Bread Recipes

Chilli Bread easy evening snacks,how to cook chilli bread in Tamil.

Interesting spicy snacks recipe made with bread and tomato sauces very simple & easy snacks try it soon …enjoy

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Video Transcription

welcome to pretty Paradise kitchen VangaSammy column[Music]in nickname Ibaka boredom chili breadthis PFD say learn to pack lonyou know the channeler for staying packalong Linda subscribe bunny congaronger empty Ceylon to parkland toliberate Dakota avianna bread pieceswhen they’re Turk am Iranian and then Ilook at Bernie Taupin ear teacher careor attack earlier three canal activity achopper near can I prevent a red chiliflakes Africa red chili flakes and theywere spoon oral care Turk am a proginger garlic when they’re in demeanorlocket if you th are paneer can iprogrames chilly when the warning Olivera loco para sacar paneer can heed whenthe tomato sauce when the tale or a moonspoon a locator cap he dynamic the avianingredients vaanga epistle on toparkland already when the day naankhatai when the are to play with todayanalysts pune and now and this islevitra can he poem by glad panic lonyet it should care ginger garlic aplomband the green chilecould you could you accompany which willcook a large panic lon and the line ilove in the fry panic lon ginger andgarlic una love and this Friday I didseen alacrity cutie Evander cheap andI’m by a third cerca morning I’d paniclong or a copper or on energy agendaeven light a golden color varitoneearning when the light golden coloreleven thirteen eleven India cheapernumber three circuit Akali at Bunnicula[Music]Hockley por todo in the district they bean assault upon a clan salt when theywere called spoonula the sacrum consumermalaga dulce to claw not a chili flakesArthur can ear and Allah when the carand come mierda ear coo suppose redchili flakes in la de on de Malaga dolive and the day were RS Puna looks 8Kong Anna called spoon when did Monicadon’t sacrum up drove here to add sugarred chili flakes no say to climb eitherwhen they already dry pan another danceover neither Yanina portela fry pan Imean D they learn al dente’ Kali say tothe Caprona sacrum a paternal oven didchili bread Anala spicy on a lark oohwith a Colleen 11 anger doom the CaliEllen are lovin this ring yet sherunning it cheaper number you’re thetraitor tomato sauce on that bunny clubred chili Chaucer in the crew had pennyconga red chili toss her in the Derbynom are the water spoon say at the congatomato sauce when they’re in this pondsaid conga red chili sauce Elena nomatter so I’ll save and they were morespoon Ilocos a Tacoma tomato sauce 1/3cup ramenchakra Van de Graaff spoon Aloka checkerset gonna Chuck red panda and then I’mnot a spy sphere-cone unloaded chillibread day Azula model sugar seitan nowand the denim look at them chat or ataste to catacomb chat recipe slalom andthen the lights we too late Gor amor conslower than olive and the tea sugar saycram yo you will love and delight andthey take ooh cogito will call TomNuttall me with the claw houkago toHIPAA number called understand yet wheneatingwhen the de next bread dough and the dayrowspan o’clock 17 de cada a turkeyChinna epic Umatilla he pose similarKukai Jericho don’t break the lawmenthere was panic Allah Allah Allah theOsaka Letcher came he portraiture curvedred pieces a train decide on a la Rosepanic lonin the Murraylie down there in the say-dough Rosepanic conga he Emery elaborate EU numberrose paneer to clock number it Chilepredicated upon immature in them masalaitems when the dim light on in theconsistency curcuma pada on the tail an11 in the bread Divini Teletoon abs orpanic on 17 july cuckoo noon beepernumber Brits a locket pineal ad panic lamangarowspan a bit sad penny clock red sirmana mana Brad I attend I love and theycut paneer with a gong gongin the lava coupies assert the claw hethey marry elaborate some company clawmy piece we suck at money at the chairbread sir in the day number is lad bunnyclock Epona lummox panama – claw hablade nom know that she lived at the readyI did she now loves opening comprendersonal I’m expanding with the conga achilly bread ready i achee serving thelumati claw manga partner named Laurared chili bread ready ihe yep even Dirkpartner Sam er contester the EnglandTrapani partner evening glare keeps theclass in recruiting angle chrome Beauprecomb spices mutton consume and thecompany conga keep sacred upon a motivebut Donna when the Rumba spicy a linearkadhi conscious feed tahoe your comb alArco everyone didn’t solitary neck tripeany path 3 in a common pen again inorder channel 11 do subscribe panicConger sustained background on a per daywould update videos long likova room inorder video em with Britain’s when Ilike burning a sharpening this escapinin offense thank you

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