Experiment time! I previously tested higher temperatures to find the perfect baking temperature for your sourdough bread. Now I am testing the low range. How low can you go?
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#sourdoughbread #highhydration #bakingtemperature
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
experiment time some of you suggested tome that you get better oven spring andbaking at lower temperatures so todaywe’re going to see how low you can golimbo lower now hi I’m soon and I’m afood geek a while back I did anexperiment where a big three Saddlebredsat three different temperatures 300degrees Celsius that’s 572 degreesFahrenheit 260 degrees Celsius that’s500 degrees Fahrenheit and 203 degreesCelsius that’s 450 degrees Fahrenheit ifyou didn’t see that video I’ve linked itin the card above the TLDR of that videowas that the top temperature was just towarm the bottom was totally scorched butboth of the other temperatures madewonderful bread he couldn’t really tellthem apart so in the comments quite afew of you suggested that you can getbetter oven spring at lower temperaturesalso other people were asking why didn’tyou go lower because my oven can’t gothat high so I thought let’s do it thetemperatures that I picked today are asfollows 230 degrees Celsius 450 degreesFahrenheit which will be the control aswe know how that bakes the next one downis 210 C 410 F then 190 C 374 F and then170 C 338 F pardon the weirdtemperatures for you people whoseFahrenheit but my oven is based inCelsius and I can only pick multiples of10 also I will not vary the temperatureafter I uncover the bread because whatif you only have an oven that goes tothat temperature and you want to knowhow that saddl bread beats if you’re newto this channel I big a lot of sourdoughbread and I make delicious food from allover the world my goal is to show youhow to get the most out of everyingredient and I want to teach you howto do that in simple and understandablesteps so join me by subscribing andringing the bell so you won’t miss anyfuture videos if you noticed in the lastcouple ofexperiments up the number of breathsfrom three to four so that we have moredata points I hope you appreciate that Iwill be begging for loaves at 700 gramseach 80% bread flour and 20% darker ryeflour that comes in a very coarse firmsor run it through my mock mill to makeit finer the hydration is 80% and thesalt content is 2.4 percent and it justmakes my bread so tasty the inoculationis 20% which usually makes the entirebulk fermentation take around 5 hourswhen I use my proofer after thestretching folds I will be shaping eachBrad as a batard and baking them fromlow to high temperature so I don’t haveto wait for the oven to cool off inbetween the breads which will take along time because my baking steels letscience the hell out of this bread ifyou’d like to support this channelplease buy some merch or you can use thelinks in the description for tools andingredients or consider becoming apatreon which I’m linking in the cardabove thank youthose were the words this is theexperiment the formula for the bread islinked in the card above and in thedescription first I mix everythingtogether until I have a shaggy mess[Music]I’ll leave it to get to know each othercovered for about an hour then the bulkfermentation starts I plan to do threesets of stretching folds the first setof stretching folks[Music][Applause][Music]the second set of stretching folds[Music]the third set of stretching folds[Music]then I do a windowpane test to see ifthe gluten is coming along and it is[Music]I have my dough to a see-through bulkingcontainer so I can monitor the growth Iput it in my prefer us at 230 degreesCelsius about 86 degrees Fahrenheit whenthe dough has grown 25% I perceived tothe pre shapingI let the dough rest uncovered on thecounter for about 20 minutes then Iproceeded by shaping each bread into apetard[Music][Music]then I put them all in the fridge toretard for about eight hours when theeight hours are upI preheat my oven to a hundred andseventy C 338 F when the oven is readyI grab my dough from the fridge and dustthe bottom of the loaf with rice flourto make it slide off my peel easily thenI flip the bread onto the peel I dust itwith some more rice flour for mysignature look[Music]and then I score the dough and put itinto the oven[Music]and here’s how it looks when it comesout it must be a Scandinavian Brad aspale as that is pretty flat – then Iheat my oven to a hundred and ninetydegrees C 374 F then I grab the nextbread and get that ready dust it[Music]score it fake it[Music]here’s how that looks a little morecaramelization now then the next bread Iturn my oven up to 210 C for 10 F flipitdust it score it bake it here it comesthat’s looking pretty nice time to bakethe control I turn my oven up to 230 C450 F get my bread ready and I bake it[Music]here it comesWow that’s a stunner let’s cut thesebrats in half and see what wonders theybehold as you can see it’s very flat andvery pale the crumb doesn’t look bad butit suffers a bit from being so flat thisone is a bit better both higher andbrowner nice-looking crumb this one’slooking pretty goodnot bad spring and more how I like mybreads great crumb actually I kind oflike this lacy look for my breads andthe last the controls great color andgreat spring this one is a bit more openbut yeah Jam doesn’t fall through atleast if you plug the holes with butterokay this is super interesting considerthe results of this experiment to beoven spring in high hydration bread ifyou were to lower the hydration to the60 to 70% range you’d probably be ableto get less flat there’s no doubt thatthe best oven spring was in the breathbaked at 230 C 450 F you can actuallysee them get higher and higher as thetemperature goes up there was apronounced difference in caramelizationgoing from the from very light at thelowest temperature to deeply caramelizedat the highest temperature thecrispiness was also on a scale fromalmost non-existent at the lowesttemperature to super crunchy at thehighest temperature if you hold the twoexperiments together it seems like thebest range for oven spring andcaramelization is 230 C to 260 see 450 Fto 500 F at least for high hydrationlet me know in the comments if you feelthere’s still something to be uncoveredwhen it comes to baking temperature Ihope you learned something today see younext time[Music]you