Bread Recipes

Easy No-Knead Fougasse | Bread Baking for Beginners

In this video, I baked Rosemary & Lemon Zest Fougasse recipe from the cookbook, Bread Baking for Beginners by Bonnie Ohara. This is a relatively quick, beginner friendly recipe. Unlike the majority of the breads in this book, there is little-to-no cool down time, so you can dig right in as soon as it comes out of the oven! It’s great for parties, special gatherings, or displaying on cheese boards or charcuterie boards!

I highly encourage anyone who is looking to start making homemade bread to buy this book, and follow along with me, as I bake my way through this cookbook! 🙂

[ Music: Pankcakes | Musician: Jef ]


For the recipe I’m using, you can find it in the cookbook. Here’s a link:

Purchase “Bread Baking for Beginners” by Bonnie Ohara


Easy No-Knead Focaccia | Bread Baking for Beginners

Easy No-Knead Bread | Bread Baking for Beginners

Homemade Pizza Dough (Baked VS Grilled) | Bread Baking for Beginners


Find Bonnie Ohara on Instagram | @alchemybread
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Directed by: Braxton Burrows

Original of the video here

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hi I’m Paige welcome back to my kitchenyou’re watching the next episode ofdonut with Paigey[Music]today is an exciting day because we aremaking the last no need bread recipefrom the cookbook bread baking forbeginners by Bonnie O’Hara today we willbe making a fougasse and it will betopped with rosemary and lemon zestafter doing some research on this breadI found out that it actually is from theSouth of France and it is a flatbreadsimilar to the focaccia recipe that wemade a couple of episodes ago now thisflatbread recipe actually has slashescut in it to resemble a leaf or an earof wheat now like I said we will befollowing the recipe exactly topping ourbread with rosemary and lemon zest but Ihave done some research on this breadand I have found that you can addwhatever toppings you like I’ve seenthem topped with olives cheese and evenbacon so feel free to get creative ifyou want to try this recipe at home nowlet’s go ahead and get started weighingour ingredients here are the ingredientswe’ll need for our dough today I’m goingto start off by weighing out our flourwater salt and yeast I’m then going toadd the water to a large mixing bowl andadd the yeast right on top of that I’mgonna go ahead and whisk this until itis nice and bubbly alright and you guysknow the drill we’re gonna take theflour from the medium bowl and put thisright on top of the water yeast mixtureand then we will add the salts on top ofthe flour to keep the salt from comingin contact with the yeast because thatcan inhibit the rise now I’m just gonnajump right in and start mixing by handuntil the dough is really stretchy thatis how I know it is well mixed togetherand everything is combinedas you can see it comes together prettyquickly but you’ll just want to keepsqueezing the dough mixing it up justcombining it and your best you can allright the dough’s starting to get intostretchy so letting you know it’s almostdone probably going to mix it for about30 more seconds or so[Music][Music]our dough is well mixed it’s reallystretchy so I’m going to go ahead andlet this rest for about 20 minutesso that the flour can absorb some ofthat water now I did have a followerasked me to show how I get the dough offof my hands so I’m just going to showyou I use my plastic dough scraper and Ijust gave one good scrape and just addany excess dough back to the bowlall right and then I just finished myhands all right our 20 minutes is upwe’re gonna go ahead and startstretching and folding our dough we’rejust gonna start from one side andstretch it and fold it to me the otherside this will make our dough nice andstrong and help us achieve a little bitof gluten development and we’re gonna goahead and go all around the dough untilthe dough is nice and tight and isn’t sostretching anymore[Music]I think that looks good and we’re gonnago ahead and cover this up and let itrise for about an hour and a half andwe’ll come back and check on it then allright dough is almost done rising we aregoing to go ahead and get our toppingsprepared we’re going to be using about1/4 a cup of olive oil some lemon zestand rosemaryand I’m gonna go ahead and just toremove the leaves from this rosemarysprig and as you can see I’m justholding it and just pulling me as theopposite direction to get them off ofthe stemall right and I’m gonna go ahead androughly chop these all right once theseare trapped I’m just gonna add this tomy olive oil here we’ll need to zest onelemon now if you don’t have a lemonzester you can use a cheese grater onthe finest studying and that’s what I’llbe doing today[Laughter][Music]he’s saying exhaustion do the same thingand just add it directly to our oliveoil I’m also gonna go ahead and add somefresh cracked black pepper when yourtoppings are done they should looksomething just like this all right hereis what our dough looks like and as youcan see we’ve got some air bubbles inthe dough which is a good sign it’sreally risen well it looks like it’s atleast doubled in size so what I’ve donehere is I have oiled a baking sheet andI’ve thrown some parchment paper downjust to make things a little bit easierfor me but I spread some olive oil onthis as well and we’re going to turn ourdough out onto this so we can get itshaped now I’m just using my doughscraper and I’m just gonna go along thesides of the bowl and I’ll lay this outonto the baking sheetall right I’m gonna drizzle a littlemore olive oil over the dough here andwe’re gonna be trying to stretch thisinto a triangle shape I’m just gonna cutmy dough well with the oil pull thesebottom corners down now if you’re tryingto sit home and you’re getting kind offrustrated because this isn’t it shapingout the way you want it’s just kind ofsquishing back in together just bepatient you just need to get the dough alittle bit of time to relax all rightthis looks good to me I am going to goahead and start adding our toppings withthe pastry brush all right we’ve got ourtoppings here I’m gonna use my pastrybrush to just brush this stuff on to thedough now these toppings smells so goodalreadyI was joking earlier that you couldliterally wear this as perfume becauseit smells so goodand I’m gonna be pretty generous with mytoppings here I don’t want to let any ofthis stuff go to wasteall right I’m going to be topping thisoff with a little bit of sea salt andsome garlic powder as well and rememberwe already added that pepper into theolive oil mixture so I’m not worriedabout thatwe’re gonna go ahead and let this prooffor about 30 to 40 minutes in themeantime I’m gonna preheat my oven afterit’s done proofing we will add thosecuts that I was talking about and youcan use a pizza cutter or your plasticdough scraper to do that so we’ll checkback on this in about 30 minutes allright I’m gonna go ahead and startmaking cuts in my dough and I’m justgonna use a pizza cutter to make a slashhere and just make sure I cut all theway through a little bit and makeanother long cut almost to the top justgonna pull my dough from thereand I’m gonna make three more cuts oneach side of thisall right when it’s all done it shouldlook something like thisand I’m gonna go ahead and put this inthe oven and we’re gonna cook it forabout 20 to 25 minutes at 450 while ourdough is in the oven I thought it wouldbe fun to go ahead and set up a littlecheese board or a little spread for ourbread I don’t think that this breadneeds anything but I thought it would befun to tear the bread with these thingsas a little afternoon snack all rightour bread just got out of the oven andunlike the other breads in this bookthis brand is best served hot so I’mgonna go ahead and do a taste testthis turned out so good I was a littlebit worried that that lemon zest wasgonna make the bread too lemony but itreally just has such a subtle flavorit’s not sour nothing like that therosemary isn’t super overpowering it’sjust a really nice subtle flavor andit’s so good the bread turned out sogood we’ll go ahead and give Dutchess ataste test because she’s here waitingDutchess she loves bread she likes it Ihope you guys enjoyed this video be sureto tune in next week because we aremoving to the next chapter in this bookwhich is needed breads I am so excitedto start that chapter with you guys wewill be learning how to knead shape andscore bread if you like this video besure to give it a thumbs up be sure tosubscribe and thanks again for watchingdonut with Paigey see you guys next timehi today we are trying a foo gasps fooguys hookahFugazi it has a crusty no crustyI hate it I hate everything about itthis is a pizza I don’t even know whatI’m talking about so let’s head over tothe cutting board our bread going it allrightsorry that’s literally not even when Iwas supposed to do demonstrate that foryou guys with how do I

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