Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello my name is Alex and this is mybrother today we’ll be cooking butbefore we start we must introduce theingredients 250 grams of flour 2 eggs110 grams of butterand lastly 100 grams of white sugar and50 grams of brown sugar and it’s all weneedok now that we have everything you’llstart by smashing with the bananasset the temperature to 300[Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music]okay so what my brother sent from Germanwas that we have to pour in all of theflour all of it and you start blending[Music][Music]after you added everything and startmixing it might be a bit tough for youto move the mixer and start you mix itwithout the blender so you don’t reallybreak the nuts cuz also now that we haveour baking pans right here we will takeour important thing for filling this upis that you have to fill up one third ofthe baking pan okay so now we fold upall of our pans and after that you pressStartokay so when the banana vert is alreadymake sure to convert with the kitchentowel so that you know to cool down okayguys now our banana bread is ready it isdelicious it looks pretty squishy as youcan see and ready[Music]