Flaky Quiche Pie Crust
1 large egg
2 + 1/2 tablespoons ice water
1 + 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
10 tablespoons unsalted butter, sliced into small cubes
In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the egg and ice water. Set the bowl aside
In the bowl of a food processor, add the flour and salt. Pulse briefly until mixed. Add in the the cubed butter pieces and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Add in the egg/ice-water mixture. Pulse again until a dough forms.
Transfer the dough onto a lightly-floured board. Roll out the quiche crust so that it fits the measurements of your quiche pan or dish. Lay the rolled out dough onto the top of the quiche pan. Using your hands, gently press the dough into place. With a paring knife, slice off any extra dough that’s hanging over the rim of the pan or dish.
Stick the quiche pan with the dough into the freezer for approximately 20-25 minutes (but if you leave it in there a bit longer, that’s fine too). For a flaky quiche crust it’s important that the crust is cold when it’s filled and cooked.
Your cold quiche crust is ready to be filled and baked!
Turkey and
Cheese Quiche
1 refrigerated pie crust
6 large eggs
3/4 cup milk or cream
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup cooked turkey chopped
1 1/2 cups shredded cheese divided
3 tablespoons green onions
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Unroll pie crust and press into a 9″ pie plate, crimping the top edges if desired.
In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, salt and pepper.
Sprinkle ham, 1 cup of cheese, and green onions into the pie crust and pour the egg mixture over top. Sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup cheese on top of egg mixture.
Bake for 35-40 minutes until the center is completely set. Let cool for 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone I am kamila welcome to ourlive painting session from the photostudio at city centre and today we aregoing to be meeting Kichler in my styleokay so I’m just going to give you acouple minutes to login and then we’regoing to stop Hey now the sketch thatI’m making today is so simple and it’sso easy to do we break in your crust soand this is my way that I’m going to doit with very little ingredientsokay so for those who just plugged in Iam Camilla and we alive I took all thestudio city center reddit and we aregoing to be making a quiche Lorrainetoday in my way and we are going tostart now the first thing we’re going tostart with is our pastry and pastry it’svery important so you need all youringredients to be really cold so I’mgoing to tell you what I’m using for mypastry and it’s so simple I am usingunsalted butternow this butter is cut into tiny littlecubes you can even goes smaller on itbut you want it to be very very cold I’musing all-purpose flour 1 egg and againegg should be coldokay you don’t want any room-temperatureingredients in your own pastry and a bitof salt I’m going to be using my countryfood processor now you can do this byhand but what do we fight have anycognition you that’s really easy to useso we take it off and we’re going tostart with first off love so my groundgoes in and this is the place Madisontakes it one if you don’t know this is[Music]I’m using just a teaspoon of salt I’mgoing to split this just a little justlike my brotherokay so we’re going on the postman herenext you want to add your butter butter[Music]now you cannot work at once oh you canjust add a bit by bit I’m just beautifulagain and again we’re going on the postremember it’s important we’re not goingto go in the mix we’re going to go inthe post and we’re going to bring thisinto my little crock just[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]now adding miles now I’m using one eggand in the rest the recipes being postedyou will see two and a half tablespoonsof cold water now the water should bereally cold you can put bits of ice inItalian Super Bowl however do not areall in at the same time depending on thetemperature a blue temperature you maynot leave water at all so depending onthe type of flour you’ll be using youmay not need all the waterso what I do is my eggs I add in if Ithink I need extra liquid then I startadding my water 1 teaspoon at a time[Music]we’re going to this it comes togetherdon’t overmix you do because then youend up with top pastry nobody likes toppastryI want you to see my dough now for thosewho just joined in what we’re bakingtoday is we’re going to do a quicheLorraine with a flaky pastry my way onetesting right there see not sticky nowmy room is a little bit hot so I amgoing to work my pastry now what I cando if your mom is hot you can take yourpastry put it in a piece of cling wrapand chill it for at least 15 minutes inthe fridge but what I’m going to do isI’m going to show you how to quickly ohthis one out and put it into the pan nowso some of us don’t have a foodprocessor what you can do is you canthese two boards or you can use a pastryblender and just blend it into the flouruntil you get that small piece on if youdon’t have a pastry blender and youdon’t have a book just use two knivesokay so I’m going to sprinkle some flourjust to prevent it from sticking ontothe tableOh[Music][Music][Music]and we don’t have all that time what didI put it in the bitch thing okay so myface tree here so try not to play withyour pastry too muchI have all-purpose flour egg salt and[Music]now you can make this into a bakingpastry by adding if you want to make ita sweet pastry I’ll get a sugar to it oryou can also add a bit of Troy curves toit it’s really nice when you do oversome little cover is out and you’regoing to roll this out about what if aninch thick now but what happens is thatsome people don’t wear the militantprocessreally thick crust I tend to like anin-between crust now to see how I canjust turn it around without having to beadding more and more flour to it andwhat I would do is I would pop this inthe fridge just before I put it now ifyour kitchen is nice and cold and yourdog means cold feel free you can put itinto your pan all at once and I love touse this room and this is our one of ournicest rolling pins it’s all fallHollywood brand the wind is so nice andif you it fits perfect in your handsnow if you look at my pastry here youcan see see I’ve got a little bit Ithink I’m a little bit thick so I’mgonna go just a little bit moreit also do is you can measure now thisis my first articles pan that I’m usingnow all these things that I’m using isavailable at how to boiler shop at thecity center where the crime branchokay you can also get out our otherbranches but we are here right now inthe city center now if you notice thistime it makes it super easy to you toremove your each without breaking itbecause I like that I’m using making aflaky pastryokay so if you’re not sure how much do Iknow about measure we just need a coupleinches more than the size of good thingso I’m gonna pop this in the fridge justa minute – it’s just chill it I’m gonnatalk with you a bit somebody on a trayjust a littleokay okay guys so those who just joinedin we are making additional ring todayat the flaky pastry no need for prepaidin your crust and now what I’m going todo why my dough is chilling and I’mgoing to talk about the ingredients thatyou can use in your pastries so what I’musing today is just really simpleingredients I’m using turkey for my fishokay you can bacon you can change themeat if you want it but I’m using smokedturkey because I like smoked meats usingsome shallots I tend to use this red onebecause it has a lot of flavor to itwe’re using food choice I’m using heavycream or cooking cream now if you wantto go a little bit healthier feel freeto use milk regular milk low-fat milkfor partner but I’m using cooking creamhere because I find it brings out thetaste better education and I’m alsogoing to be adding a bit of nutmeg to myquiche okay so I have nothing and I’mgoing to use a little bit of smoked saltit’s a smoked garlic salt now you canchange your flavors out of it thetypical quiche Lorraine is made withbacon and cheese and maybe some showersbut you don’t have to speak with atypical one you can makewe’re also using eggs now former cheeseI have a blend of cheddar cheese yet andalso been blend of smoked cheese you canuse grated cheese you can use any cheesethat you want but these flavors are niceand sharpso I like the taste that it has but youcan change it no why don’t you tell youagain so I’m gonna be using a differentdish to show you because when you putyour pastry in here you want to chill itdown you want to make it as cold aspossible and the reason for that isbecause we are not free baking this okayI’m going to show you one that I didbefore and we’re gonna fill this by thetime I do that I’m gonna come back andshow you how I do this thingnow this is the pastry I did earliertoday I’m using perforated pans thisgives you perfect crust so if you have apad like this this is up from our masterour master class collection and it’savailable at our chocolate shop as wellat City Center ready so I’m using thisone because it gives me perfect crust onthe outside and if you notice I can playwith it a bit because it’s frozen okayso I have my frozen shot here and I’mgoing to start mixing the mixture thatI’m going to put into here okayso first we’re gonna start with 6 eggsand I’m using large eggs now I don’twant to show all my eggs into one I liketo break them separately and the reasonfor that is if you have a bad day youdon’t spoil the whole lotalso if you get shells in the registerthem easy to just pick out if it’s fromone egg you can use sometimes people askme to use brown eggs to use white egg itdoesn’t matter it’s your practice seeany tuning this one that’s what happenswhen you’re doing two ordersand[Music]and my kids are told I just took themout just before we started a slide sohere I have my six days now I’m going toadd to this my creamHey so as I said before I’m usingcooking creamand you can use any cooking thing thebrown is all up to you and I’m gonna puta bit of black pepper assorted now thismixture is already mixed now you have tobe careful when you’re adding salt toyour talks because sometimes that meansthat you use are already sorted so ifyou use too much salt in it because youalready have salt in your pastry and ifyou are to install to this again it’sgoing to become too much soI think my pepper is really strong I’mgonna give this a quick little whisknow if you have a Bar Mitzvah go bequick give it up so quickly okay now youwant to make sure that your mixture isreally mixed in nicely you don’t wantyour eggs not mixed around at the PDbecause then what happens is you willhave comes of only space in between niceso this is my liquid mixture that’sgoing into my top now this step is we’regonna add the shallots in now littletrick if you want to bring out theflavor in this you can saute it with alittle bit of butter before adding it tothis don’t sort it until it’s too softjust little just and enhance the flavorsokay this one and again you can add asmuch as you want or as little as youwantI left out a lotokay now we’re gonna add our meats inand this again this is my small turkeyand I’m usingjust a little bit more you can’t gowrong with a little bit more taking Kingthat should be fine and we’re gonna addjust a bit of these chives choppedchives because the choice a very lightthey’re going to come up for your equityso make sure you get all over enough inone spot and now what we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna add some cheeseso you add some cheese twice so again Ihave a mixture of smoked cheese andcheddar sharp cheddar so putting onelayer cheese firstnow there’s no exact measurement whenyou’re making quiche your pastry yes youneed an exact measurement put youringredients feel free to change it upyou can add a bit clean fibrous studentsyou can add a bit of chili flakes spicya little bit of sriracha and not whatI’m going to do as I’m gonna fill thisjust not all the way just a little bitjust below the edgeso I am preparing a key story with aflaky pastry crustbut you do not have to bake before so ifyou can’t seem on top you will notice Idid not fill it all the way to the topokayand when I’m going to do now I’m goingto sprinkle just a bit more cheese tothe top of my tart and you see childRosalie I love cheeseI think that’s about now so I’m gonnapop this in the oven at 185 degreesCelsius for roughly around 35 to 45minutes depending on the size of eachthat you’re making so make sure youpre-heat your oven firstso I’m gonna give this about 35 to 45minuteswho just until the top is slightly brownand it’s almost set in the center youdon’t want it to be really hard at thecenter okay just have a little jiggle inthe center of it before we finish whatwe were supposed to do is mind tightpants so I’m gonna show you now after mytalk max let’s just clean up hereand again I’m using the factory Japanwith the removable base and this is theone I believe a nine inch maybe not a 10inch so this is my base I’m going togive my just my spring now the spray isa Fiesta nonstick spray and this alsohas a bit of flour so it’s really goodto use in your cake pans now this has alot of water it’s really not necessaryto spray it but I just want to be on thesafe side make sure you shake don’tspread close spread a little distanceokay that’s about ittake it off easy committed itself andthe different ways you can do this one Ilike to just put my top ten of thosegently place itnow little trick to when you’re puttingyour face cream do not pull your pastryyou want to gently lift and push it downokay in that way your page we will notshrink when it okayso lift and we push it down again andbecause you have using a pan that has acritic side you want to gently press itinto the sidesso guys this pan and I’m using all theequipment are using it’s available atour to boil a shop if you come to theshop here at City Center money just askany of the staff and they’ll tell youwhat I used in the street okayso here is my table now you’re probablywondering how do I remove the excessshould I take a knife remove it show youa trick easy way make sure to press thenicely take your rolling pin just gentlypull the top I’m using a nine inch sothis part of my table looks a little bitthicker now remember making applicationdon’t want to put too thin on this crustand you we have online chat on one morething before you put it to chill we needto use a four do you make someinvitations inside of it and this is sothat when it’s baking it doesn’tand we can’t share this you can freezeit you can’t remake your crustkeep them in the freezer when you’reready bring them out even five minutesfill them a baby no need to pre breakthis crust and I’m gonna pop this one inthe foodokay guys so I’m gonna do a quick littlerecap of what we did we made a quicheNoreen with plain – hi flaky pastriesand I’m going to show you the finishedproduct of what we did today so sorrythe disappearing so sorrynow remember we use an apartment abovebottom that’s removable so you don’twant to just take your hands and push itout you want to put it onto some plateand then just breathe okay here you haveyour history and if you look at thesides of it you can see how flaky in itand how nice and brown is no pre-bakingokay so guys I do hope you enjoyed ourlife session today please come to ourshop at the boulder studio at citycentre motive and we’re going to bestarting classes soon so I hope to seeyou againany questions any anything you want tofind out please messages DMS and we willbe so happy to help[Music]