated you watchit fly up on me again like it did in thelast onenot as bad this time I’m typically usedto it I’m such a messy cook I just AMall my food is really good though[Music]okay so I’m gonna let that get goingonce it’s fully mixed in I’ll continueletting it go and it will do itskneading once it’s fully needed then Iwill go ahead and put it into thegreased Bowl let it sit and might betime let’s see I can still got 25 moreminutes left on the rise of the Amishsweet bread so I’ll be going back andforth and I’ll start my next one toookay so my Italian bread is now neededand ready to be put into the greasedbowl now I just used my olive oil sprayagain and fully grease the bowl and nowI’m going to be pulling out the doughthere we goso it’s now I’m gonna just kind of pushit into the bowl I’m gonna kind of rollit around in the oil so that the wholething is kind of coated and a lot of therecipes say to put a dampened towel overit I like to throw a little plastic wrapjust lightly over the top and then put atowel over it so I’m just going to kindof place this everyone like my towelssometimes when it as it rises the towelswill kind of stick to it and makes itlinty but that is the original ballready to go and then I am going to takethis towel I’m going to kind of dampenit just a little bit and I am going toput it over the top and then I’m goingto set it up there with the other andwait for it to rise and give it an hourand it should come toand double and then I’ll show you guyswhat we do when we punch it down andthen form it out into the loafs that itwill become okay so now my Italian breadhas risen and it is ready to punch downand to form into the loaves where inwhich it will bake so I’m going to dothe whole punching thing and since I dida doubleit’ll make two loaves so I’m going topull it out here throw a little flour onmy slab and I’m going to just go aheadI’m gonna go ahead and dump and divideit right now in half and then since thisis going to be like a look at one ofthose big long ones like kind of likewhere people know of is French breadwhat I tend to do is kind of pull it andI don’t like to overwork it but I liketo pull it until it is around 12 inchesand I just if I can show you this I kindof pull it around like this so thatthere is it’s smooth on the top andthere is a seam in the back and go aheadand get a little bit of oil put on thepan we’re good therethis is just straight-up olive oil okayand now I’m going to go ahead and get myfirst load laid out there and then goahead and move on to the second one samething I’m just going to kind of pulleverything smooth on the top and pullthe seam around to the back get it toabout the same size and get it over herenow the last thing that I’m going to doto it grab a knife last thing that I’mgoing to do to it is I am going to justmake it like two or three cuts in thetop of it just little diagonal cuts andit just kind of cuts the verytaught and then as it rises again andthen cooks it makes that nice littleseparation it’s very pretty but that’smy Italian bread what I’m going to doI’m going to cover it again and let itrise again for like its second rise forabout 20 minutes and then it’ll go intothe oven cooks for about 20 minutes andonce it’s done I’ll set it out on acooling rack and let it fully cool andthen it’ll be I’ll be able to slice itup or whatever for panini or we can useit throw some garlic butter on it anduse it for spaghetti and that kind ofthing and this one will be done soon andthen my next one coming up you’ll haveto stick around for and that’s myrosemary olive oil bread and it isphenomenal I’m not kidding you but I’llshow you this when it comes out of theoven and I’ll the last thing that I doto it once it comes out of the oven is Iput melted butter over the top of it andyou can do that by taking a slice ofbutter and rubbing it in while it’sreally warm or you can just melt butterand take one of these things and brushit in but it does help it kind ofsaturates that and makes it superbuttery and soft and it’s really reallyyummy okay I just took my Italian breadout of the oven and it is ready to goonto the cooling racks and what I’mgoing to do doesn’t it like yeah I meanit’s like nice and golden brownand if you tap it right now it feelshard and it kind of sounds hollow butwhat I like to do is take some butterand go over the top of it and thatreally makes a difference in the outershell I personally like soft bread Idon’t I mean I Knight I like to haveoccasionally a nice dense crust but Icertainly like to have my bread to besoft and this butter really helps withthat and it also helps with the just anice buttery flavorthat it adds to it so I’ll go ahead andget that that butter on there and thenI’m gonna go ahead and take it off andput it on the cooling rack already tookmy Amish sweet bread out and it’s overthere cooling my boys have already beenin here asking if they can have someit’s a big deal in this house okay niceand buttery that should make the outershell really nice and soft and yummy soI got those show you here I got those onhere here’s my Italian bread here’s myAmish sweet bread and I still have yetto bake the rosemary Italian and weraspberry olive oil bread and you’regonna be able to see all three of thosevideos and hopefully sometime tonight soyou guys tune in be sure and subscribebe sure you get the notificationsbecause there’s gonna be a whole lotmore coming in fact here in a bit I’mgoing to be doing my mmm homemadechicken strips and my homemade friedsquash and fried okra don’t want to missthem[Music]

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