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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys welcome to our channel so todaywe’re gonna do bread for beginnersI’m beginners so our ingredients callfor seven cups of sifted flour twotablespoonfuls of oil you can usevegetable oil any type of oil threeteaspoons of salt two tablespoonfuls ofyeast and three cups of water which Ihave here you’re also going to need aquarter stick of butter to cover yourpans and another half of cup of flour inorder to knead the bread and sprinklesome on top so let’s get started andthis is my first time making bread -just so you know right now we have abread war going on on Facebook withDonnie Hartmann and Rayna Nettles youwill see everyone’s bread the result oftheir bread once we’re done cuz I’mgonna take pictures they don’t know thisyet but I’m gonna go to their Facebookand I’m gonna take their pictures fromtheir Facebook and I’m gonna post themat the end so then you guys can do acomparison and please let us know in thecomments who did it best be honestbecause right now we already know one ofthese people have already lost okayfirst things first make sure you washand clean cleanse your hands secondthing we’re going to take the three cupsof water poured in our mixing bowlwe’re gonna take the two tablespoons ofyeast pour it in our water we’re gonnamix this up to activate the yeast andhelp allow it to dissolveokay that looks good and dissolved we’regonna take and pour in our threeteaspoons of salt continue mixing andthen we’re gonna add our twotablespoonfuls of oil continue mixing sothat sounds very dissolved all mixedtogether we’re gonna add in our flourseven cups of flour I sifted the flourbefore I stuck it in the bowl we’regonna mix that in and continue mixingyouokay so now that’s good and mixed we’regonna take and you dump it out of thebowlall right we’re going to knead thisdough for eight minutesall right so we’re done eating whatwe’re gonna do is what we’re gonna donow is get our extra flour our 1/2 a cupthat we had bleeding and we’re gonnasprinkle flour all over the top and someon our board we’re gonna take our doughand flip it over we’re gonna startflattening it outso sprinkle the flour on it we flippedit over and right now we’re going to letit rest for three minutes so while we’reletting it rest I’m gonna cover this upand then I’m gonna clean up my area okayso our bread has rested for threeminutes we’re gonna take a little floursprinkle it on top sheet our bread letit out a little bit and we’re gonna tryto shape it into a bowl another Bowlokay so once you’re happy with this ballwe’re gonna take our bowl which Icleaned we’re gonna put it in your bowlsprinkle a little more flour on top andwe’re gonna let this rest for about anhourokay guys we’re back so we’re gonna takea little flower spread it on thatcutting board we’re gonna check ourdough which looks like it has risenpretty well hopefully it comes up out ofhere pretty nicely[Music]we’re gonna cut this into two pieceshopefully two even pieces will shape itokay two placeswe’re gonna try to bring it into alittle ball to shape it and this gets itto where it holds it together prettynicely as it bakes in the panset that to the side the same thing tothe next onewe’re gonna leave these here for 15minutescut them up just like this and thenwe’ll be back okay guys so our bread hasbeen sitting for 15 minutes so now we’regonna do the final shaping I take thisloafI’m taking fold it overwe’re gonna make sure that the bottom ofthis it’s about the size of our pinionstart to roll from this sidehere sure the bottoms are pinched reallygoodput it in our loaf pan it’s already beenbutteredand we’re gonna do the same for theother sidesorryon the bottom the sides make sure thebottom is pinched really good the steamis gonna bewe’re gonna put it in next breeze panwe’re gonna cover these and let thesesit for an hourokay guys so it’s been an hour let’s seewhat our braid looks like oh good okayboth rows really well in the pan and nowit’s time to go to the ovenand they’re gonna stay in the oven for40 minutes I’m gonna check them proudlyaround maybe around 35 minutes all rightso that’s some bake for 40 minutesand your girls making bread so my breadis not in the oven um 40 minutes on thetimer and we’re just waiting now I’m afree baby see that’s a good wife hemakes bread and everything I’m about tobe up this bitch shining butter Oh Meganice cream making cakes should I ain’tnever done in my timer is going off andwe have bread folks I’m thinking I’mgoing home cancer earlywe have delicious lows the freakin babeokay breathe alright I’m gonna take itout of our pan and set it on there areno ratall right we officially have bread folksokay so this is what the loaves looklike and they both look really deliciousso homemade bread guys we’re about tocut into it see what it tastes likeOh Victor oh babe that felt good nothat’s been helps actually that’s nice[Music]hmm we actually made breatheit smell so goodoh hold on hold on hold on okay sothis is the end result of the breatheair how you feel about debris I think soI will consider a successfirst time out definitely a successthanks Lee see I’m gonna start makingeverything from scratch right now welive bread for beginnersI’m beginners this is bread I did thatand you see him going back to eat moreso that just lets you know mmm deliciousBraemore beginners humus baby thatnumber ain’t got a nice crunch footmmhmm mmhmm that’s a good partand it got good quick too up how’s thatthat dummy is all I have a new questionfor the hill well so you liked it onthat bring it down okay maybe I did agood job[Music][Music]working[Music]maybe make the spin as you want maybe Ilook goodbread for beginners I’m beginners thisis my first loaf of bread that I evermade how was it husbandlet’s your honest opinion oh all righthomemade bread better than regular breadmm-hmm okay okay you can say that allrightokay guys so this video is officially atan end I baked two loaves of bread myfirst very to ever in life loaves ofbread from scratch I’m gonna put Donny’spicture with his facebook at the end I’mgonna put Raina’s also with hers at theend leave us a comment let us know whodid it best me because I won go throughtheir pages friend request them let themknow that I won like share and subscribeleave a comment let us know who did itbest thanks for watching guys I hope youenjoyed the videoyou