Bread Recipes


Today we are making some yummy bread bun egg muffins.. these are so easy and versatile and you can include any filling you fancy 🙂

Thanks so much for joining in today and I hope you will come back next Wednesday at midday for our next recipe.

Next week.. as its half term we thought we would make a little sweet treat..
We are going to be making:



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how is everybody today I hope you’re allwell thanks so much for joining in againtoday we are really hungry so we arevery excited to make a them we thinkyour tummy’s rumbling he’s got some kindof remains of food on his face so how’severyone doing today this morning I wentfor a 16 K bike ride I was actually Idid 16 K 4 K run slash walk and then Iwent into the Brighton sea dipped intohere first time I’ve ever got intoBrighton see one wobbly one right let’spop go like that yeah so you’re gonnahave just these four just there withnothing around it right so today we aremaking some egg muffins what you want todo first of all is get your oven on to200 degrees centigrade it needs to begrown yeah they might have grown up bythen yet and yet you want to get youroven up to 200 degrees centigrade so goand do that now while you are justwaiting for a couple more people to comeon here and one thing I forgot to saythat you need as well is a dash of milkso just get yourself some milk you canadd into this as well lots of youmessaging me throughout the week sayingdoesn’t have to be feta cheese itdoesn’t if you don’t fancy it what we’reactually doing today is I’ve droppedsome just normal cheddar cheese as wellso we’re going to kind of do a littlebit of both we’re going to do some fetaand some cheddar as well right JJ needsdoodler glass time again okaysays hi boys hi Kari and the boys lovefrom Malta cool I enjoyed your toothygrin is adorablewho did that up there I can’t see I needmy glasseshi home call my from Croatiaokay so we’re making egg muffins todayso we’re going to make them a little bitugly know you always have to bar checkthe M at the delivery men so we’re gonnamake a little bit differently todaybecause what we’re going to do is we’regoing to put them in some buns if you’rejust joining you want to set your ovento 200 degrees centigrade and high fromTurkey turkey Wow people joining ustoday I haven’t got my glasses on beginthis is so good I love doing these ohokay right there’s everybody yeah sorryabout the dog the dog next door barksand then she tracks to the dog next doorknocksNeverending so like I said I made someegg muffins stay but no no no butinstead of us Olek chris is just to livein my glasses to me so now I think popthem on a little bit dirty and I can seewhat you guys OH – what – Hungry – I dotoo – hello Lulu janessa second Lulu ahyour videos q my homesickness as a Britabroad I’m so pleased her accentmake sense it makes em happy becauseshe’s from England – right okay guys weare going to start cooking now so whatyou want under women started yet justchatting away aren’t we and what youwant to do is get your bread rolls andalso have six people if they don’t wantto do it in bread rolls because lots ofpeople have gluten and free and theydon’t want to have that allows any fineyou can just get a little egg muffin tinand these two are very excited aboutthis and you can just cook them in thoseinstead just make sure you grease aroundthe side before pouring your egg mixturein so first thing you want to do is geta little baking dishwe have got ours here and you want toget your bread rolls boys this is yourjob okay so you want to cut your breadrolls in half and then wait you want toget your bread roll and just take outsome of your filling so don’t take itall the way around to the Crouse eateryou can eat it but just pop it on therejust pop it on the side okay let me geta plate so you don’t want to go to theedge you just want to literally and youdon’t want to go all the way to thebottom as well just want to kind of makeit well for yourself so you can pour inyour egg mixture once you’ve done thatyou can pop it into your baking dishokayyeah take a little bit more just aroundthe sidesthe base is sometimes a little bitflatter so what you want to do yeah butyou don’t want to go through all the wayhere look at this so try and cut it notso close to the bottom like you wouldnormally do if you had a burger and Iwant to cut it more kind of top ways sothat when you like this break it in halfthat’s it perfect when you break it inhalf the base has some Center for you totake out so just this is fun isn’t ityou guys are so excited because eatingbread is your our world so youcan havethis insurgent yeah when we shut thedoor up so that dream is not barking somuch right so we’re doing six buns butyou can do more you can be less howevermany buns you do that’s how many eggsyou want to use okay you boys are doinga great job that’s itoh you went a little bit too close tothe face there okaythese are gonna be really deliciousright so yeah well the kids are doingthat what we can do next is we can getour six eggs looks like cotton down melooks like cotton candy gonna take thatone oh we haven’t really got any spacefor that one unless we squeeze oh thatone looks many let’s leave that one outso I think you’ve got a little bit tooclose to the base there so we’ll justpop that in there okay right so now whatwe want to do is we want to get our eggsand I want to cracksix eggs I always do them in a littleBowl like this before adding them intosomething else just in case you getshells they’re just easier to removethis way so yeah you want to crack someeggs in there need six eggs you cancrack three each okay finished don’tneed to do too and you guys do two weeksand we’ll do two each okay let’s go howmuch daint gonna be quite a few shellsOh pressive rosy pop in there not asingle shell from rows actually I’llprobably the shells are probably gonnacome from me because I can’t seem tocrack an egg without oh no shells fromgee I can’t seem to crack eggs withoutputting a good few oh no shells for meoh okaykeep on cracking your eggscome on if you do it quicker it’s oh nothat’s it your goat JJ okay or we allgot no shower wash your hand ease rightso now what you want to do is if youwant to you can keep this bowl and usethis as your kind of like beating upbowl but we’re just gonna put it intohere because the reason you’re doingthis is it’s just a lot easier to pouryour mixture into your bread roll kindof boat things it’s a lot easier to pouryour mixture in using this littlesection from so we’re going to pull thisin here okay so you want to milk andthen we are going to use some ham cheeseand more cheese so I’m not going to addin what we’re going to do with thecheese is we’re not going to put thecheese in the mixture we’re just goingto sprinkle the cheese on tops of itwe’re gonna do some feta and some normalcheese yeah you can spice this up if youlike right slice it up into little bitslike thatyes and thenthat’s it and then you can fold thatover again yeah but you want it to likethese kind of little bits so you want toget your ham and have a really littlehip I do this really little bits of hamso that you make sure you’re going toget lots of ham in all of your cupsright Jade you want to add the ham intohere so obviously if you didn’t want toadd ham and you just wanted it could bea veggie dish you can pop whateverveggies you like engineer you can putpepperoni in it you can put as mushroomsthey’re really really versatile andthey’re really really deliciousRosie you want to start grating thischeddar cheese we’re gonna start gratingsome cheese perfect okay right onceyou’ve done that you just want to seasonit a little bit with a bit of salt andpepper by properties in Germany finemmix am I am I am going too fast for youguys or is it okay yeah we’re going toofast so we’ve got salt and pepper inthere and then we also want to go inwith some oregano completely up to youif you don’t want to add more Agana youdon’t have to but I just love smell Ithink it just gives it a really goodflavorthis delicious isn’t it smells like whatkind of my next kitchen be and you knowwhat we can’t decidewe really can’t decide I can change hermind like pretty much weekly so I amthe moment quite liking the idea ofhaving to that ah yeah I know thatsounds maybe like I’m being a bit outthere black but then words like a wellwe’ve kind of seen loads of differentwork tops like we’ve seen I mean that’sperfect J we just feel like everyonecatch up to this pointso when everyone’s at this point let meknow your your own should be on at 2minutes degrees by the way rose goldwrote I do love rose gold and what Iquite like is having like a blackkitchen and like a white marble top halland even having just like a kind ofwhat’s it called when you have thepolished concrete top I really like thatas well so I’m not really too sure Ikeep looking on Pinterest like all thetime and yeah so I’m really not too sureby the way right so what we’re going todo is once you have mixed your mixturetogether and you have taken out thecenter of all your rolls you then wantto call your mixture into yes Jamie’syou different point mixture into you’vegot to be quite careful see you likethat once swollen out I know be carefulmy sorry sorry Boise’s cool your mixturein okay be a big cabbage it should makesure that Rory has enough for his goalswell Rory’s got good bowls here is itperfect J pour your egg mixture in ohthese are gonna be so yummy there’s athat’s it you can do these as I thoughtyou okay yeah sureokay pour your mixture in guys 100 yeahwe’ll say some handful we’ll take whatwe’ll do is that’s it and then lettingRory pour here’s and then you have someleft a and we can pull more into ouronesokay so cheese over there yeah well inthere guys don’t worry I just was rightI just have to make a little bit moremixture because we ran out wellnever fear though it’s really easy tomake a little bit extra okay so now I’mreading where to put itI’m ready to put in the oven have yougot your cheese now I’m going to do halfwith feta and half with cheddar so getyour cheese and just sprinkle them onboysoh my gosh Royce is knock the wholething of grated cheddar on the floorwait I don’t think you can use that heyguys hold on let’s quickly get some morecheddar out last week miss Jamie you canjust that’s probably not that nice let’squickly grate some more cheese okaymister quickly grate some more cheesefor us don’t do what we just did andthrow the cheese on the floor what’severyone saying hi Christine lookingyummy did you enjoy your swim in the seaI loved my swim in the sea yeah that wasactually quite goodChrissy no is it hi it’s Chrissy oh okayso when you have your cheese and ithasn’t been knocked on the floor likeours just was you then really justcrumble up the feta and then get youryep that one minute we did we drink ourcheddar better that’s itbe quite generous oh this looks good heyboys it’s me from school ah how are youguys up in Brighton who’s who’s that whois it from schoolah Oh what the saved are you guys areyou guysyeah we love it basically just comingwell right now coming in we’re gonna usein the end we’re gonna put these knee upand now so they’re gonna go into theoven on 200 degrees for 12 to 15 minutesready 12 to 15 minutes okay right we’vegot a lot of cheese now floorless comingyou in half show me some chats toeverybodyso should we bring this down here so wecan chat wind out then JJ hey so whilethose in the oven it’s 20 past 12:00we’ve got between it 12 and 15 minutesyou enjoy I love my bride because we’rehaving right okay from Scotland just got12 minutes to chat guys do the boys getmuch work at Casey says yes they do theyactually get sick quite a lot on theirone board from school one wall is kindof like a teaching portfolio the cutegood hope you keeping well obviouslyyeah I was only from Essex only for alittle bit Oh Road and well yeah so theboys do get sickdon’t worry and money from school get onthere let me still on the ridge build aanyway and the boys do get set quite alot of work from school it comes throughon there like teaching porthole and thenportal portal and then we just have tolike work through it and you can submitpictures and things to your teachers soit’s really good actually um Olivia sayshow are you or me in the family lovelyrecipes are thank you so much Olivia I’mso so pleasedyou do we love doing these cook alongsas well they’re really good fun aren’tthey pop when Rory throws all the cheeseon the floor I’m Sweden oh bloody recipeideas I’m moving back to England tostart my master’s degree from Hong Konglove your car woodland I do more Chineseand Asian inspired France a days I didsuch a lovely tom yum soup the other dayI put that on my last video that I justput on a Sunday and and so many peoplesaid I wanted to go South Africa loadsof people said they wanted to try thattom yum soup so that’s delicious we loveChinese and Asian food so much love yourcooking knives of kids James myseven-year-old says hi hi James how areyou doing James and Jamie how is yournew niece getting on oh she is so cute Ijust wanted to see you Tony nice oh okaygo and see Rory wants to show you whathe just bought it arrived yesterday hehas saved up all his Christmas money hisbirthday money so he saved up everythingthat he could and he’s finally got hethis thing is really expensive and hesaved up but he the good thing about itlook it’s got a new segue so he didn’twant to buy a cheap one because he saidhe wanted to buy a good one so that itlasted a long time and you can connectit to blazes a bit of topic I’m sorrybut how Lulu doing looks like she lovesher new bed she loves her new bed onlyshe loves it it’s her favorite thingevershow you that once it’s it way that’slike sick way not sick wakey James saidthanks ah he loves watching you boyscook your boys cooking school the boysactually need to do a new video on myInstagram because they haven’t donetheir you haven’t done a quickie one onmy Instagram I’m happy boys how’s itlooking in the oven Ross it’s only beenfour minutes actually so not too longbut just keep an eye on a grade youdon’t want the bread to burn away oh dodo these in the cheeseso how’s everyone’s home schooling goingwe’ve done a bit today um but would youdo a new South African recipes yesdefinitely what kind of ones would youlike me to do I love when people’srequest recipes because because I’vebeen doing a recipe on Sundays for likea year and a half nowand I feel like I’m I get a bit likestuck for what to cook so what can I dowith beans school gives us a hugecatering size tin and we can’t anymoreGillies oh we did actually last nightChris and I made a really nice bean dishwe did you can do chopped tomatoes mixedbeans baked beans and then you just putsome you kind of like put in a fryingpan and then you pop some paprika inthere you want to oh you want to frysome onion and garlic first of all andthen you literally just put it in theresalt and pepper and a veggie stock cubeand then you crack an egg on top and youkind of poach it with the lid onfootballs so delicious so that is whatyou can do with your beans Olivia canyou make poached eggswhat on here you mean Katie like apoached egg how do you do it like a liveone who’s your fake away yeswe did didn’t weKatie would buy the poached eggs I dohave a video on my channel of how tomake the perfect poached chick everysingle time to go and search for thatand the homeschooling is becoming harderI know it is becoming harder we find itreally hard some days and really easyother days and but we have sort of justnot made it such a thing we kind of justdecided it’s going to some days it’sgonna be easy and some days it’s gonnabe harder in narrows and so yeah we kindof feel like that way right let me justcheck on these well I do you like noLuke has eaten all the cheese that’s onthe floordo you like reading I tried the roastedveggies with paulsen they’re delicious Iknow this so good killer they are so soknown do you like reading thank you Ijust washed it that’s probably whybecause I went to my cycle this morningI love readingmy hair was in my head and I yeah give agood wash you should interview a mamabear a daily life in Spain and what foodbit eat the boys have a channel actuallyoddly well RJ well who’s that okay teamthey don’t really post that much butthey do they do we’ve good yeah a greatsteak baked sausage roll fake away it’dbe great oh that’s a good any movie moreNavy tipsI can’t have also said she tried myroasted veggies there so you can onlytouch what’s the maybe tip Oh like itwhat good movies and my avatar you lovea battalion that doesn’t make sense atall but you really like it but don’tmake kids watch it oh is it twelve dowatch where you haven’t been letting theboys watchedrecently and you are quite good becausethey love avenges and all Avengers aretwelves and that’s why so close becauseI don’t even get nightmares so sometimesif sometimes you just get nightmare butlike a spider or somethingso tonight because Jamie lost her toohe’s gonna put maybe we should put yourto somewhere else than if you scareddownstairs put it down Easter Bunny cuzhe why tell it what tell everyone whyyou scared so we get so excited aboutEaster placement last time I saw areally bright light and then I came intomy then I slept there he saw youbasically saw the Tooth Fairy arriveddidn’t used to a really bright lights welit any more houses right there we’vegot our Planning Commission did I saywe’ve got our Planning Commission’sthat’s really exciting so we’re just inthe permeate which is in the process ofgetting quotes now so we have a you canyou guys are sharing soon I get bunk bedto myself what’s been your favorite TVshow Chris and I have just finishedwatching normal people it actually mademe cry how is everyone’s egg muffinslooking lookinglooking good I think they need about twomore minutes they’ve been in for 10minutes so far so just two more minutesso that’s 12 you tried my quiche recipeit was very nice yeah because it hadsun-dried tomatoes on it I don’t knowyour kids ever do that they look atsomething and think oh no that doesn’tlook nice I’m not even gonna bothertrying hey yeah these guys do that ifit’s got mushrooms in it you won’t tryit will youno much way oh my god if I make themushrooms really cool oh my gosh thequantity seen they’ve left all the hamin here Ohif anyone else’s food smelling reallygood that’s Milly is that you that’swhat meals does she looks at somethingand if she says doesn’t look nice shedoesn’t eat it going to do the wagonwheel cake which we do all the recipebiscuit and then you have to wait hotnow in oven then you gotta do anotherbiscuit no but if you have two tins youown yes dude no but I have got two tinsof thing out I just have to do a smallersize and can you zoom in you’re makingyour busy life hack he likes I’ll tryI’m sure we do know we do we don’trealize their hands you can cause thatwould you get another pet Casey says ohyeah cat no no no this one no so thisbit you can use for beer that’s not alife hack though is it this is just acar that Jamie got it’s a Hot Wheels carand then he’s had it for about fiveyears and the other day we up werealized it was a it was ato opener so now this is Rory favoritefavorite toy ever as he says his won’teat broccoli my kids think broccolis aretrees okayI don’t like you don’t like roastedbroccoli you do you could just eatbroccoli after broccoli what would beyour top starter Manor dessert oh yeahEmily Norris if any other day was reallygood actually just like I’ll show you sowhat we were top starterI do love a prawn cocktail Oh main theprawn steak Oh fussy about my youngestwell oh my god I think if you just putCarey welter fussy eaters you might findsome videos so someone says well this isso fussy but my young eat anything isn’tit funny how you have two children I seeso yeah yeah well if you see somethingand you think oh I don’t like looking atyou all fussy but Rory just tries it atleast and now you will you try thingsyeah you do know at Turkey I think I’m Imight go back to Turkeygranny please do an organized kitchencupboard yes I will actually because youknow what mine are such a stage at themoment and they could def I feel like Iorganize the cupboards quite often withbut then they just get into yeah yesand I feel like I organized my cupboardsgo right outno Jamie sorry it’s just disgusting Ithink I can organize my cupboard rightoften and they just become messy againowEnglish breakfast versus what fullEnglish versus Sunday race oh can you dothe list for the lies before Friday umso oh yeah so namely Lars what I wantedto say let me get my piece of paper guyshold on any of limas advice yes we do ifyou go to carry well you can we aregoing to be doing a sweet treat we’redoing my description all the ingredientsare down there amazing[Music]guys we are ready to dish out we areready to eatI know sorry okayget a spatula and take them out anyoneyeah me toowait these smell amazingdo yours and they’ll good guys oh mygosh look at that one that is so niceand crisp these are just a little bitdifferent to your normal egg muffinsbecause obviously they’re in the breadbecause they’re nicerno what are you gonna doIvan Melvin I think you got it rightokay honestly right like it when we havetime to chat in between when things aredone itokay guys we’re done look at this thirtytimes just come in what do you guysthink these are delish really want toshow you what I look like but the camerais making them go really really whitemmm look so good piece can you ship themoh you’re good I’ll try you’ll probablyonly get a couple of crumbs but how theyget there what I hope you guys enjoyeddoing this live thank you so much forjoining in with us we are going to takethese outside now and it sit on thepicnic blanket and have these out thereso yeah like I said thank you so so muchfor joining in everything that you needfor next week’s recipe is linked downbelow in my description box we are doingchocolate chip cookies because it’shalftime we thought we’d do something alittle bit more fun and a little bitmore unhealthy because it is half-termisn’t it boys huh you got your secondone lined up you do always do a secondyou’re right so we’ll see you again nextweek thank you so much for today andhave a lovely lovely lovely weekend andenjoy the sunshine lovely lovely lovelyweekend and enjoy the sunshine guys takecarehmm Tribeca Cheeseman everybody knowsdelicious mmm yes sir

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