Bread Recipes

How to Make circle pillow to cook bread 🥪 من و ناتالیا رفیده جور جور کردیم 😂

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[Music]finishing on eboshit the government witha delicious for the new mizura finishshooting the Chanukah stop mooching atthem was the moschiniokay lubos doozy march on video – Idon’t – wah – a little shake holy deitygave me muslin masu machine a dreamMarie millet gonna have a feeder Ishould not allow said the Indian Oceanchange in Abood mondo insanity – camastarubberish Muslim nation medium Katoapoyo de curitiba genetic machinedecision machine a coyote or between akatana she ducked under the sentidocomún a graffiti or so no no no no Philyou wanna wash yourself as with shishano cheese’in mg Turkish was a gift in italia giftso yeah[Music][Music][Music]freedomwhoa yeah mm Natalia Oh mm me enoughalone me in despair again with Nataliasee your chicknah you know know when I will beAstorino not to go wash body materialbody and feel the sizes in India enjoywinter children Ludowici dr. JohnsonI’m will begin with a Lincoln can putKomachi touch before then 1/2 cup ofdifferent color will just get there thesame just I want to take yeah yeah whatis passionChucky yeah yeah I mean but we like[Music]graphic could not earlieryou’re single Turkey push semester yeahthey have and this the sizzle anddistort also posted on Jimmy chinItalian company chambray Shoshana teamfocus and Gabbana et make another one isin Chinayes of course your sake but MDhowever you guys are gonna push on Perezwill be grim the fact remainsnow you can do not allow a raft she wasabout 50 centimeters 50 centimeters ohshe pushes it activity keep a low signalshould not allow cotton but not plasticcotton is betterwho says you’re killing the mood[Music]not quite a little bit dark but yeahthat one pillowcaseI can see no but we can’t coil like thisand make it to ourself like without okaybecause this other one we can make likehere it should be one thing so we canopen and wash after just push you’regonna herd immunity from tracks areeating boolean the hanukkah – you knowdreamed of time when Jordan could me myvideos which is a lost again but wedon’t hakuna that one like you drawrashida Jones okey see the booster thereis one that rushes John Chokey negativeteam the brewing of Allah that AllahwhoaBudhia seeing him didn’t hurt funnytahliejohn yunji you know Rafi doll typein Python as well dick fun game to seehow lost I guess on the funeral you’regonna be stopped at all dude about doinG with him as engine the garage table isthe catch – sunda whew no I mean othertime not earlier thought I’d knock adeal she injects the square boot fromthe fuel custard guitarra was anemergent era in associate dr. AnnaSolley Ohyeahyes push push didn’t which child forthis mattress John is using I think wecan cut it okay what side which willleave a second demo video channel youhow my issue can be sure what Nikitawould put news push I’m not watchingyour leader team is pushing with itwhich could be she should sooner becausewhat the MonicaI think one side other side yeah yeahand cutand something like that in this part Ithink we have to hold it here becauseyou can see now[Music]now you can see how it looks from theother sidebut it should not be like this so Ithink this whole part here so we have tohave something he loveswould be canonical yeah yeah yeah yeahhow much five minutes how we can do thiswe just do like this you can see ittogether like thatI like the harmony and the gun to comemake that right yes it’s perfectyeah because you can make like so whereit is talk twaddle sizzle Rosina Oh[Music]pushy pushy Boston Attila come childrentasty but that meeting was not like theNorth Vietnamese yes Oh Vivianwhat I see – an inky cheater comeasteroid for it’s over let me see thatmuscle then use venture compass namedOmri coach’s son became your English myvideo brushing germanium Kish moment ina steady internet for Sweden bearishmanager on our ministry Thomas who knewit so ambition well it better enjoy akey I wish she had inner vision thenalways do better and protect yourbehavior try me in unum – Chipmanpolish the muscular[Music]you got surprised when you see that Ithink you have been living here two anda half years you didn’t see before waslike the bus when adapting my mothergives you use it but we because goes tobe followed back Afghani pants for morethan one night girls do our ticket aboveforty days will come when each on thebooks at Donna McKechnie[Music]that when we can do the other thinghello happy that we understand our namebut is he known you Khader ma sorrygirls do not worry my leg no no no wouldyou leave and I would not agree it wasworld non grew yeah we shouldaand why sure yeah but because of an oaktree was a little bit was up faster notso it will be like attitude yeahcan you move it around yeah you getpolish whoa control looks a fieldquestion what most bosses read not alittle bit Union that’s what he isthinking about 50 pco2 course today hithereI like 52 this has helped me to be likebig small heart my little twat thisone’s just like it you can keep it yesto him come on any color college forthat would they are either shakuni’sopen myself over three Jack’s like thatthey might born man what key texturedabortion moves me chills from Jew whoknow my gosh I’m gonna take her I’m noteven holding that it wasn’t is yourprint you get but machine source in thediscipline now you don’t have to love mebut I’m not sorry me good doing thissuing thingsnewscaster John xisa protects one overto Budapest in G Cartier John Horner[Music]watch okie was you can sit with him allday now not this one I will show you oneminute like you have to take you amuffin like this tip and take like itand take it and take like this T so youknow how to do it yeahis that funnycome let me get more like come herehuman is nice to see people what yousupposed to do and you just sit andwatch oh don’t we need mylanta considerwhat don’t hit meI know it’s pretty but the strategy isready damn Jew hood nigga talent enumphilosophy first month we’re a hobbyistaharon chelouche with 1282 shenanigansrepeat after maybe you was complainingabout all let’s buy it let’s make prayto you two years now now you will get itdo so like it I will not make thatbreath you have to do it okit’s really easy I’m making I’m justtaking the culture to Europehow we can make this hard oh you on itgosh goosh goosh corners yeahthink about this handle handle if youhave a little like this is toothy I canmake itwe have I think what we can make fromPatterson this tax room gets come to mepersonally and the only purpose of thispillow is to make now yeah because theenough person to make every day likethis thing to roll the bread it’s easyto be holy as a guru you show Game+ thisshower every single night not just theshoweryou’re not alone a composite of all knowthat’s your pillow what I supposed tosee the poor foolish could resent thatamongst to everywhere we feel slim setof totally lose them the truth isfinishing see my Eisen I’m reallythirstyhow do ya know this is what charityRahul is finger yeah knock on his fingerand he leaked who you have truly liveyears like this a little Lillian cash go[Applause]see when you take it lick one and takethis one[Music]so you say like 10 seconds of your lifecan I make listen we want ya but youhave to do the nice way I did it notlike[Music][Music]get him to defeat me I’m your wife notyour friends stop holding me to giveyour baby your father’s that dog almostJahangir come one hang them in theirposition bail money should be coolthis one also you have to take you anawful and you have to take this you dofrom this to log there what is wrongwith you[Music]yeah actually nothing else we needculinary achievement then any step byjoking you can make here like cook herecook here and not go and just hearinyou’re so so nice you put it on thefloor yeah I won’t find any others youdon’t have there you have to see OhJulie like that was a problem norm saidit’s not working I’m such a leave itaha Casali came again the resentment wasknown she from each car named mr. Ezrarecord malignant as not enough wholeMaura in divining most hope I’m Don is abook India Cooper Tonya as if Angelalately lately lately merengue she’svegetarian I rang because botheringNorman ninety percent will be TuesdayRanga do more bothers akima son superchill affordance and harried affordanceand it comes with one a multiplicityNvidia goes nicely to make on making theminister of the Apache and chickenCaesar saladwe see jump from there so to fix theirvery fashion[Music][Music][Music]no it’s not quite actually they’remaking like other color because it willbe not tell see particular color will bechangerMahadeo are no harder but we can walk orwash yes and we do it used to because Ikeep my I put a little time it’s afeature that might be said aboutfertilityraid manaka-san take charge mushi la dada da da da da da Bhushanmucho is for that man we must returnWall Street the more you know Kuya cashgo yeah two three pit and no no no youparty to work yeah yeahNadia one no Funes here yes what is thatfrom your finger yeah no phone on youcheck it and we did not only you have toa little bit yeah like Petco like onetwo threesee and you have to take this so you useit when it’s Christmas right you canhave it on the tripod on there flowerthere is this one patient at my worklady and she’s coming from a farmyeah but the parents didn’t have any boythey got just three doctors yeah so shecould the farm after after the parentsright do you know what she told meyesterday when she was 15 years old shegot a birthday giftdo you know what was it tractor I waslike are you seriousgotcha tractor when you were 15 yearsold yeah it was really nice I could tryfor the wife because on that time youdon’t need to have this driving licenseI’m trying yeah so she was just drivingall over this town here hi Ian Noctor mycousin Matt it’s like a sec for nomistake you the four minutes when abanana you know said to further thanever that polish that I totally moons Isaw the gif we are gonna track to heryesterday and she cooked the farm laterright no because I think about her nowbecause she she was like working on thefarm she was having the animals workingwith tractor but in the same way in thesame time she was really good in makingdresses no quality and good machine -yeah so she was making 2x to get extramoney she was making dresses for otherwomenmmm cocoa googling each is the what theunderstand either Yankee tradersI don’t like e-commerce and so it isand she said she make her own weddingdress – oh it was I ever seenit was another sister a hot oneand I think it’s very nice to work withthose people because you got to hear allthese nice stories yeah you have to cutit nice like thatyes to hit here in the middle yes so wehave to pick a house you’re making somuch things yes we’re scissors this oneis hereit’s perfectly okay I try again thisyour trick okay no not this one itshould not be so long yes no it’s notthat this hole is not into me[Music][Music]and we can use this one to make thiseveryone chicken has to know what wewill do in fact what then I my softlight you got to want to supply beforewhat happened with that one that we canuseyes that one isn’t very tame neverI’m watching your minutestop it I will do it once you showed meyeah yeah what yeah if I’m always losingthem now it’s a I can see here I do itone hand you can do one[Music]you’ll be singing when you’re makingpart – yeah in Polish we say that if yousing partly when you make food – foodwhen I spotted a lot when Spanish likemaking food chief chiefwhen it when it more check it will bewith a lot of salt or maybe without willbe silly we say that in Polish – ifthere is six chief it was six cheesebecause it was like an Afghanistan itwas before it was not like doctorsthings yes it was this midwife yeah freeto eat one saying if it’s more than onethis G Dwight yes the head of thesechildren will be duly it’s one soeveryone’s saying yeah do this do thisdo this do this at the end it will bedo I act certainly aside rejected manand now we are showing the final productResedathe Soyuz readiness module[Music]diskectomy find the polygon of Allah hesuggested that the gates were Thomas andthe pool and I said the gentleman hemust have outside immunity that should Imissed beyond the Pope was Ferragamo butactually its father my first antennathat should a ceiling ym addressed areawith Warren clear with your question onthe coolest do so as reiki with yourhigh software if there are alien shiparise what I wanted the Facebook whothey you know crews are watching a youngbecome it on and vomitingnobody crew no food or puppies

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