Pancakes Recipes

How to make Cinnamon Pancakes

Cook delicious cinnamon pancakes for pancake day. Easy recipe and fun pancake ideas.
I used 200g Self Raising Flour, 1 Tbs Sugar, 1 Teaspoon Baking powder, 1 Heaped Teaspoon Cinnamon, Pinch of Salt, 1 Egg, 350ml Milk

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Music: Carefree – Kevin MacLeod (
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today I’m gonna show you how to makesome delicious cinnamon pancakeswe’re gonna use 200 grams ofself-raising flour 1 tablespoon of sugara teaspoon of baking powder a heapedteaspoon of ground cinnamon 1 egg and350 milliliters of milk I tipped to theflour into this large drug along withthe sugar baking powder cinnamon and Iadded a pinch of salt give that a quickmix together then crack in one egg thenslowly add the milk and keep whisking ituntil it’s all blended together into anice consistency like this I’m cookingthem on this pancake pan on a mediumheat when you see bubbles starting torise flip it over you could use aspatula if you like then once it’scooked all the way through it’s ready toservebefore I’d started cooking I mixed somesugar and a bit of ground cinnamon whichI’m using to sprinkle over the pancakesif you like you could also add somesyrup when we cut into them you can seethe cinnamon has really color to thepancake and it gives it a lovely flavorfor the next one I’m gonna try addingthis milk chocolate ice cream sauce notto the finished cooked pancake but intothe batter so I poured some more butterinto the pan then added on a swirl ofthe chopped la source hurt after about aminute the sauce started melting andrunning off the batter[Music]shortly after her I flipped over thepancake to cook the other side and youcan see more of the chocolate meltingand oozing out I turned it back over andabsorbed the melted chocolate into thepancake then I served it up it doesn’tlook too great but the chocolate saucereally has flavored the pancake givingit a sticky coating and it tastes great[Music]if you’ve got any batter left over youcan store it in a sauce bottle in thefridge to use at a later date next I’mgonna try out this pancake flippinggadget which I did test a couple ofyears ago the idea is it should cook 7mini pancakes at a time it sits in thepan but as these handles fold over theedge it lifts itself off the pace whichmeans they’ll leak so I’m turning it tothis way around to balance it on the panhandle and I’m using another pan to propthe other handle up to to keep it flat Iturned on the gas and filled up all theseven holesthe danger is lifting the flippinggadget before it’s cooked enough whichmeans it’ll run out to the bottom once Istarted seeing bubbles rise I flipped itover and that seemed to work really wellonce I cook the other side I triedpushing the pancakes out but they didn’twant to come easily so I had to reallypush them they stuck into the molds andit was a bit messy[Music]but there we go we do have seven minipancakes they may look a bit messy butthey taste greatI decided to try it one more time butthis time I likely oiled each one of themolds I poured in the mixture andallowed it to cook but not quite forlong enough and this time when I liftedit you can see one of the pancakesleaked out to the bottom so I left itfor another minute and tried flipping itagain this time most of them worked abit better and some were just a mess youcan see the marks from the mold and tobe honest apart from the one that leakedit did work out okay there’s our sevenmini pancakes I’m sprinkling on thecinnamon sugar and some syrup and theydo taste great[Music]pretty cool huh I hope you’ve enjoyedwatching this video if you want you cansee some of my other pancake videos tooby clicking on the links to stay safehave fun and as always thanks forwatching[Music]

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