Bread Recipes

Bread SOS Episode 5: STICKY / TACKY Sourdough Crumb – Bake with Jack

Overfermentation Video Number 116:

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Video Transcription

[Music]oh hey I’m Baker’s jack here at bakeryjacket hours bringing you bread SOSepisode 5 what six today’s question isanother sourdough question it comes infrom Carmen in Singapore hi CarmenCarmen says I’ve washed your 101sourdough bread making demo thestretching and folding method is reallydetailed and useful thank you very muchI’ve tried baking and a half somequestions on my final product the breadfeels very dense and gummy I’m fromSingapore and the temperature here isaround 27 to 30 degrees same question ina different way slightly different wayfrom Eric from Texas who describes hisbread are still a little too moistinside not rubbery but something notsure how to explain itover moistness perhaps I think I knowwhat it is the you mean and some of youout there may have experienced this tooyou might describe it as gummy or tackyor doughy or sticky or damp or overmoist or damp gross one possible reasoncould be as simple as you loaf is underbaked in that case just bake it for alittle bit longer next time and see ifthat works but I feel like the answerhere is different because of thetemperature of your room because of thelanguage you’ve used I feel like itmight have just fermented a little bitlonger than you would have liked it’sfermented past the point of yourparticular taste and the reason I put itthat way is because for some that tackycrumb texture is the holy grail offermentation for some that’sfermentation perfection but if you don’tlike it then that’s completely pointlessisn’t it so let me tell you what happenshere now I did a video in the past onthis / fermentation and it’s number oneone six by the way and this is where Irefer people to normally straightawaypeople got a problem and I think is overfermentation I send you straight to thatvideo but that’s an extreme example ofover fermentation if you’re doing myrecipe and video 101 my standard go-tosourdough bread recipe chances are youare never gonna get that / fermentedunless you did say properly wrong ifermented that dough too much on purposejust so I could show you I had to do itthatbecause it needed to over ferment in awarm place overnight so it’s ready forme in the morning if I woke up in themorning that wasn’t fermented too much Iwouldn’t have been able to bring youthat video that week and so I went alittle bit OTT in order to illustrate mypoint in that video consider that as astir dough to be at the most extreme endof the over fermentation scale meaningthere are many levels of overfermentation along the way before youget there that will cause you problemsof varying severity so let’s jump on theover Thurman tation train and let thefirst stop be stickiness sourdough doughis quite sticky anyway and that’s justthe nature of it but as fermentationover fermentation kicks in things becomestickier even stickier still andsometimes even too sticky at this pointyour dough becomes a little bitdifficult to manage you might have atricky time shaping art but the breadshould be okay it might even have a bitof possibly Pleasant tackiness to thecrumb depending on your personalpreference but that might already be alittle bit too much tackiness for youand that’s okay next on our journeythings start to get fragile the doughbecomes delicate it’s no longer able tohold the gas is producing it will losesome of its elasticity is structure itwill sag as you try and bake it when youtip it out of the basket it will likelyspread seemingly uncontrollably thefinal bread won’t be overly puffy and itwill be really quite sticky and a littlebit vents inside bringing us to the nextstage of fermentation that I like tocall the scrambled egg stage thestructures beginning to break down asthe dough digest itself and as you tipit out of the bowl for your final shapeit will resemble lumpy shiny undercookedscrambled eggsit’s a mousse if you will it has someair inside but no longer has thestrength to be able to hold on to thatand as you try and shape it up thisthere we Leslie see here there’s nostructure to be built it’s just nothappening any evidence of elasticitythat was there has now abandoned you andyou’re left with an unattainable jellymess and if there’s any way that youcould have baked that untamable jellymiss it will probably result in a breadthatreally really dense doughy sticky tackyno bubbles gross and the final stop andthe over fermentation train is exactlywhat you saw in video number one one sixcomplete and utter paste unsavableunsalvageable stinking alcoholic acidicliquid though so Carmen and Eric theproblem I see for you is overfermentation at the earlier part of ourjourney when problems arise but a littlebit more subtle the solution andespecially if you live in somewhere warmis to reduce that overall fermentationtime and what I mean by that is the timebetween when you mix your dough to whenit hits the fridge that time just squashit down a little bit and reduce thatoverall time I’m very conscious ofmaking videos like this because I don’texpect you to diagnose your dough at aparticular point in your sourdoughprocess and deliberate over whether itis an acceptable level of sticky or notI’m not expecting you to stroke yourchinna think yourself is this overfermentation or is just no more levelsof sourdough stickiness and then make awild blind stab and you already dark asto what on earth you should do nextbased on your flappy flustered andfloundering diagnosis I don’t want thatfor you all knowledge and expertise willcome to you naturally with experienceloosely translated as time and practicethat’s how you learn that’s how you failand that’s how you triumphant that’s allpart of the game but I hope this videohas given you a little sneaky peekbackdoor looking to what might be goingin your on in your dough so that you canchange it and do something differentnext time to continue your upwardjourney so the peak of sourdoughgreatness whatever that looks like foryou anyway thank you so much for beinghere I hope this video has helped youout my life has changed quite a lot inthe last few weeks possibly more thansome but I know for sure much less thanothers I’ve lost my way I’m finding myfeet I’m losing my way again I’m back tothe drawing board by hope that whatevershape or form my content comes to you inthere’s still some value there andcontinues to be so listen if you’rehaving bread making problems at homesend them to me at bread SOS at bakewith JackoUK include your name include yourlocation your problem your recipe ifit’s easy for you and keep it short yeahbecause there’s loads I’ll see you nextweek bye bye and there it is thanks somuch for stopping by for your weeklybread making video I hope you enjoyed itdon’t forget you can sign up and get allmy content of the week in your inboxevery single Thursday morning click thelink for your free home bakers bulletinin the comments underneath this videosee you next week

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