Bread Recipes


Hello po Im cooking Arayes bread po for our dinner. Simple way of cooking lang po at na Sana po mapanuod ninyo at ma try nyo rin pong lutuin sa inyong mga anak. God Bless us all always.

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hello guys good afternoon welcome tofacialist right hand so nine Yin PO I’ma little too tired nowI die yes bread okay so I’ll tell you ohno – Tyler manly nothing for air Ispread my seroquel Ushawe have 400 grams of ground para andthen slice to make the panaka seem likea meat oh yeahand then garlic five cloves of garlicthen we have the one you Mallory Molinaon yonder like this might be spot biggerchop chop Asha and then we have I havehere the half tablespoon of pepper and1/2 tablespoon also no soul and then theparsley live now we’re going to startnow okay and this one is and of coursewe have the lemon juice any squeeze nowmenu one lemon juice and one lemon popit sounded a sonogram or make it as ajuice okay so now delegate co-own a ontomatoes factor not put it on I meanyou’re hanging for you yeah put thetomato and of course is a neater than asecret except I fantastic on it okaythen the onionand then half long whenever I see aletter gay nothing and then we will putthe pepper and saltokay left s they lemon lemon juice okaythen we’ll start to mix fall okay guys Ijust told you that lastly if the lemonjuice pero no honey no time forpalladium 2 tablespoon of oil so you letme not in you 2 tablespoon of oilok yes that’s it and then you’re goingto start mix mix no definitely not inthe house ok we will mix mix this one okguys so now dropping itso this one we have that I sorrybecause that’s one pop Arabic red buoyand shock me to flip okay so you knowwhen I’m in ass can it’s like summationtriangle four pieces you some udemyexample so now we cannot put insideAllah like a Panetta new 52 inside butof course Nikita Unicom Idaho definitelymake sure to wash your hand properlyproper hand washing put tile yes andthen silicon I need to be inside thebread and then we’re gonna put thecheese as well this is mozzarella cheeseand then close it and mom I am beforenothing any like ELISAmicrowave and again I think on the topof it I’m sorryso vanilla getting on the top of Ednabatter I mean I mean about you know Imean okay so I’ll start nowthat’s okay that’s fine just this waythe entire professional Nicole home openum you know and I think so this is ouris Arabic bread so I’m just trying myway of cooking yeah it’s a vanillapractice makes you perfect yeah yeahpractice practiced I go home the movieperfect okay now you can see slowlyslowly okay[Music]and then I’m going to put that cheesethank yougeez here you go here you go there girlsee you can see inside then close andthen put the butter on the top like thisokay okay okayyes yes yes yep there you go there yougoso it’s a phenomenal a ball so now I’llmake all of this for us for the timebeing that was Bob and he can’t gohigher okay hi guysso now I’m done with the first watchsince a Potemkin kasha so Ellie RebeccaNatashaopen if a path of inertia’s open okayokay oh hey guys soon as I open it on myown so I’m setting for as you like aemotional temperature is 200 degrees for10 minutes so first you mess it up andthen after 10 minuteshe changed Panetta deposition uniszaLavernia for another 10 minutes bookthat was a young mom I have a packet ofus a new young Pakistan okay now it’sreadyChloe here there you go oh I think bucksthere you gothen after dad you have to move butnothing just a blade okay because we aregoing to put again and now that except[Music]this is our homemade our yesterday okayyes I’m a I’m a big money I see you soburning it yeah no we are putting againthe second set the bottom Beretta yeahokay good enough[Music]yes okay so now then at i/o so it that Ican be served mommy so since it’s likeschool Amish I know in the end that isme terminating it Bashar try have somebite Wow mmmcheesy well not for young hockey and isbread my own tuition but the ham okay sodon’t forget to subscribe and watch forI shall I shall I was tryna keep onwatching the ball let’s support eachother then less as always bye bye

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