Bread Recipes

How I Make Bread Sustainably

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3 and 1/4 cup of all purpose flour
2 teaspoons of instant yeast
2 teaspoons of sea salt
1 and 1/2 cup of cool water
cornmeal for the pan


Mix all ingredients in a large bowl
Cover the bowl with bees wrap
Let rise for 1 hour
Dust a pan with cornmeal
Cut the dough in half
Roll into loaves and place in pan.
Cover and let rise for 45 minutes
Set oven to 475 degrees fahrenheit
Put loves in oven for 25 minutes


2 cups heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon of salt


Blend down in food processor till buttermilk separates from the butter


Things mentioned

Bees wax wrap
ASSORTED Set of 3 Sizes (S, M, L) — Oceans Print

Zero Waste parchment paper
Zero-Waste NonStick Baking Mat

Cloth napkins

What to do with the buttermilk

make pancakes mash potatoes or dressing

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes

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Video Transcription

hi my name is Ahn Verano I am the littlegreen girl and this is my zero wasteYouTube channel so this video isactually really important so happy CincoDeMayo to everybody also and then alsohappy tenth video yay um so today’svideo is going to be a little bit of acooking special so because everybody’sin quarantine everybody is faking andone thing that everybody thinking isbread so today I’m going to show you howto make bread butter and buttermilk assustainably as possible this is actuallyvery submit sustainable compared togetting bread and butter and buttermilkat the store and it’s also really fun solet’s go make some bread so we aremaking two loaves of crunchy deliciousartisan bread so you’re gonna need threeand a half cups of flour I’ll also havethis recipe linked in the descriptionbox below so we’re going to need threeand a half cups of all-purpose flouryou’re going to need two teaspoons ofinstant dry yeast and then two teaspoonsof sea saltnow we’re going toand then we’re gonna have one and a halfcups of water and then now it’s going tostart to become you’re gonna start andit’s gonna start to become kind of gooeyso you’re gonna mix and I’ll be backwhen we’re done mixing okay so now we’regonna go wash our hands because we’reabout to use our hands[Music]so now we’re going to use our hands tokind of incorporate the dump[Music]and now that we are not in that stickysituation we are going to cover it sothat it can rise for an hour we’re usingI’m using these box left that I got fromthe fillory and it has so sea turtlesand jellyfish and ocean themes and thento give it an extra good seal I put arubber band around this so let’s see ifwe can do this and we did it and nowthis is gonna rise for two it’s gonnarise for 1 hour and it’s gonna double insize you can it really double in sizeand it is a super big amount compared towhat we had beforeand it’s super super now there now we’regonna take this dough and as you can seeit’s super airy and just likedoing a $2.00 surface this is a very funprocess you’re gonna take we have alittle flower and think it would use forhomemade pasta but I’m just gonna use itfor next you want to flour your surfacebut you also want to flour your handsand then and then we’re going to scrapjust go for it and it is super soft andsticky and you should hear when you grabit like a fart is basically a story thedoughy mess into itself[Music]to[Music]we try that flower and then tried tosell this and it didn’t work and then weadded more flour and we’re back andthreaded them in there and let’s pray tothe bread gods that this works out nowwe just have one of these things thatcut things and then hold them up becausethey’re making[Music][Music][Music]and now you’re just gonna kind of neateach piece into like a sphere so here’show I like to do I like to kind of likeflip it out like this and then you takeyou’ve kind of hold it like a liar foldit in and then over the other way andthen you press down on that seal andthen you kind of roll it and as you cansee it’s sticking so I’m gonna add someflour over thereand we’re just gonna kind of roll it outand sort of try to make it look like adough loaf like like thatand then once it’s ready put it on thisthing it should look like that and thatwould put my[Music][Music]you don’t need these wax to make Brad’sof your waist I’m just using a cloththen use a rack so now he’s a good setfor 45 minutes and rise as lows and thennow we’re going to make some so I feel alot of people are intimidated by makingbutter because anything and only one tomake butters is by taking a little masonjar and put in cream in it and shakingit up and I’ve done that one and ittakes a long time and a lot of ourmuscle and a lot of people don’t knowthat it is so it’s as easy as a foodprocessor you basically can use anythingif you have a blender that’s great ifyou have a food processor you can usethat if you have a stand mixer you canalso use that any basic kitchenappliance that can blend put makeeverything go together can work or ofcourse if people harmony that’s a handworks so we’re taking heavy whippingcreamthis is notvery zero waste I can see it iscardboard with wax but also has aplastic top so I don’t know if this ismore sustainable than getting better butit makes about as much if you’ve gotlike a big square then there’s foursquares inside it makes basically thatmuch so also I just decide that thisisn’t really there with but absolutelylanguage who tried to homestead Creamerywhich when Arthur was around they closedbut when they did they have homes theyhad this thing called the homesteadgrammar which came in these glassbottles at me what we use the breathbottles who gave them back and thenfreeze them so we’re going to get Publixto get them because the only store thatsells them is Kroger which it’s not inFlorida so we’re going to try to getPublix to give it we’ll try on huhso I think it I use about like I’m gonnasay half of this which is I would say Idon’t know that much that much is okaythis although it’s really cool might allhave a Cuisinart kitchen I mean whateverits calledand it broke associates get a new oneand she actually got this one fromSalvation Army it looks really weird butit actually works really well and we’rejust just as good as her reallyexpensive Cuisinart and this is onlynine dollars[Music][Music]you[Applause][Music]everything and put it in a strainer over[Music][Music]you are[Music]I think about my guest unsalted buttersmell have any salt in it and saltedbutter a little bit so I just have alittle bit of salt and I’m gonna go1/4 of a teaspoon at a time I’m tastingit it’s good to taste it I know it isyou know gonna taste like so that sothis is awesome it is kind of hard tomix because it’s salty and delicious sothat is how you make butter and this is[Music][Music]so now we’re going to score them whichI mean he’s given a blast but I mean atleast you know the gods came down andgave him anyway they’re not gonna giveit a man once we sort so you’re gonnatake you’re just gonna kind of rise fora country outside and hopefully betterrising um you’re gonna take you’re goingto over 475 and you should have donethat wall well these were um right thingnow so my mom had to put in any cuz anybe scared of it but basically put a pana cast-iron pan in the oven under wherethe breads gonna go and then you boilthree cups of water and then once it’sboiling you put it on the cast-iron panunder the bread[Music]so the reason that that works but umKaziranga mother is cause it keeps steamin the oven so then there’s steam nowyou make sure not to open that becauseall the water is going to evaporate andyou want it to stay in there and that’sgonna make a really crunchy extracountry outside that is gonna make thisfun even better than it already is gonnabe okay guys the guys ready[Music][Applause][Music][Music]this recipe is so good I’m not evenjokingI thought I have to lie but we’re notgoing to because last week we made aloaf and that we try to do a differentrecipe and it came really salty so I’mgonna tell you so I’m not lying I’mgonna tell you gonna wrap this you canjust beat the clock and then wrap I’mlike a cousin and there you go right andit can do the same thing I’m reallyrecommend having a taste of them rightwhen they’re question of the day I’mgonna because that’s when I rest andit’s the best bread you’ll ever tastethank you guys so much for watching makesure to LIKE this video and subscribedown below if you are new here make sureto try this recipe out because it is sogood and you will never go back toanother bread recipe again the recipe iswoman’s description box belowsame with whatever you can do with thebuttermilk and butter[Music]

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