Baked bread pudding- Easy & tasty
An easy and delicious pudding , made with bread & dry fruits. This is a basic recipe. you can make variations as you wish. you can use white sugar/ fresh friuts etc. You can make it with more number of bread slices, but increase the quantity of milk & sugar, or else, bread pieces will not be soaked fully and you will see white areas inside the pudding. serve hot or chilled. Both tastes good
Ingredients: ( 1 cup=250ml)
Bread slices 8
Milk 1 cup
Cream 1 cup
Unsalted butter 2 tbsp
Eggs 2
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
Tutu frutti
Method :
Into a thick bottom saucepan, add milk, cream, sugar, butter and cook till butter & sugar melts, pour beaten egg with vanilla, slowly, stir continuously in low flame for 1 minute, switch off the flame. Grease an oven proof glass dish with butter , add bread pieces , nuts, dates, tutti frutti . spread it evenly. Add custard over the bread . All bread pieces should be soaked well in custard. Keep it for 10 minutes. Meantime preheat oven to 175 degree C. Bake pudding for 35-40 minutes , till skewer comes out clean. Serve hot or chilled in fridge.
Original of the video here
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