Bread Recipes

How to Bake Matzah and Dough for Sourdough Bread with Duff

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all right you hear meeverybody hear me anybody can you hearmeis it working yes okay right everyonehear me okay uh Happy Passover everybodywhat it’s workinglet me see Oh weird oh yeah don’t leavethis sound on cuz then okay so it’sPassovernow usually right around now I would bemaking matzo for my mom for a PassoverSederbut coronavirus screwed that up sohopefully my mom can figure out how toget on YouTube live and then show shecould join in yeah I hope so I hope soso talk to me everybody so we’re gonnamake matzo and then I don’t know who waswatching on my Instagram live last weekbut we started a sourdough and we namedher audrey and she is alive and kickingyeah yeah so we’re gonna make sourdough- which I know is not kosher forPassover but it’s still not kosher forPassover its trace is what we call traceit’s not kosher it straight you’re notJewish it’s fine Jews don’t believe inhouse it’s not like we’re going to hellyou know like we’re all good basicallyall right so here we go guys if there’sany if you guys have questions justtyping them in my lovely assistant Jonnawill read them to me can you see all thequestions all right so that John willreview the questions and then I will beable to answer your questions okay sowe’re starting out I have mom can see itmy mom my mom’s here where’s my mom momsay something say hi wait is that mommom are you using Willie’s account okayyeah wait one that she’s watching oh soshe can see it but she can see it inhere okay all right well everyone say hito my momhi I’m a chum bucket alright okay so inhere I have two and a half cups of flourthat’s 300 grams I’m gonna need Oh 3/4of a cup of water it doesn’t seem likeenough but we’ll see so this recipe I’mdoing half the recipe that’s that you’reprobably looking at this is for thematzo so let’s see 3/4 of a cup of waterpour it in herenow traditional matzo your it’s notsupposed to have salt in it alsotraditional matzo as soon as you pourthe water in you have 18 minutes to bakeit again we’re gonna take our time do itright so you’re not supposed to put saltbut put a little salt and it’ll actuallytaste it which is amazing with lots oftaste[Music]so that’s just flour water and saltthat’s it I’m gonna mix it up just rightstir it up I’m just having one of thosedaysI think mercury no um I think I mightneed a little bit looks a little dryyeah I think a little more waterwe are not Baltimore we’re in thebeautiful city of Los Angeles all rightso I’m add a little more water and seewhat happensyou know I want to be able to roll itout that was too dry can you guys seethat or is it like all blown out that’stoo dry still too dry a little morewater no these are definitely notdumplings did Jeff Fassett really good[Music][Music]okay soDerek it’s very man I really wish wewere having Passover this year oh manyeah our friend Zane Caplansky themustard guy he was hosting a seder thisyear up in Tofino in Canada and we wereinvited I really wanted to go yeah wouldhave been cool all right so now I’m justgonna knead this dough so it comestogether and it’s nice and smoothoh hey Mexico all right a lot of Jews inMexico no no I mean there are some Ihave a friend who’s a Mexican he’s abutcher he’s a Jew yeah he’s really coolso yeah I need this till it gets niceand smooth and then when well no we’renot gonna bake it till tomorrow yeahyeah so you guys tomorrow I’ll bake thesourdough but today we’re gonna mix itin shape if we want to let it sitovernight this is like we we made a sourwe made our starter with pinkpeppercorns and we’re growing outside onour tree Ohso at a seder it’s really fun basicallywhat we do is we all get together and wetell the story of the exodus of the Jewsout of Egypt and into the Land of Israelso you know the Jews were enslaved bythe Pharaohs and Moses came and said youknow this is wack so he got you know heGod helped Moses by sending plagues tothe Egyptians locusts turned all thewater into blood you know a lot ofreally bad stuff and then the Jews gotout of Egypt and then they wandered inthe desert for 40 yearsthat’s when Moses got the TenCommandments and then they settled inthe Land of Israeloh so then we tell that story and thenwe eat a bunch of really good foodwe have brisket matzo ball soup yeah sothere’s a lot of symbolic food at aseder where we have a seder plate and onthe seder plate we have this stuffcalled corrosive which is a mixture ofcinnamon and apples and walnutssometimes dates depending on where yourfamily’s from and the her osa is remindsus of the mortar that we had to use toput the bricks together to build thepyramids then there was let’s seethere’s a lamb shank put a roasted lambbone on there and I think thesignificance is that so the word soPassover what it means is you know Godwas coming to kill all of the firstbornmale children of the Egyptians and wewanted God to pass over our house of theJews so we took a little bit of lambsblood and that’s how we we marked ourdoors by with a little bit of lambsblood on there and I think that’s why wehave a lamb shake is that we didn’t justthrow away the Lambs I’m sure we hatethem you know let’s see there’s an eggsoon as is life we have the roar whichis the bitter herbs and salt water andthat reminds us of our bitter existencein Israel the salt water reminds us ofour tears I know it sounds like reallykind of depressing but it’s not Passoveris really greatI have to sneeze because there’s flowerthis dog looks nice you learn aboutPassover from Rugrats my wife’s Jewishknowledge comes from Rugrats you learnsome Old Testament okay so there’s ourmatzo dough looks nice so now we’regonna let this rest goodnight[Laughter]okay so I’m gonna put a little flour inhere and put the dough in thanks somonza is the bread of affliction Jewslike we really yeah we’d like to be verydramatic about so matzah is the bread ofaffliction and the reason why we eat itit’s an unleavened bread because we hadto leave Egypt so quickly we didn’t evenhave time to bake bread the road so whatthey did was they made this doughand they put it on their backs and theylet the Sun bake the bread on theirbacks yeah yeah so that was you knowthat was the bread that we had to eatand yeah so this is this is the bread ofaffliction right there’s a bowlhere’s our starter she’s ready she’sready okay so this is our starter knowwhat I’m gonna do no there might be someall right so what I’m gonna do is pour abunch of the sour this starter out butI’m gonna save some okay I’m gonna savea little bit a squirrelbad squirrel okay so the way you make astarter is you take flour and water umand you can do it just flour water butyou can also like do it with some fruitif you have like you know something somekind of vegetable matter or fruit youknow a couple blueberries or raspberriesor something pink peppercorns grownright out here so I grabbed a few of thepink peppercorns and throw them in thereso what happens is the yeast on the pinkpeppercorn starts to eat the sugarthat’s in the flowers starts eating thestarch and so as it does that it’sturning all that sugar into carbondioxide and alcohol and acetic acid andlactic acid and that’s why it’s reallysour and so what we’ve done is we’vecreated a live yeast culture right hereso you mix up an equal partly equalmeasure of flour and water with whateverfruit and then leave it on the counterfor a day and let it start to like startgetting bubbly and stuff then once itgets bubbly throw away about half of itand then add some fresh flour and freshwater and keep doing that every day I’llkeep it in the fridge at this point sothe first date first night leave it onthe counter then put it in the fridgeafter that and then you got to feed itevery day you got to give it flour andwater flour and water and theneventually it gets mature and it turnsinto a sour dough and then you take awhole bunch of it and we’re gonna addmore flour to it more water to it we’regonna knead it together become a doughthis is our mother now and so that thestuff that’s in there is called themother we’re gonna add more flour waterto this stir it up okay[Music][Music][Music]okay so now this is all purpose flour soI’ll put that back yes this is bribe Imean you can use all-purpose if that’sall you have I have bread flour and it’sa higher protein and it’ll make a reallynice loaf flour here I don’t have arecipe just kind of do it till it looksright okay let’s add some salt coupletablespoons yeah I for some reason I’mconstantly forgetting to put salt andbread and you know read without saltskind of gross yeah yeah okay and thenwe’re just gonna mix this up so this isjust the sourdough starter fresh flourwater and salt the hardest bread to bakeman that’s a good questionthey think like really like a reallygood baguette you know yeah yeah somerye breads too can be a little trickythey can get really dense really fastyeah you know all right so here we gomix mix mixthat feels good now I’m gonna turn itout onto the table I need it oh it’sgonna smoke good I need you down Andredoing her thing metamorphosismetamorphosis izing oh this feels nicegood so the nice thing about like one ofthe reasons why sourdough so good is theyeast like really conditions all thatflour like makes it really soft Thanksyeah now we’re just gonna knead thisdough and see right now you see how it’slike really shaggy but it’s all that’sgonna come togetherreally goodso it’s I’d like to feed it every dayyou can go every other day and then ifyou do have a starter and you’re like ina go out of town or something um justadd a lot of flour to like if you’reonly going out of town for a couple ofdays add a lot of flour to it make itreally really dry and then it can sitfor you know three four five days ifyou’re going out of town for a littlebit longer take a chunk of yoursourdough and freeze it and then whenyou come back just bring it back to lifebut yeah trying to feed it every day soyeah you can like you just kind of youknow you make some starter like you saidthough I didn’t measure the bread of theflour the water anything I just kind ofdumped it in there um smells good youyou know you really don’t need a lot ofthe mother to like you know even if Ihad to use all that starter like there’senough of the yeast that’s living on thesides of the thing of the containerthat’s as soon as I put flour and waterin there it’s gonna it’ll it’ll comeback to life South Africa hi you know Ihave never made hot cross buns in mylife probablyyou know ya never made hot cross buns myfavorite dish to smell when I make theClementine cake yeah you boil theclementines and it’s if just it’s thebest smell oh man it’s so good it’s sogood so you need this probably to kneadthis for about 10-15 minutes just tellit like you’ll see it’ll just startgetting smoother and smoother oh yeah[Music]it’ll so well it won’t really die it’llstart like getting weird like you’llyou’ll see an orange mold yeah it’sreally disgusting like if it starts atall it just starts like growing all thisweird stuff no that’s pretty gross it’spretty gross all right this should begood so okay so these are called Banatoned and they’re these little woodenbaskets and this is what you let thebread rise it so I’m going to you knowhow about let’s do it well let’s do onebanner tone and then one freeformthat’ll be goodyeah okay so here’s I’m gonna do someflour down and it’s just gonna be reallyreally great okay right so what I’mgonna do is flour this I’m gonna shapethe bread so I’m gonna kind of get itinto you know sort of oblong okay likethis then with the heel of my hand Chrisand Beth hey guys how’s Colorado you’resupposed to be on a road trip right nowis gonna surprise you guys and just showup out of nowhere but no road trips allright so now I got this nice sort of bigflat piece then do is fold it over oncelike this flip it fold it over like thatand then fold it one more time all theway over and then with my heel I’m justgonna close it upright and then do it one more fold yesyou can definitely do too much flour soyou know just use enough flour so itdoesn’t make a mess but don’t just bedumping I’m just dump flour all over itokay so now I’m gonna take some flourand put it on the inside of thepanettonethis is gonna look really awesome whenit bakes so you guys are gonna have totune in tomorrow to see what this lookslike when it comes out because it’sreally beautiful it’s really reallybeautiful and you go little loaf you putthe loaf in there some more flour downjust like that so what the folding doesis it’s pulling all those proteinstrands all the way around the bread andit’s just giving it some really goodstructure all right so now like justlike we were folding that oneI’ll show you we’re gonna we’re gonnashape a bowl this is how you do a roundround lowNo[Music]okay so here’s our piece of dough try toget all the flour off of here if youneed the friction ones any flour andthen we’re gonna take this what you’redoing is pull the outside into itso as you’re kind of rolling it guys arerolling it you’re just stretching theoutside all the way in yeah you’re justyou’re stretching all the protein canalso do it like this there we go sothere’s our nice loaf roll so put someflour down it’s just going on huhthat’s some flour down here oh yeah wecould we can do a bread bowl like itOlive Gardenyour basic cute okay so there’s ourthere’s our sourdough it’s now I’m gonnaget some more plastic and we’re gonnaput these guys in the fridge overnightand then tomorrow I’m not sure what timeyet I’ll let you know but tomorrow we’regonna bake these so you got to come backnow look if you wanted to let these riseat room temperature you could bake Icould bake these today but they’re gonnabe so much betterwe’re gonna taste better and look bettertomorrow so then that’ll go on thefridge a dessert oh yeah what about acheesecake yeah make a cheesecake notthat hardall rightokay so back to matzo I got the oven isheating up to 450 degrees I’m gonna puta sheet pan in there cuz I don’t have abaking stone we should get a bakingstone all right yeah we’ll get a bakingstone but in the meantime you can use asheet pan so I put this in here it’s nowthat the stone will get nice and hot sohere’s our dough nice and rested allrightwhat flavor do you want to make sesamezatar okay so I got I got a bunch ofgood stuff here I got cumin chili flakessaffron roasted sesame seeds herbs ofProvence there should be something inyeah there’s something there and then Igot onion powder and garlic powderagain you’re not supposed to putflavoring unless it’s the bread ofaffliction yeah you’re not supposed toenjoy it yeah so there’s a nice littleball so it’s gonna take the dough andgently shape it into little balls sametechnique that I was using for the bowlbut much much smaller so I can do withone handnot freed I mean you can you know cakescakes you can be nut free you can makebrownies and not don’t put nuts in themthat’d be good yeah pie pie is a goodnut free not pecan but you know briocheit is it’s not hard to make you probablyhave to make it a few times before youget it to where you really like it butum no brioche is not hard to make andit’s delicious it’s pretty good alrightso here’s a little little bullied usshe’s gonna want these yeah Willy if youwant to come by and get some of this myall meansokay so cover that Star Wars characterwhat Willy what’s your favorite StarWars character no I don’t know minemight be maybe 9 numb or ya both ohthat’s pretty great who’s the thirdscissor punch all right so now salaciouscrumb was that little Muppet that waslike Yoda her Jabba the Hutt’s likelittle buddy a little little spazzygonnayeah yeah so I’m rolling out the matzahwhat I’m gonna do is it’s really touchyso I’m gonna roll it out and then let itsit and then start another one and letthat one relax now again if you weretrying to make matzo that was kosher forPassover you’d have to be much fasterbut we’re not being kosher for Passoveryeah not use salt or flavor or enjoy it[Music]well you just kind of I don’t know youjust sort of roll it till it’s thin yeahyou’ll feel I don’t feel ready you knownot super duper thin you know not likeso you can see through it but you knowpretty thick I’ve never even met in agarden yeah no okay so here’s our matzonow so you got it rolled out get oneside get a good amount of flour on itand flip it over other side here’s alittle olive oil so take some olive oiland paint the whole topthey’re trying to stay away from thevery very edge cuz it’ll stick so justleave like a you know half an inchquarter of an inch border so the recipeI did I did half of the recipe that um Iis on the website and this will makeabout five monsters yet Willie Williedoesn’t like this monster really likesthe stuff out of the box yeah Willie hasterrible taste and one time I tookWillie to a really nice Chineserestaurant in Washington DC and he askedthem for barbecue sauce that’s mybrother that’s my brother okay so here’sthe oil now I got a little salt yeah mybrother Willie is really strange when itcomes to food I mean he’s a strange dudeperiod all right so here’s some za tarthat I got in Jerusalem the last time Iwas there and this is a mixture of herbsand sumac and sesame seeds okay now’sthe fun part here’s the deal um youdon’t have to have a pizza peel to dothis it makes life a lot easieroh dude I totally forgot we got a docketwe got a docket yeahgood thing I have a dough doctor so thisis a dough dockerright it’s just basically a wheel withspikes on it yeah it’s fun yeah it’sreally good alright so this is a doughdocker it would have done this it justmakes all the little holes into bread ifyou don’t if you don’t doctor dough it’sgonna puff up like a PITA and you thatto happen so you got to dock this doughalright so here’s my peel pizza peelwe’re gonna put a little flour on it sothe matzah doesn’t stick then pull thematzah on to the peel and then we’regonna dock it so just gently roll yeahokay yeah you don’t have a dough dockerprobably so you can use a fork alrightso let’s make sure it’s see how it’ssliding around on there alright here wego here we go ovens at 450 degrees superhot so that’s probably gonna bake forabout four or five minutes not long atall so it bakes super fast it’s hot andthat bread is thinall right so now this one’s nice andrelaxed and ready to go yeah I’m cookingso I’m baking the matzo on the back of asheet pan cuz I don’t have a bakingstone that’s a nice one okay so let’sget another one here what flavor shouldwe make this one oh man we don’t haveanymore everything spice yeah maneverything matzo that would be deliciousthat would be delicious and everythingthat’s gonna smell good you guys thenext couple days so lucky so we check onit so you’ll see the matzo will juststart to change color you don’t want toget it too too dark but you just want tostart to caramelizedessert matzo cinnamon sugar yeah maybelike chopped dates dates on there that’sbe Jewish okay so some more olive oilpeanut butter caramel we could do likeand sugar so be like a matzo churro soyeah we’re just you know you want areally thin coat you don’t want anypuddles of oil on here just enough sothings stick to it and that’s it youknow not a whole bunch of whoa okay soit’s do some salts yeah I’m gonna dockit on the peel Biggs and a honey andpistachios man super super Mediterraneanokay so here is this is a granulatedonion onion powder actually I think isgranulated I think it’s yeah there’s adifferencehey does anybody know is there adifference between granulated onion andonion powder I think soso as far as olive oil goes like formost of your cooking um you you can usethe cheap stuff like don’t worry aboutit you know it’s like the root the niceolive oil is for like eating raw fruitslike salads or dipping your bread andthings like that all right here’s somegarlic powder you can use water to makeit stick there’s a cooling rack if itdoesn’t season you’re doing plain matzoyou don’t have to put anything on therebake it just like that they could drybut if you like a little flavor you knowI mean good[Music]well you got to do it you know the lessyou do and the bigger the bubbles aregonna all right so now let’s see whatelse we got herbs de Provence saffronyou want saffronlet’s do saffron that’s you know if Iwas if I was a girl my name was gonna besaffron yeah my mom owned a potterystudio in Venice Beach in 1969 andswears she never smoked in a potterystudio in Venice Beach yeah I thinksaffron matzolooks like Wowyeah Matz is not really something thatpeople eat all year but also it’sbecause it’s not very good so like ifyou’re gonna make a matzo that’s reallydelicious you know you’ll probably eatit more often yeah you know so here’ssome Willymy brother wants to know here’s somesaffron more expensive than gold byweight so saffron is each one of theselittle guys is the stamen of a flowerthe saffron flower they each flower hasthree stamens and only one of them isthe saffron yeah so you have to like Imean it’s really the reason why it’s soexpensive is because it’s so difficultto harvest there are no machines thatcan do it so you have to you know haveto reap by hand and it’s a really reallydelicate processso saffron’s usually I think from likethe Middle EastI’m sure there’s places in Europe thatthey can grow to I think Italy India[Music]it’s pretty strong but also when you’reusing saffron it’s really important tolike use it right it’s expensive rightbut use it all you don’t use it and makesure that you can taste it becauseyou know it’s expensive so make sureyou’re going to taste it yeah you canget saffron you know at most grocerystores they’ll have it hmm look at thatlooks good oh boy oh man that smellsgreat[Music][Music][Music]yeah who’s got questions everybody’severyone it’s good[Music]lots of baking super fun super funI love making matzo I remember that Icame home from culinary school forPassover one year and I made matzah athome and blue my mom’s mind and thenevery year since then she’s like are yougonna make matzo and then I make it andthen my stupid brothers like earlieryou’re stuck in the balls yeah now hemakes my mom get both like he makes hergo get like the box matzah and I make itwhat do you mean a particular basisdifferent it’s different I mean weyeah what is an image I love what isHamburger Helper you’re from the Midwestlike what’s in a box there’s like I justdon’t know what it is so it comes withpasta and seasoning all right whatflavor should we do yeah we’ll just aplain sesame[Music]I had a chef who work for Steve Meninohe had the best like the he had a lookthat like he would say something likemmmsesame would you describe it’s acrackers totally a crackerdefinitely yeah so what you do isusually with the matzo you you put heroh sit on it and some horseradish so youget like the salty and bitteryeah yeah I like horseradish yeah yeahgather know we’re not having a sedermm-hmm no Seder we’re gonna wait tillthe coronavirus is over like it’s funnylike almost every year our Passover isnot on Passover because usually I’mfilming something or you know I’m out oftown or something like that so a lot oftimes we end up having Passover and youknow May it’s fine it’s finethis is fine yeah oh yeah saffronsaffron I’ll smell itlook at that we have another ooh thosecooling racks I appreciate it okay sohere’s the sesame and then what’s thatwhat last flavor should we do we coulddo cumin I got curry powder you want toa curry curry matzo that’s fine I don’tI got cumin chili flakesyes so when you uh so when you’re makingthese on leave them at room temperaturenever never never refrigerate and justum cover with the towel just cover themwith a with a cloth I’m like like if youpainted it on buffalo matzo I mean surelike a dry Buffaloyeah magically took like buffalo sauceand then like sprinkle it a bunch ofcheese on it definitely not kosher forPassover butmmm that would be delicious okay sohere’s some bubbly state verbs of herbsof Provence I was thinking about it Idon’t know if obey would go on matzahyes I mean I’m sure it would taste goodbut I don’t know okay herbs de Provencelavender thyme oh yeah anise seed mm-hmmyeah you like my favorite really it’strue it’s true all righthave Buffalo seasoning weird buffalobread made of power yeah lots of Pizzainteresting yeah yeah pepperoni I mean Ithink I think if I put pork on matzahI’d probably get hit by lightningany more questionsanybody got questions go aheadcheese pizza for the kosher inclined youknow good idea joy was thatblue cheese Willie they had blue cheesedressing I’m sure they have both but OhLisa wants to know who’s doing theawesome special effects sounds come onover here’s Jonah Jonah does the holdmusic just a random commentary thatlooks okaythat would be real soon tough to get inthere I believe in myself[Music]Oh Johnny it’s a fortune cookie andwe’ll tell everybody what their fortuneis all right so I don’t think herbs ofProvence is gonna make it even TVsdeathtome it screws up yeah so we gotfour monsters okay oh oh I don’t knowwhat that word says happiness isenjoying what you got maybe never thanwhat you want one more timehappiness is enjoying what you’ve gotnever from what you want I enjoy what Igot we wanted five monsters but we onlygot four okay so here’s the matzoso this is the saffron here’s the sesamethis is the garlic and onion that is the[Music]nice matzo montón alright guys so thanksfor hanging outthat’s matzah super easy the recipe iscalm it’s also in my book dump bakes sotomorrow I will be will be baking offthe sourdough so if you guys want totune in and see how those turn out I’mreally excitedalright guys yeah Samia

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