دوستان عزیز این ویدیو برای کسانی است که وقت بیشتر ندارند هر روز نان پخته کنند. در این ویدیو شما میتوانید طرز پختن و نگهداری نان خانگی را برای بیشتر از یک هفته بیاموزید.
This is homemade Naan bread. It is really healthy and soft. You can see all the steps how to cook and keep it.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Salaam to Stacy’s embrace mom if I’m -no no honey Giada hi everyone today Itry to cook naan bread never tarnish onme Tim cannot stop a second in which tobe started after the reckoning I willshow you how you can cook and keep itmore than two week my all-purposefloored another Kristina are they alldied Nana’s our grief team come in Mayanemac what up new your story of a sofamika-nee well come on more the Bahamaslook meaning we need to add water andmix them really well oh boy ITA comeagain tell Basha water need to be alittle bit warmerhi mama water hope not loot making weneed to mix them really well turn thepower head backfeeding talk hook commit horrible battlefor jerkilywe need couple minute until we makereally nice – chimera after meeting myfamily who by stalker as this the morekesariya Tasha’s hammer Jed Hashanah weneed to call a good to win or do canseparate from her hand and part which wemake that door it’s not Malu Mishachimera moist I stir but are a collegestudent honest hope Molly mission whichlook like or does almost donelet’s look soft and nice having I’m surewho won so formally Mishalet me feel hope model Misha canrecollect if I add me can I think it’senough but I’m not elastic is Irish meone except esta serie such a me push onhim we need to cover top of it a chanceout by opponent aha meet parathayou need to keep them couple hours atthe site until Ordo come up but thebrezza famille duper uber mission YUMAmira’s maluma say Cressida that Stoweis ready to cook as read look reallygoodhi min or Islamic name we need to makethem a small balls and decide is up toyou and McDowell at home I would sure meshake a checker there Paul of anonymouswell I’m wash make me buckle Lebanon weneed to put the door on the three mymother cos madam I’ll Satya murtis atthe door another parameter that I didthose bad pine said Oh mr. pine Borgia Ineed to keep them at the middle row andI put the oven heat at 525 Fahrenheit -the film a beautiful Marla Mishano Nora boy at the airport it decayssuck the stagnant or dr. Nash likeassassination we need to keep them andsay the piece of fabric and toethey became soft they take their timebaddest gender Kununurra boss nicknameafter a couple minute we need to openthem and cut them no not a cut nicknamebanda zk more Mia story Mamma Mia I amNOT Arab and Jose cut kunam amber andJose Akuma Paulo sticker I let I like tocut mine on breath same sizes theziplock which is I have really no nohope mono mission to naan bread looksreally good my host random doctor ifyour sonís got the 100 Madhava havesought to kill my spirit of the air tomake me believe is your mission we needto put marijuana me Tony Kenosha Johncreamno no modality ah-ha Dorisno nomads Assad cabela’s fries arehorrid soft in two hours before I makeout of the fridge my nan bread cosmicmoving in on with your nervous a formalMisha you see my nan bread rope reallysoft and nice thank you so much for yourwatching