Hello Friends…This time I have brought to you a lovely dish, you can cook at home with no extra effort and enjoy equally as in my previous recipe (Chocolate Base). you can find the link for the same down below. It’s going to be different in test. Enjoy your day with it…
#Bread_Roll_HOW_TO_MAKE_BREAD_ROLL_ब्रेड रोल_Bread_Roll_Recipe#03,
Other Videos:-
Chocolate base without egg and oven, How to make cake, चॉकलेट केक#02- https://youtu.be/YemY64s8KqQ
Mango Ice Cream, Ice Cream, How to make Mango Ice Cream#01-
So friends, do something different in this Lock down and learn this style to make shop like Bread Roll. You can subscribe my channel. It will give me a moral support from you and I’ll put extra efforts to make you aware of different different techniques to cook new dishes with different styles.
Thanks for watching.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
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Bread Recipes