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#baking #bread #bananabread #bake #bakewithme #withme #quarantine #stayhome #runeiemisto
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome on this video would yougo already and today we’re to be makinga banana breadlet’s go ahead and get some ingredientsare flour sugar baking soda salt milkbutter eggs vanilla extract all rightbananas and you can add chocolate chipsif you like before we get started I needto get changes if something a little bitmore appropriate fast much better itwill be it started we need to preheatour oven to 350 degrees and grease yourpan these is a Harrowso if you don’t have really soft butterlike mine they’re going to want you meltit over a nice cup or your microwave addyour 1 cup of sugar into your 8tablespoons butter so I may or may notbow to your old my cutter got iteverywhere now you’re going to add yourtwo eggs into your butter sugar mixturenow you need to add your teaspoon ofvanilla extract and your 1/4 cup of milkinto your butter and sugar mixturelittle hack here you can actually justuse them later because it is HSN nowyou’re gonna add your bananas to a 7Bowl the recipe calls for 3 but I onlyhave 2 now I just have to mash thesebananas the bananas are mashed and looklike baby vomitbig babies Hamas’s I still need 2 cupsof all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon ofsalt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda soyou’re just gonna pour in a tiny bit ofthe butter sugar stir on 3rd and thenonce you finish that you add one thirdof the video stir and then keep on goingback and forth[Music]now I’m just gonna be adding mychocolate chips and the banana bread myshirt now I’m going to be pouring mybatter into the pan five minutesnever light your banana bread sit forten minutesand then you have yourself a deliciousbanana bread anyways I hope you guysenjoyed this video if you did give it abig thumbs up make sure to hit thesubscribe button and the notificationBell ding ling Ming comment down belowif you make this recipe and tell me ifyou liked it or notanyways I hope you have a wonderfulgreat day good and bye[Music]