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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
looks like my face in sixth grade smellsso good[Music]hello everyone what is that welcome backto my channel I just wanted to say thankyou to everyone that has subscribed itreally does mean a lot to me you toremember not to talk so fast basicallytoday’s video I’m gonna be doingdrumroll making ramen so yeah obviouslyeveryone their mother has been makingbanana bread during this quarantine Ijust want to hop on that trend so herewe are making banana bread so this is anart video this isn’t me Thai dying dyingbleaching clothes or doing anything artrelated it’s cooking I guess cooking iskind of an art anyway it’s just a changeof pace little bit so I feel like I’vebeen doing a lot of crafting videos andI’m gonna do some food video in videotoday but don’t worry crafting videosare coming up I actually have orderedsome stuff I’m going to be doing theseiron-on patches and then also bleachdyeing some sweatshirts and the most funone I think is going to be embroidery sostick around we’ll see those hit thesubscribe button okay so I’m moving onto the actual video now it’s time tomake banana bread[Music]so I’m not so in the knows how to makebird from scratch unfortunately maybeone day that’s a skill I can pick up andlearn but today we’re gonna be usingPillsbury quick bread obviously thisisn’t sponsored because I’m not famousbut I’m gonna be using this today allrightslightly different camera angle it’sprobably better exciting to be on thiscounter so step one put your hair backout of your face step two get theingredients out I’m gonna need ameasuring cup I’m guessing a bowl twoeggs and some oil and waterbull bull chai I decided to go with thisone because it’s pretty and has flowerson it I also get a pan to the red needto call my momhey what type of pan should I use tomake this banana bread it’s like glassyeahFaceTime you so is this one okay yeahokay yeah I got a 94 on that all rightlove you I heard it here first this panis gonna work just just dandy we are sostep 1 wash your hands people because[Music]get out Korona next step put the mix inthe bowl I love banana bread I cannotwait for this next step 1 cup of waterh2o a polar molecule I’m gonna pour thatin there 1/3 a cup of oil perfectI’m gonna pour that in there there’sreally no way that this can go wrong youknow2 eggs I’m gonna try to crack down withone hand I’m shook WowI did good never done that before I knowall rightwrong too okay next next step is to mixthis biatchI love whisks they’re so fun I’ll take avideo on my phone so you guys can seewhat’s happening over here it looks kindof like a kid threw up so yeah that’swhat it looks like and the bowl won’tstop turning okayyou saw it smells so good holy crapit’s kind of hard alright now here’swhere it gets kind of crazy everyonehopefully that’s enough we shall seelet’s mix it in and see how like okay gofollow my food count if you don’talready because this is where I’m that’swhere I’m going to right now in order topost my pre-heat the ovenI’m gonna take this butter and greasethe pan you know I gotta stop sayingdown because what if you guys don’t knowwhat I find your own membersembarrassing myself let’s be honestthough I’m posting these videos sothat’s pretty much that’s embarrassingthis looks like my face and sixth-gradegreasy okay I think we’re properlygrease now I’m gonna clean up nowsomething mom was a hate melooks so good guys[Music]I want to eat it but it’s got raw eggsin it so it’s a bad ideaboohoo sexy she’s so sexy holyI did make a little bit of a messy messnow just gonna wipe it up and like alittle bit on the edges here look atonce we really really aestheticallypleasing guysthere she is ladies and gents once thebread is done cooking I’m gonna take itout slice it up and we’re gonna try iteveryone we are back this is my gorgeousbread I’m excited to try this on camerawith you guys also later on thisafternoon I’m gonna be having my mom anddad and my boyfriendI’ll try the bread and see how I did Imean it’s really hard to go wrong withthis box bread so we get my plate uh-huhmakes sense though I really want to endpiece like that it’s so hotWow diamond also I already said this butI’m following my food to count at lines’plates link in the description but myslice looks like just coming on here’skinda chunk honestly other thanpresentation does pretty tasty I wouldgive this bread 6 out of 10 and thatmight seem hello but like I had suchgood bread my bread connoisseur I’ve hadsuch good bread in my life that likeit’s pretty good and I think that itwould be like a seven and a half out often except for it like didn’t come outslice and that’s probably user me is theuser error we’ll see what my parents andboyfriend think what do you think of thebanana breadall right higher than mine mom okay dadso you just saw what they rated thebread you guys want to try this at homego for it it takes pretty good if you’rebored and Quarantine jumpTran just like I did I hope you guysenjoy this video don’t forget to give ita thumbs up hit the subscribe button itreally really really does mean a lot tome because I’ve always wanted to makeyoutube videos I’m now I’m finally doingit so every time someone subscribeswhether I know them or I don’t know themit just makes me so happy so yeah seeyou guys in my next videoand peace[Music]