#FoodTryp #BreadDough #Kitchenaid #KitchenaidStandMixer
Basic Bread Dough Ingredients:
1 cup warm milk
1 tbsp sugar
11 g yeast
3-3/4 cups + 3 tbsp of all-purpose flour + more for dusting
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
Some oil to grease the bowl.
Rest the dough for 2 hours before making any bread.
Link for Basic Bread Designs:
Happy Baking!
Thank you for watching!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]hi guys welcome to my channelfor today’s video i’m going to show youhow to make a bread doughusing a stand mixer i’m using my kitchenaidartisan tilt head stand mixer 4.8 litersthose who comment on my last video yourshout out is at the end of this videoplease see the description box below forthe list of ingredientsso let’s get started[Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music]thank you guys for watching i hope youenjoyed this videodon’t forget to like share and subscribeif you want me to shout out yourchannels pleasecomment down below and i will do it inmy next videoyou can also suggest on what should bemy next recipeit’s shout out time big shout out to mymom celiathis is anus and miguel manoy 78 vlogsryden eat that big shout out also tomarie’s cookingiraqiyo 2777 bipala boybig shout out to cute lyrics dot dot dotanaru lis biehera patrick moralesbig shout out to luton pinasara vlogskp story misscon hkand to all uae youtubersagain thank you please watch out for mynext videobye god bless stay homestay safe