just 5 ingredients you will be able to make the most incredible bread!
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hello I’m guys Oakley a chef from the UKand in today’s video I’m going to showyou how I make the most incrediblesimple bread recipe so during these selfisolating quarantine times I’ve beenstuck at home now or safe at home Ishould rephrase that because we all allare safe at home for about 3 to 4 weeksnow and I’ll be making my own bread it’ssomething that I have actually donesince I was about 8 years old when Istarted cooking and throughout myprofessional cooking journey I lovedmaking it it’s very therapeuticmeditative rewarding it tastes so muchbetter than the shop-bought stuff withthat beautiful rustic crust ah it’s thebest I got all this in front of me Ican’t wait to eat itso I’m going to show you how simple itis to make today and you can customizethis recipe too so I’ll talk about thatfurther on in the video but if you’renew to my channel usually I make reallywell produce professional beautifulrecipe videos thanks to my amazing filmfood but unfortunately becauseeveryone’s quarantine quarantine inthey’re not with me here today so I’mactually I’m filming this myself so it’sgonna be quite a laugh not sure how it’sgonna go but I can assure you the breadis turned out bloody amazing so thisrecipe is foolproof you’ll be able to doit I promise you so let’s get straightinto ithere is my incredible bread recipe soguys I can’t really start this recipewithout getting one of my really bad dadjokes out the way first so we’ll go withwhat does the loaf of bread say whenbreaking up with its girlfriend youdeserve bettersorry yeahthese sort of bread jokes they do tendto get a bit stale oh my god I’m sorry Ididn’t have much feet last nightactually I was waiting oh I justcouldn’t wait to get up and make thisbread so anyway first thing you’re gonnaneed to make a really good simple breadloafis some flower now you can use whateverflower you like for this simple recipetoday I’m using a multigrain wholemealtype of flour and often I use strongwhite bread flour and they can all befound at all good supermarkets I’ve gotsix and a half cups in here and that’sgoing to approximately make twodecent-sized lows however I’m just goingto make one big one but the first thingwe need to do is mix together two cupsof lukewarm water with three teaspoonsor 12 grams of fast active dried yeastnow fast active dried yeast can be foundat all good supermarkets and you want tomake sure you that your water is not toohot lukewarm only if the water is toohot is going to kill the yeast and yourbread will not rise the yeast will addgreat flavor to the bread and also workits magic and help make your bread lightfluffy bubbly and it’s the keyingredient in any bread what I like todo is that this stage is add somesweetness either sugar or maple syrupit’s going to add a great flavor to thebread but also it’s going to help feedthat yeast a little bit and justactivate it bring it to life so I’veadded about three tablespoons of maplesyrup so we just need to set this asidefor about five minutes for that yeast toactivate and they’ll get light andbubbly and yeah all the magic willhappenokay so whilst that yeast is activatedin the water I’m gonna add some sea saltto my flour which is going to helpflavor the bread it’s really importantto add sea salt do not okay this is awarning do not add the sea salt to thatyeast and water mixture because thatwill kill the yeast okay so add it tothe flour and mix it through very wellokay so after adding the salt to theflour make a little well in the flourready for you to pour in the yeast andwater mixture now you can do all of thisin a stand mixer and I would usually dothat myself but I just want to show youhow easy it is to actually just do thisin a mixing bowl with little equipmentokay so I really like to add somerichness to my bread and the way I dothat is by adding some extra virginolive oil a good quality olive oil willhelp add a luxurious mess to the breadI’m using all the good words todayanyways I’m going to add it to thethan water mixture mix up and thengradually add that liquid to the breadflour so as you can see the yeast isactivated here I’ve obviously added theoil – but it’s nice and bubbly on topand you know you’re ready to add it tothe flour it’s very important that youadd the liquid gradually because someflowers absorb the liquid differently soif you add it all at once you may findthat you’ve got a really really stickydough so add it gradually and I’ll showyou the perfect consistency that youreally need this is so hard filming onmy own but now I’m gonna get my handsinvolved and start to knead it and bringeverything together so I’ve got thedough to this stage I like to get it outof the bowl and onto my work surface andstart kneading it properly don’t wasteanything get it all out so you want toknead this dough now for about I alwaysdo it for about six to eight minutes orin just till I know it’s ready and I’llshow you when it’s ready you’ll feel itas well you’ll know when it’s had enoughkneading and I tend to just get all myfrustration out on it it doesn’t need tobe too complex kneading just work thedough just be active with it it’s sotherapeutic and the smell is justbeautiful already the yeast is justamazing okay so I’ve been needing forsix to eight minutes my dough is readyto prove I added minimal flour when Iwas needing the more flour you add themore dense and dry and hard the breadthe end result is going to be so addingminimal is vital and the more you kneadit the more it’s going to work thatgluten the protein in the gluten so thatyou don’t need to add any flour anywayso add minimal flour as a top tip nowwhat I’m going to do is lightly oil abowl and I’m going to put this dough incover it over and we’re going to let itrise we’re going to prove it for aboutan hour and a half or until it’s doublein size and the time on that happeningdepends on how warm the area that youleave the bread in is so I like to putmine near the radiator and it tends totake about an hour and a half but whenit’s double in size we’re ready for thenext day[Music]okay so my dough has risen it’s doubledin size it’s such a delight to see thatfrom work if I’m honest it does get me alittle bit excited so now it’s time toactually knock the air out of this andform it into the shape that eventuallyour breads gonna takeso get your loaves tins ready get yourbaking dish ready or in my case I’mgonna use a proven basket okay this hasto be one of my favorite points whenmaking bread turning the dough out afterits first rise it feels absolutelywonderful is so nice it’s just yeah it’sprobably nice so I’m gonna get turningthis out now I’m just going to give it alight need look at that look at thoseadd but what was this amazing so lighttry my best not to add any flour if Ican help it[Music]so it’s time to do my second prove thereason why we do two proves it’s becausewe results in a finer crumb smallerbeautiful springier air pocketsbasically in the bread so I’m using aproving basket and now when you seesourdoughs that often proved in basketslike this and it results in that lovelysort of texture those I don’t know whatyou call it those sort of lines runningaround the bread and it’s from this sowhat you need to do if you use in one ofthese is just heavily flour that so thebread doesn’t stick to it and you canturn it out after that second proof nowit’s time to then why is your dough onefinal time until again it’s doubled insize which usually takes about an hourfor the second proof leave it somewherewarm with a damp towel over the top soas you can see sort of bread is awaiting game it’s all in the timing nowthat your hands on work it’s actuallyvery small it’s just the timing and thetiming is the most important thing Imade a lot of dough there and probablytoo much from my proving basket so I’lljust cut some off and I’m gonna put itin this little bacon tinsel anotherlittle loaf as well so you can splityour dough up into bread rolls hot dogshapes burger rolls multiple loaveswhatever you want okay so just know thatbe flexible with the dough I can’t takemyself seriously with this haircut whenthis pandemic is over I’m getting thishair chopped right off anywaythat second proof will take about anhour or just keep an eye on it untilit’s doubled in size halfway throughthat hour I’ll preheat my oven to about200 degrees Celsius and I want to get itquite nice and warm because that willdivide up a lovely crust on the outsideget some nice color on it and that coloris flavour in bread it’s tough it’severything caramelized and that’s whatgives your bread a beautiful taste andtexture and another little tip that I dois put a hot well I put a trayunderneath at the bottom of the oven andwhen that bread goes in I’ll pour somehot water in and that will create somesteamand the steam just sort of slows thatcrust forming down slightly if the crustforms too soon then your bread hasn’tgot anywhere to rise because that crustis stopping – it doesn’t get as lightand fluffyso adding that steam element slows thecrust forming slightly okay so here wego guysit’s risen up beautifully doubled insize and it’s now time to get it bakedin so I’m actually really happy I havethis little loaf one now as well becausethis just shows you how simple it is youget your dough into your tin or yourbaking dish for the second proof andthis can go straight in the oven likethis no but when you’re proven in abasket like this one you have to turn itout so I’m gonna turn that out now and Ialways get a little bit nervous doing itbut let’s do it it should be fine usinga sharp knife now I’m just going toschool the dough so my large loaf isgoing to go into the oven for about 45minutes I’ll keep an eye on it thoughand a good little test to see if yourbreads cooked because obviously you maynot be doing a similar size or shape tomine a good little test after you thinkit’s done cooking in the oven take itout of the tin give it a tap on the backif it sounds Hollowit’s generally done get it out put on abaking rack or resting rack and just letit cool and your bread will be perfect Ipromise[Music]okay guys so just one quick thing beforeyour bread dough goes in the oven feelfree to customize it so you can putseeds on it you can put nuts on it andalso when you’re actually making thedough itself you can chop driedsun-dried tomatoes and throw those input olives in there put herbs put spiceswhatever you like so this is a simplebasic recipe but feel free to getcreative with it another thing I want tosay is a big thank you to picky wopsrestaurants they’re a restaurant inLondon who make the finest pizzas andthey actually sent me over that breadflour that I use in today’s videobecause I couldn’t go out to get somewe’re trying to stay at home in the UK Ithink everyone is in quarantine is day22 or something like that for me but bythe time this video comes out it’sprobably day 30 but making bread is agreat way to keep what to pass the timeit’s meditative it really is it’s such atherapeutic thing to do so you willenjoy it I’m sure and the final thing Iwant to say is plants only kitchen in mycookbook so I forgot to grab it isavailable to order now so if you clickthe link below this video you can get asigned copy or you can just get aregular version there’s both links belowthe video I’m so so proud of thisunfortunately as I’ve said in previousvideos my promotional tour and thevideos that I was due to film to promotethis book is sadlygone out the window due to the virus butif you can support me this book willreally help you so I hope it reachesmany people to help them and inspirethem and just yeah it’s a great book ofsimple recipes and loads of aprotein-packed and it’s great so time toget that bread out of the oven I am soexcited wait till you hear the crust thecrunch oh my god I can so excitedshe comeslook at that Wow guys she’s actually abeauty look at this that is some finelooking bread and I’ll just show you thethe sound it needs to make so you knowit’s cooked how do you tell a goodReddy’s without tasting itnow this man only great bread son thisway so hey that sound that hollow soundthat means your bread is done in thecenter as well so I’m gonna let thatstand for a little bit then we’ll carveit up I honestly can’t get over thatbeauty look at that look at that and seethese lines this is from that improvingbasket they happen to cast in much ashape as they usually do but that’s justme experimenting with a new flower ohlook at that that’s cuteand we got a cute little roll here lookat that little loaf it’s nice and fluffybecause it’s had sort of steamed in thetin here but then the crust will be hardon top this is gonna have more of acrust going right across which isbeautiful but look at those loansabsolutely stunning okay guys now it’stime for me to carve these babies uplet’s get my camera set up it’s so weirdnot having my crew here here it goes soyou want to always cut your bread with aserrated knife wow there’s a nice cruston this one oh look at that look at thatcrust beautifulWow Wow we look at that I love thisgreen running right the way through itis stunning[Music]guys it’s the all-important time there’stime that I get most excited about thetaste and of course and I made breadhundreds if not thousands of times butit never gets oldthe tasting of something that you’vemade completely from scratchespecially something like bread it’sjust so epic so here it goes[Music]hmm have to say another big thank you topicky wops for sending me thisincredible flower it’s got such flavorcame from Italy the smell it’s got seedsrunning through it it’s stunning butwhatever flower you use make sure to tryan get the best quality flowers you canget and it will result in a tastyamazing bread so thank you so much forwatching don’t forget plants on thekitchen my cookbook can be ordered fromeither link below my video the recipefor this is below the video too andenjoy happy making bread I started alittle challenge on my Instagramactually called bake bake bake your ownbread or break heard oh no but I all Iwant to do is encourage people to maketheir own bread during this time ofquarantine and crazy times that we’regoing through so break your bread tag meat Ivan Garvey again and I’ll see yourpictures this is amazing see you soonmm-hmm perfectly seasoned[Music]