Today, I made tomato pie.
1-2 pie crusts (depends on size)
4-5 tomatoes
10 basil leaves
3 stalks green onions
1 cup mozzarella
1 cup cheddar
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp garlic
1-2 tsp salt
Pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake pie crusts for 10 minutes so pie won’t get soggy. Once done, turn oven down to 350 degrees.
Slice tomatoes and place on paper towels. Sprinkle a little salt on them.
Chop basil and green onion and mix in bowl. Set to side.
Mix mozzarella, cheddar, mayonnaise, garlic, and pepper. Set to side.
Layer tomatoes and basil/green onion mixture in pie crusts. Top with cheese mixture.
Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Broil for 2 minutes on low.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hey everybody it starts for the weekthat’s goodall right through June Anna made it toJune level six of Jumanji so right herelet’s hope it’s not more pins well let’sget me Martha man demmick stuff bro camethrough this things are happeninghopefully good comes out and if progresscomes out of everything that’s what wewant ultimately right so let’s openeveryone just stay safe say stay healthyall that fun fun stuff uh but anywaysince it is June and it’s getting warmerand it’s also just so many recipes I’mgoing to want to make before I’m makingthings that we don’t want to eat and Iwould like to go back to kind of eithera big batch or crock pot and things likethat I’m gonna go from six videos a weekto four videos a week now um my thoughtsyour my viewers my love yours will stillbe a breakfast item every week still adessert item every week something that’syou know either in the crock-pot orsomething you make a big batch of in theoven to eat off I like a casserole orthings like that and then just anotherrecipe that doesn’t have to be any ofthose but might overlap just kind ofdepends what I’m feeling like just a funtoss up for the week but that’s actuallywe’re starting with this week is gonnabe a tomato pie very good I have eatenthe veneers never actually made thembefore so this should be fun lots ofdifferent recipes out there lots ofdifferent things to do but ultimatelysimilar kind of base obviously Tomatoeswill be involved but the first thing iswe’ve got the oven preheating up to 375and we’re gonna bake our pie crust for10 minutes in there I just not make myown pie crustI bought the frozen kind that you justput in the oven it’s making everythingelse that goes in it that’s fine all yougonna doand it’s readyso we’re just gonna bake that for 10minutes then for the next step move ourbasil out of the way for a little bit soyou’ve got five lengths no flick thestems right on out of them all rightthen we’re gonna slice model up we’reactually going to drain the excess andjuice off of them so show youjust because I didn’t know it’s notgonna taste really good still gonna dothat we want to drain the excess juiceto avoid it being super moist so we’regonna set them all on baking tins likekind of paint them dry and let them stayon here so they’re all done until it’sready to assemble this is where they’regonna stay so they get it as Dee sagafide that’s not a word but I’m gonna useit as they can to do that and I’m kindof kind of bury my sicknesssome of them will leave a little thickersome of them like this one we’re gonnacut a little thinner till I catch themoh that there’s really no tip on I thinkthing I’ve looked up and and thinkingabout all the ones I have they alwaysseemed like there is kind of a varianceto so we did with the squash casseroleyou’ve got the thinner on the thickerit’s usually a safe way to kind of do ita good medley a good max and I willcheck back in when we’re done withtomato all right I shut the tomatoes nowwe have basil[Music]doodads that good flavorI’m gonna put that on a bowl then we’regonna mix it up with the green onionsthat we’re about to chop get it all upour fingers that’s niceokayour pie crust is almost done cuz we’rejust wanted that bacon for ten minutesso that the would not get soggy and weput all this in there it’s got plentythat could say we’ve kind of nicelypadded our leaves really dry before wechop them up or drying the tomatoes orgiving that pie crust and firmness atthe bottom it will still get a littlesoggy this way it’s not too soggy as badas the goal bear $8.00I kept these on there can’t be doing twothings at onceit’s actually gonna be doing the oven at350 because that’s what we wanted outfour-point bake it I’m just kind of turnthe oven down all right they get rid ofsome of this stuff it’s gone just alittle bit past its prime- too much that’s some of it always goodto check your bid you like these so thatwe’re we’re cutting up it’s still goodready there we go that in therealright guys I actually forgot to tellyou one thing we did with tomatoes afterthey Glade got em all laid out was Isprinkled some salt on top of them alittle sprinkle it helps kind of drawthe moisture out a little seasoning nottoo much not more than I think like therecommendation that I read was like oneand a half teaspoons total yes you justkind of lightly shake lightly shakelightly shake that’s all heymy whoo allrightwe have a cup of mozzarella a cup ofsharp cheddar I didn’t feel like usingto too many dishes what I could do inboth in this one least set to gogot that mixing those up before we addon a few other things even blend of thecheese’s that’s just some pepper totastetake it easy alright we’re gonna do[Music][Music]all right and then the recipe calls fortwo but some of the comments are insideto kind of start about half that stir itup and then add as needed so got up tothat measured and then we don’t need itallI’m just gonna put it back in themayonnaise jar might just do anotherlittle dab good can obviously add allthe Mannings right away if you want youknow you want super super creamy justdidn’t feel like you need a little bitcuz I can get pretty heavy pretty fastcalorie and then just looking at wherewe landed what we use we used half a cupof mayonnaise instead I know didn’t seemlike a significant difference but it canhelp everything came all right I’m gonnamake sure the tomatoes are good guyswe’re just kinda symbol I think I mightwind up having to split this tree withthe pie crust now that I’m looking at itthey’re delish yeah this is definitelygonna be like a two five so maybe thatwould have been the one thing aboutmaking you we’re gonna play across – shecould definitely dare in the deep winebut we live and learn no you live andlearnwe get to have two piesI’m seeing the problem take these tospread some of thisokay thank you sprinklereal thing is not sure there’s anythingto your way to do this I’m just kind ofpretty flatrightokayall right got that on thereevery case I find it better with themmaybe I’ll do it on the next onemaybe the version you guys get it therewe go nicely spread out covered alrightlooks greatlooks so good the oven is preheating sowe’re gonna bake this for 30 minutesthere’s this little show 20 marks andget the other one set up cuz don’t wegonna have to all righttheir second one see almost us bothprobably should have had two or threemore slices of tomatoes and this onethan that one but otherwise all right[Music]your goal is just spreading it justevenly distributed as you can get itmight have gone with might have had morein the other one there on this one butwe have more cheese and everything somight just grab a little bit more andsprinkle on top we see how we smooth itlike that there we go I think I’m justgonna get just a little more cheeseotherwise we’re in good shape just do alittle bit more each cheese about ateaspoon the Mayo a little bit littlepepper just to have enough just to kindof spread to the edgesthat’s what I did I have a heavy coatthe other one so not super shocking thatwe had to do this to this one I fullyrealized kind of separated everythingmaybe into two bowls for it to make surebut we live alone and it smells so goodall rightall right second ones still cooking butthe first one is donelook how’s our chef oh it smells so good- all right everybody bone Appetit