Bread Recipes


BANANA BREAD FROSTED COOKIES. What do you do with a banana bread recipe that’s different than the average banana bread? Turn them into banana bread cookies and frost them with an amazingly delicious frosting. This banana bread frosted cookie is all homemade with easy pantry and refrigerated items along with bananas that you have hanging around.

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hello everyone welcome back toCatherine’s plates I’m Catherine yourhost who’s going to be bringing you adifferent take on banana bread I’m goingto turn these into cookies now not onlycookies but I am going to frost thesewith the most amazing frosting that willpair well with these okay you guys thisis a homemade recipe it’s quick it’ssimple and it’s going to be verydeliciousso get your stand mixer out now if youdon’t have one you can certainly use alarge bowl in this will get it all doneokay well let’s go ahead and get startedokay so the first thing we’re gonna dois cream together our butter you haveright here3/4 cup and you can add 3/4 cup of sugarokay guys to this we’re going to add oneegg y’all it’s all and winnable okay andthen let’s add one teaspoon of vanillaokay I did have to get out a littleeggshell out of there[Music]okay we’re gonna cream this together forabout two minutes[Music]okay we’re gonna take two bananas andthen we’re gonna mash them up we’relooking for about one cup of bananas ohmy gosh they smells so good if you seethe color of them they’re like a lightbrown that’s a good time to be makingsomething with these bananas they smellso good so I’m just gonna take a forkand I’m just gonna mash these up[Music]okayjust going to make sure I have a cup orif I need to add another banana but I’mgonna like do another half of banana andI’ll just have the other half for asnack later[Music]okay perfect right thereI’m gonna go ahead and add this to ourmixing bowl[Music]so that was about three medium bananasI’m gonna mix this together so this isall in one ball recipe okay so we’rejust gonna still add things now I’mgonna be adding two cups of flour justgonna knock it off until I get an evenamount right there okay so I’m usinglike half a cup here that’s why I’mgoing in so many times okay I’m gonnaadd in one teaspoon of baking sodanow that was half a teaspoon so I puttwo of those in there and then we’regonna put in quarter teaspoon of saltwe’re gonna mix this all together untilit’s well incorporated now the dough isgoing to be kind of a thick dough and alittle bit sticky[Music]so I’m preheating my oven to 350 degreesI’ve lined a cookie sheet here with someparchment paper or you can just lightlyspray it if you would like or if youhave a still pad you can use that nowI’ve got a one and a half inch cookiescoop here and some cooking spray andI’m just gonna lightly spray the insideof it here and that’s what’s gonna helpme get the dough out and onto my cookiesheets here so I’m going to go into mybowl just scrape along the edge here andthen pop it right out there you go againscrape along the edge therebeautiful cookies pop it out just likethat now leave some space in between[Music]okay I’m ready to place these in my oventhat’s been preheated at 350 degrees forabout eight to nine minutes I’m lookingfor the edges of these cookies to benice and golden brown okay guys so assoon as these come out of the oven youwant to go ahead and place the cookiesonto a cooling rack okay so I want toshow you the cookie look at the edges ofthat cookie nice and plump cookie thebackside of that cookie look at how goldand that is oh my gosh okay we’re gonnago ahead now let these cookies cool andthen what we’re gonna do is make thefrosting for them okay we’re gonna startmaking the frosting and I’m going to beusing half a cup of softened butter andI’m gonna put in six tablespoons ofbrown sugar that’s what’s gonna give itthat delicious flavor[Music]now what I’m going to do is blend thisall togetherwith my hand mixer here until we get anice smooth consistency[Music]I’m going to add four tablespoons ofmilk one more there go[Music]okay we’re going to start incorporatingsome powdered sugar probably up to threecups[Music]it made 35 cookies using it theone-and-a-half cookie scoop so just keepthat in mind when you make these okayI’ve got my frosting here I’ve got liketo put some cookies on let’s startfrosting[Music]oh okay you guys are you mashing up yourbananas right now mm-hmm you saw howeasy these work put together oh my goshI can’t wait I can’t wait to try thesefor you okay you’re looking forsomething anything to do with thosebananas besides just your everydayordinary banana bread cookies with somedelicious frosting just got brown shirtaround I guess you haven’t seen my dogthis morning while I’m making thesecookies cuz she doesn’t like banana shedoes not like banana how funny is thatlook at those look at those amazingdelicious cookies let’s go in for a biteokay look the way in I want to be ableto tell you about consistency of thecookieokay that is delicious it tastes likebanana bread no I imagine if you want toput some nuts in there because you knowbut an bread does have nuts in there youcan certainly do that also add some nutsto it oh my gosh okay so the consistencyis cake like it’s very soft and pinky onthe inside very moist and delicious thatfrosting you guys that brown sugar inthere oh you know it’s not the holidaysyet but let me tell you whatit certainly smelled like it in here itsmells so good I’m gonna move over herefor a second so I can give you someoptions right here for more cookie ideasy’all I have a playlist full of cookiesand also playlist full of desserts alsogo check them out I’ll link them down mydescription box also thumbs up you’renew to my channel hit that subscribebutton and that bill notification so youknow that my shows are posted okay guysI will see you on the next episode

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