Bread Recipes

Great Depression Cooking – Garlic Bread

Garlic Bread is a simple Italian treat that only takes a few ingredients. If you would like to make your own bread you can follow Clara’s recipe:

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this is my special gift to all of you[Music][Applause]today we’re going to make a simpleItalian treat garlic bread let’s getstarted I make this garlic bread isprobably the easiest Italian thing youcan make and it’s very good cut itstraight down the middledon’t cut it all the way through justleave it so you can stretch it out andthen cut it across I’m cutting it acrossMelyou should make about 12 visasI will spit it out so I can put butteron it I hope it’s soft enough you wantedto be a little warm so it spreads easilynot really this is a little bit hard yeswait a while if they cut it up for a bitit’ll be easier as you saw I’m having ahard time getting that off this thinggot a wishjust turn it off the Great Depressionstarted slowly but but we all got itgood dose of us couldn’t get therecooking a staff that the pressures wereleft and went and they kept strugglingoff people have money to buy the stuffso that’s how it startedunless it’s quite a few years and wewere already on going to school I had toquit high school because my mothercouldn’t afford to buy clothes for meyou can’t buy the right food you can’tbuy the clothing which borrowed theclothes and my mother would pitch a lotwe run around with patches I rememberonce I was brought in from the class toshow the whole class a patch that mymother had me and I started to crybecause I was embarrassed but sistersays you should be happy mother doesn’tdo that and I don’t want you to showeverybody and she did I don’t think youkids were survive yeah better stuff nowsay Fred I’m the bread melty goodtry to cover it all with butter beforeyou put the garlic out and before youthrow ellis getting spread real good Ithink that’s good enoughwhat is it garlicyou need to gotta press I can press thegarlic before you spread it on the breadthere’s nothing with that garlic is kindof mushy that’s okaytry to put it babe amount of garlic oneach piece if you can if you don’t havea garlic press you can mash it out withanything you have handy I don’t knowwhat what you could havewhat a pan to put this in that’s readynow you know when you got it all a breadgarlic you take it put it in the ovenand broil itI have to have the light on so you canwatch it cuz it goes fast the old graymare she ain’t what she used to be sheain’t what she used to be before I’mdifferent now I’m slowerI’m lazier I’m I hurt son of one goingthat my uncle would say shut up I’mgoing yeah yeah that was son of a gunfor him he couldn’t sing son of a gundid he say something going yeah it’sburning I’m gonna know a little bit moreI says if it’s not all completely doneyou can do it just before you serve itmake it you know get broiled a littlebit you know what a to brown consentwhen you have to heat it up you have toput it in the oven again and beat tobrown nice no a garlicky all over theplace how does it look just a coupleminutes you take it out and you knowbefore you serve it you have to put itin the oven anyway again make it get alittle brown yeah I think we’ll take itoff because before it serves you have toheat it up againthat’s the way it’s supposed to look itis some prosecute robber that are don’tworry that’s the way it’s supposed to beso don’t worry about it[Applause]today we made some garlic bread andtastes pretty good I hope you like itsimple it’s cheap and it’s good my breadand butter and toasted good have a pieceyou

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